core/vpgl/vpgl_utm.h File Reference

A rip-off of the IUE utm_geodedic and geodetic_utm transform classes which allows the GeoPt to support a constructor in UTM coordinates. More...

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class  vpgl_utm

Detailed Description

A rip-off of the IUE utm_geodedic and geodetic_utm transform classes which allows the GeoPt to support a constructor in UTM coordinates.

The constructor defaults to WGS-84, but there are accessors to set the major and minor axes of other spheroids, e.g. nad-27.

The latitude and longitude values are expressed in degrees, with negative values representing South and West respectively. The UTM zone is 1 between 180 degrees and 174 degrees West longitude and increases by one every six degrees from West to East. The UTM zone ranges from 10 on the West Coast of the US to 19 on the East Coast. If the latitude is negative, i.e., below the equator, then the south_flag should be set to true. I am not sure what the utm_central_meridian variable is for, maybe for the polar caps.

Adapted by: J. L. Mundy

May 8, 1999

Definition in file vpgl_utm.h.