Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
vpdl_mixture< T, n >::componentA struct to hold the component distributions and weights
vpdt_mixture_of< dist_t >::componentA struct to hold the component distributions and weights
vpdt_mean_accessor< dist_type >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_covar_accessor< dist_type >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_norm_const_accessor< dist_type >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_dimension_accessor< dist_type >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_num_components_accessor< mixture_type, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_weight_accessor< mixture_type, Disambiguate >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_weight_accessor< mixture_type, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_type, accessor_type, Disambiguate >::rebind< other_dist, other_accessor >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_type, accessor_type, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >::rebind< other_dist, other_accessor >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_type, vpdt_weight_accessor< typename mixture_type::component_type >, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >::rebind< other_dist, other_accessor >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdt_num_components_accessor< mixture_type, Disambiguate >::rebind< other_dist >Rebind this functor to another distribution type
vpdl_mixture< T, n >::sort_adaptor< comp_type_ >This adaptor allows users to define ordering functors on the components without accessing the components directly
vpdt_mixture_of< dist_t >::sort_adaptor< comp_type_ >This adaptor allows users to define ordering functors on the components without accessing the components directly
vpdl_mixture< T, n >::sort_weightThis functor is used by default for sorting with STL
vpdt_mixture_of< dist_t >::sort_weightThis functor is used by default for sorting with STL
vpdl_distribution< T, n >The base class for all probability distributions
vpdl_gaussian< T, n >A Gaussian with variance independent in each dimension
vpdl_gaussian_base< T, n >The abstract base class for Gaussian distributions
vpdl_gaussian_indep< T, n >A Gaussian with variance independent in each dimension
vpdl_gaussian_sphere< T, n >A Gaussian with (hyper-)spherical covariance
vpdl_kernel_base< T, n >A base class for kernel (aka Parzen window) distributions
vpdl_kernel_fbw_base< T, n >A base class for fixed bandwidth kernel distributions
vpdl_kernel_gaussian_sfbw< T, n >A fixed bandwidth spherical Gaussian kernel distribution
vpdl_kernel_vbw_base< T, n >A base class for variable bandwidth kernel distributions
vpdl_mixture< T, n >A mixture of distributions
vpdl_mixture_of< dist_t >A mixture of a fixed type of distributions
vpdl_multi_cmp_dist< T, n >The base class for all multiple component probability distributions
vpdt_covar_accessor< dist_type >An accessor to return the covariance of the distribution
vpdt_dimension_accessor< dist_type >An accessor to return the variable dimension of the distribution
vpdt_disable_if< Cond, T >
vpdt_disable_if_c< B, T >
vpdt_disable_if_c< true, T >
vpdt_dist_traits< dist >The distribution traits class
vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix< T, n >A symmetric matrix represented in eigenvalue decomposition
vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix< T, 1 >A symmetric matrix represented in eigenvalue decomposition
vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix_gen< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_scalar >Generate the vpdt_eigen_sys_matrix type from a field type
vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix_gen< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Generate the vpdt_eigen_sys_matrix type from a field type
vpdt_enable_if< Cond, T >
vpdt_enable_if_c< B, T >
vpdt_enable_if_c< false, T >
vpdt_field_default< T, n >Generate the default field type for scalar type T and dimension n
vpdt_field_default< T, 0 >Generate the default field type for scalar type T and dimension n
vpdt_field_default< T, 1 >Generate the default field type for scalar type T and dimension n
vpdt_field_traits< T >The field traits class (scalar)
vpdt_field_traits< vnl_vector< T > >The field traits class (vnl_vector)
vpdt_field_traits< vnl_vector_fixed< T, n > >The field traits class (vnl_vector_fixed)
vpdt_gaussian< F, Covar, Metric >A Gaussian with variance independent in each dimension
vpdt_gaussian_integrator< F, F, vpdt_norm_metric< F, F >, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_scalar >Integrate over a Gaussian distribution
vpdt_gaussian_integrator< F, F, vpdt_norm_metric< F, F >, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Integrate over a Gaussian distribution
vpdt_gaussian_integrator< F, typename vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix_gen< F >::type, vpdt_norm_metric< F, typename vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix_gen< F >::type >, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Integrate over a Gaussian distribution
vpdt_gaussian_integrator< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::scalar_type, vpdt_norm_metric< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::scalar_type >, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Integrate over a Gaussian distribution
vpdt_gaussian_mthresh_detector< gaussian_type >A simple Mahalanobis distance detector for a Gaussian
vpdt_is_equal< T, T >Helper class to check that two types are equal
vpdt_is_mixture< dist >
vpdt_is_mixture< vpdt_mixture_of< dist > >
vpdt_mean_accessor< dist_type >An accessor to return the mean of the distribution
vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_type, accessor_type, Disambiguate >A functor to apply another functor to the component with given index
vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_type, accessor_type, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >A functor to apply another functor to the component with given index
vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_type, vpdt_weight_accessor< typename mixture_type::component_type >, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >A specialization to make the weight accessor work as a mixture accessor
vpdt_mixture_all_detector< mixture_type, detector_type >Apply a detector to each component to see if ALL match
vpdt_mixture_any_detector< mixture_type, detector_type >Apply a detector to each component to see if ANY match
vpdt_mixture_of< dist_t >A mixture of a fixed type of distributions
vpdt_mixture_top_weight_detector< mixture_type, detector_type >Apply a detector to each component in order while the total weight is below a threshold
vpdt_mog_fitness< gaussian_type, Disambiguate >The Stauffer-Grimson ordering function of mixture component fitness
vpdt_mog_fitness< gaussian_type, typename vpdt_is_equal< typename vpdt_dist_traits< gaussian_type >::scalar_type, typename gaussian_type::covar_type >::type >The Stauffer-Grimson ordering function of mixture component fitness
vpdt_mog_lee_updater< mog_type >A mixture of Gaussians adaptive updater based on D
vpdt_mog_lm_updater< mog_type >A mixture of Gaussians adaptive updater base on Leotta-Mundy
vpdt_mog_sg_updater< mog_type >A mixture of Gaussians adaptive updater based on Stauffer-Grimson
vpdt_mog_updater< mog_type >A mixture of Gaussians updater
vpdt_norm_const_accessor< dist_type >An accessor to return the normalization constant of the distribution
vpdt_norm_metric< F, typename vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix_gen< F >::type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >A metric in field F with vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix covariance
vpdt_norm_metric< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::scalar_type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_scalar >A metric in field F with scalar variance
vpdt_norm_metric< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::scalar_type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >A metric in field F with scalar (scaled identity matrix) covariance
vpdt_norm_metric< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::vector_type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >A metric in field F with vector (diagonal matrix) covariance
vpdt_num_components_accessor< mixture_type, Disambiguate >A functor to return the number of components in a mixture
vpdt_num_components_accessor< mixture_type, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >A functor to return the number of components in a mixture
vpdt_num_obs< dist_t >Attach a "number of observations" variable to any distribution
vpdt_update_covariance< F, Covar, Disambiguate >Specialized classes to update covariance of different types
vpdt_update_covariance< F, typename vpdt_eigen_sym_matrix_gen< F >::type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Specialized classes to update covariance of different types
vpdt_update_covariance< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::scalar_type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_scalar >Specialized classes to update covariance of different types
vpdt_update_covariance< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::scalar_type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Specialized classes to update covariance of different types
vpdt_update_covariance< F, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::vector_type, typename vpdt_field_traits< F >::type_is_vector >Specialized classes to update covariance of different types
vpdt_weight_accessor< mixture_type, Disambiguate >A functor to return the weight of the component with given index
vpdt_weight_accessor< mixture_type, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_type > >::type >A functor to return the weight of the component with given index