Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
vnl_sparse_matrix_pair< T >::less
vnl_index_sort< TValue, TIndex >::sort_index_compare_functor< T, I >Implementation class - Do Not Use
vnl_amoebaNelder-Meade downhill simplex
vnl_bignumInfinite precision integers
vnl_brentBrent 1D minimizer (deprecated)
vnl_brent_minimizerBrent 1D minimizer
vnl_c_na_vector< T >Vnl_c_na_vector interfaces to NA-aware lowlevel memory-block operations
vnl_c_vector< T >Vnl_c_vector interfaces to lowlevel memory-block operations
vnl_choleskyDecomposition of symmetric matrix
vnl_complex_eigensystemCalculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square complex matrix
vnl_complex_traits< double >
vnl_complex_traits< float >
vnl_complex_traits< long double >
vnl_complex_traits< vcl_complex< double > >
vnl_complex_traits< vcl_complex< float > >
vnl_complex_traits< vcl_complex< long double > >
vnl_complex_traits< vcl_complex< vnl_bignum > >
vnl_complex_traits< vcl_complex< vnl_rational > >
vnl_complex_traits< vnl_bignum >
vnl_complex_traits< vnl_rational >
vnl_conjugate_gradientReal function minimization
vnl_cost_functionAn object that represents a function from R^n -> R
vnl_cpoly_rootsFind all the roots of a univariate polynomial with complex coefficients
vnl_cross_product_matrixCalculates the 3x3 skew symmetric cross product matrix from a vector
vnl_crs_indexRepresents the configuration of a sparse matrix but not the data
vnl_diag_matrix< T >Stores a diagonal matrix as a single vector
vnl_diag_matrix_fixed< T, N >Stores a diagonal matrix as a single vector
vnl_fastopsCollection of C-style matrix functions for the most time-critical applications
vnl_fft_1d< T >In-place 1D fast Fourier transform
vnl_fft_2d< T >In-place 2D fast Fourier transform
vnl_fft_base< D, T >Base class for in-place ND fast Fourier transform
vnl_fft_prime_factors< T >Holds prime factor information
vnl_file_matrix< T >Class to load a matrix from a file
vnl_file_vector< T >Templated class to load a vector from a file
vnl_finite_int< N >Finite modulo-N arithmetic
vnl_finite_int_poly< N, M >Finite modulo-N arithmetic with polynomials of degree < M
vnl_fortran_copy< T >Convert row-stored matrix to column-stored
vnl_fortran_copy_fixed< T, R, C >Convert row-stored matrix to column-stored
vnl_gaussian_kernel_1dHolds one half of a discretely sampled 1D gaussian distribution
vnl_generalized_eigensystemSolves the generalized eigenproblem Ax=Bx
vnl_hungarian_algorithm< T >Find the best column to row assignment given a cost matrix
vnl_identity< T >
vnl_index_sort< TValue, TIndex >
vnl_int_matrixSpecializes vnl_matrix for integers, adding a vnl_matrix<double> ctor
vnl_io_nonlinear_minimizerBase for objects which provide IO
vnl_lbfgsLimited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shannon minimization
vnl_lbfgsbLimited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shannon minimization with constraints
vnl_ldl_choleskyUpdateable Cholesky decomposition: A=LDL'
vnl_least_squares_cost_functionAn adaptor that converts a vnl_least_squares_function to a vnl_cost_function
vnl_least_squares_functionAbstract base for minimising functions
vnl_levenberg_marquardtLevenberg Marquardt nonlinear least squares
vnl_linear_systemAbstraction for a linear system of equations
vnl_lsqrLinear least squares
vnl_mathReal numerical constants
vnl_matlab_filewriteCode to perform MATLAB binary file operations
vnl_matlab_print_proxy< T >
vnl_matopsA collection of vnl_matrix operations, provided as static methods
vnl_matrix< T >An ordinary mathematical matrix
vnl_matrix_fixed_ref< T, num_rows, num_cols >
vnl_matrix_fixed_ref_const< T, num_rows, num_cols >Fixed size stack-stored vnl_matrix
VNL_MATRIX_FIXED_VCL60_WORKAROUND< T, num_rows, num_cols >Fixed size, stack-stored, space-efficient matrix
vnl_matrix_inverse< T >Calculates inverse of a matrix (wrapper around vnl_svd<double>)
vnl_matrix_ref< T >Vnl_matrix reference to user-supplied storage
vnl_nonlinear_minimizerVnl_nonlinear_minimizer is a base class for nonlinear optimization
vnl_numeric_traits< bool >
vnl_numeric_traits< bool const >
vnl_numeric_traits< char >
vnl_numeric_traits< char const >
vnl_numeric_traits< double >
vnl_numeric_traits< double const >
vnl_numeric_traits< float >
vnl_numeric_traits< float const >
vnl_numeric_traits< int >
vnl_numeric_traits< int const >
vnl_numeric_traits< long >
vnl_numeric_traits< long const >
vnl_numeric_traits< long double >
vnl_numeric_traits< long double const >
vnl_numeric_traits< short >
vnl_numeric_traits< short const >
vnl_numeric_traits< signed char >
vnl_numeric_traits< signed char const >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned char >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned char const >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned int >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned int const >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned long >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned long const >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned short >
vnl_numeric_traits< unsigned short const >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< double > >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< double > const >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< float > >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< float > const >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< long double > >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< long double > const >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< vnl_rational > >
vnl_numeric_traits< vcl_complex< vnl_rational > const >
vnl_numeric_traits< vnl_bignum >
vnl_numeric_traits< vnl_decnum >
vnl_numeric_traits< vnl_rational >
vnl_numeric_traits< vnl_rational const >
vnl_polynomial< T >Evaluation of polynomials
vnl_powellThe ever-popular Powell minimizer
vnl_qr< T >Extract the Q*R decomposition of matrix M
vnl_quaternion< T >4-element vector that represents rotation in 3D
vnl_randomA superior random number generator
vnl_rationalHigh-precision rational numbers
vnl_real_eigensystemExtract eigensystem of asymmetric matrix M, using the EISPACK routine
vnl_real_npolynomialReal polynomial in N variables
vnl_real_polynomialEvaluation of real polynomials at real and complex points
vnl_rnpoly_solveSolves for roots of system of real polynomials
vnl_rnpoly_solve_cmplxThis is a local implementation of a minimal "complex number" class, for internal use only
vnl_rpoly_rootsFind the roots of a real polynomial
vnl_scalar_join_iterator< T >Database join on matrix columns
vnl_scalar_join_iterator_indexed_pair< T >Helper class to hold the sorted arrays of indices
vnl_scatter_3x3< T >
vnl_sparse_lmSparse Levenberg Marquardt nonlinear least squares
vnl_sparse_lst_sqr_functionAbstract base for sparse least squares functions
vnl_sparse_luLinear system solver for Mx = b using LU decomposition of a sparse matrix
vnl_sparse_matrix< T >Simple sparse matrix
vnl_sparse_matrix_linear_system< T >Vnl_sparse_matrix -> vnl_linear_system adaptor
vnl_sparse_matrix_pair< T >Stores elements of sparse matrix
vnl_sparse_symmetric_eigensystemFind the eigenvalues of a sparse symmetric matrix
vnl_sse< T >Bog standard (no sse) implementation for non sse enabled hardware and any type which doesn't have a template specialisation
vnl_svd< T >Holds the singular value decomposition of a vnl_matrix
vnl_svd_economy< real_t >
vnl_svd_fixed< T, R, C >Holds the singular value decomposition of a vnl_matrix_fixed
vnl_sym_matrix< T >Stores a symmetric matrix as just the diagonal and lower triangular part
vnl_symmetric_eigensystem< T >Computes and stores the eigensystem decomposition of a symmetric matrix
vnl_transposeEfficient matrix transpose
vnl_unary_function< Return, Argument >Abstract 1D map between two types (read spaces)
vnl_vector< T >Mathematical vector class, templated by type of element
vnl_vector_fixed< T, n >Fixed length stack-stored, space-efficient vector
vnl_vector_fixed_ref< T, n >
vnl_vector_fixed_ref_const< T, n >
vnl_vector_ref< T >Vnl_vector using user-supplied storage