contrib/mul/mbl/mbl_rbf_network.cxx File Reference

A class to perform some of the functions of a Radial Basis Function Network. More...

#include "mbl_rbf_network.h"
#include <vcl_cstdlib.h>
#include <vcl_cassert.h>
#include <vsl/vsl_indent.h>
#include <mbl/mbl_stats_1d.h>
#include <vnl/algo/vnl_svd.h>
#include <mbl/mbl_matxvec.h>
#include <vnl/io/vnl_io_vector.h>
#include <vsl/vsl_vector_io.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


void vsl_b_write (vsl_b_ostream &bfs, const mbl_rbf_network &b)
 Binary file stream output operator for class reference.
void vsl_b_read (vsl_b_istream &bfs, mbl_rbf_network &b)
 Binary file stream input operator for class reference.
vcl_ostream & operator<< (vcl_ostream &os, const mbl_rbf_network &b)
 Stream output operator for class reference.

Detailed Description

A class to perform some of the functions of a Radial Basis Function Network.

Tim Cootes

Given a set of n training vectors, x_i (i=0..n-1), a set of internal weights are computed. Given a new vector, x, a vector of weights, w, are computed such that if x = x_i then w(i+1) = 1, w(j !=i+1) = 0 The sum of the weights should always be unity. If x is not equal to any training vector, the vector of weights varies smoothly. This is useful for interpolation purposes. It can also be used to define non-linear transformations between vector spaces. If Y is a matrix of n columns, each corresponding to a vector in a new space which corresponds to one of the original training vectors x_i, then a vector x can be mapped to Yw in the new space. (Note: y-space does not have to have the same dimension as x space). This class is equivalent to the basis of thin-plate spline warping.

I'm not sure if this is exactly an RBF network in the original definition. I'll check one day.

Definition in file mbl_rbf_network.cxx.

Function Documentation

vcl_ostream& operator<< ( vcl_ostream &  os,
const mbl_rbf_network b 

Stream output operator for class reference.

Definition at line 279 of file mbl_rbf_network.cxx.

void vsl_b_read ( vsl_b_istream bfs,
mbl_rbf_network b 

Binary file stream input operator for class reference.

Definition at line 270 of file mbl_rbf_network.cxx.

void vsl_b_write ( vsl_b_ostream bfs,
const mbl_rbf_network b 

Binary file stream output operator for class reference.

Definition at line 261 of file mbl_rbf_network.cxx.