Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
pdf1d_builderBase for classes to build pdf1d_pdf objects
pdf1d_compare_to_pdfBase for classes with test whether data could come from a given pdf
pdf1d_compare_to_pdf_bhatTest if data from a given distribution using Bhattacharyya overlap
pdf1d_epanech_kernel_pdfUnivariate Epanechnikov kernel PDF $k(x)=0.75(1-0.2x^2)/ {5}$
pdf1d_epanech_kernel_pdf_builderBuild Epanechnikov kernel pdf objects
pdf1d_epanech_kernel_pdf_samplerGenerates random samples from an Epanechnikov kernel estimate
pdf1d_exponentialClass for exponential distributions
pdf1d_exponential_builderClass to build pdf1d_exponential objects
pdf1d_exponential_samplerSamples from Univariate exponential distributions
pdf1d_flatClass for univariate flat distributions: p(x)=1/(hi-lo) in [lo,hi]
pdf1d_flat_builderClass to build pdf1d_flat objects. Sets to non-zero over range of data
pdf1d_flat_samplerSamples from Univariate flat distributions
pdf1d_gaussianClass for univariate gaussian
pdf1d_gaussian_builderClass to build pdf1d_gaussian objects
pdf1d_gaussian_kernel_pdfClass for univariate gaussian kernel based PDF
pdf1d_gaussian_kernel_pdf_builderBuild gaussian kernel pdf objects
pdf1d_gaussian_kernel_pdf_samplerGenerates random samples from a gaussian kernel estimate
pdf1d_gaussian_samplerSamples from Univariate Gaussian
pdf1d_kernel_pdfClass for univariate kernel based PDFs
pdf1d_kernel_pdf_builderBuild kernel pdf objects
pdf1d_mixtureRepresents a mixture model (a set of individual pdfs + weights)
pdf1d_mixture_builderUses the EM algorithm to build pdf1d_mixture objects
pdf1d_mixture_samplerInstance class for pdf1d_mixture
pdf1d_pdfBase class for Univariate Probability Density Function classes
pdf1d_samplerBase class for Univariate Random Sampler classes
pdf1d_weighted_epanech_kernel_pdfUnivariate Epanechnikov kernel PDF $k(x)=0.75(1-0.2x^2)/{2}$
pdf1d_weighted_epanech_kernel_samplerGenerates random samples from an Epanechnikov kernel estimate
pdf1d_weighted_kernel_pdfClass for univariate kernel based PDFs