Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
mbl_stepwise_regression_helpers::lsfit_this_basisDo the regression fitting for a given basis instance
mbl_ar_process< T >Compute the parameters of a second order autoregressive process
mbl_chordHorizontal line used in images, with integer co-ordinates
mbl_chord_3dHorizontal line used in 3D images, with integer co-ordinates
mbl_clamped_plate_spline_2dConstruct clamped plate spline to map 2D points in unit disk
mbl_cloneable_nzptr< BaseClass >Cunning non-zero pointer for objects that can be cloned
mbl_cloneable_ptr< BaseClass >Cunning pointer for objects that can be cloned
mbl_cloneables_factory< BASE >A general factory pattern
mbl_cluster_tree< T, D >Record trees of clusters of data, for fast neighbour finding
mbl_clusters< T, D >Class to record clusters of data, for faster neighbour finding
mbl_correspond_pointsShapiro & Brady's point correspondence algorithm
mbl_data_array_ptr_wrapper< T >A wrapper to provide access to objects through C-arrays of pointers
mbl_data_array_wrapper< T >A wrapper to provide access to C-arrays of objects
mbl_data_collector< T >Templated base class for objects which collect sets of data
mbl_data_collector_baseNon-templated base class for mbl_data_collector<T>
mbl_data_collector_list< T >Collect data and store them in a list
mbl_data_wrapper< T >Base class for objects which can return a set of objects, one at a time
mbl_data_wrapper_mixer< T >Concatenate together data in two or more mbl_data_wrapper objects
mbl_dyn_progClass to solve simple dynamic programming problems
mbl_eps_writerClass to generate simple EPS files containing images and lines
mbl_exception_abortGeneral purpose - a replacement for vcl_abort
mbl_exception_inconsistent_external_dataData from two sources or files was inconsistent
mbl_exception_missing_propertyIndicates that an expected property label was missing
mbl_exception_no_name_in_factoryIndicates that mbl_cloneables_factory has not heard of value name
mbl_exception_os_errorIndicates a problem reported during an OS call
mbl_exception_parse_block_parse_errorIndicates a problem whilst parsing a block of text configuration data
mbl_exception_parse_errorIndicates a problem whilst parsing text configuration data
mbl_exception_parse_file_errorIndicates a problem whilst parsing a file
mbl_exception_read_props_parse_errorIndicates a problem whilst parsing text configuration data into an mbl_read_props object
mbl_exception_unused_propsIndicates that mbl_exception_look_for_unused_props found some unused properties
mbl_file_data_collector< T >Collect data objects and store them in a file
mbl_file_data_wrapper< T >Base class for objects which can return a set of objects, one at a time
mbl_histogramSimple object to build histogram from supplied data
mbl_index_sort_cmp< T, INDEX, CONT, CMP >A comparator for general index sorting
mbl_index_sort_cmp1< T >Implementation class - Do No Use
mbl_index_sort_cmp2< T >Implementation class - Do No Use
mbl_ldaClass to perform linear discriminant analysis
mbl_log_categoriesThis class handles category lists
mbl_log_null_streambufA null streambuf ignores all input
mbl_log_output_baseBase class for destinations of a logging event
mbl_log_output_fileOutputs log messages to a named file
mbl_log_output_streamOutputs log messages to an existing stream (e.g. vcl_cerr)
mbl_log_streambufAllows stream-like syntax on logger
mbl_loggerMain user logging class - represents a category
mbl_logger_rootSingleton, keeps records of logging state
mbl_lru_cache< I, V >Least recently used cache
mbl_maskDefines a binary mask
mbl_priority_bounded_queue< T, C, O >A bounded priority queue
mbl_progressAn API for reporting progress
mbl_progress_callbackReports a single progress fraction to a C callback function
mbl_progress_cancel_exceptionAn exception that can be thrown by an operation when cancelled
mbl_progress_compositeA composite of progress objects
mbl_progress_hierarchyAPI for reporting a single progress fraction from multiple hierarchical sources
mbl_progress_nullProgress object that does nothing
mbl_progress_textProgress object that outputs simple text reporting on progress
mbl_progress_timeProgress class that outputs elapsed time reporting on progress
mbl_random_n_from_mClass to generate arrays of n integers chosen without replacement from [0,m-1]
mbl_rbf_networkA class to perform some of the functions of a Radial Basis Function Network
mbl_read_multi_props_typeThe type of the property dictionary
mbl_read_props_typeThe type of the property dictionary
mbl_rvm_regression_builderObject to train Relevance Vector Machines for regression
mbl_sample_stats_1dProvides simple statistics on a 1D variable and stores the samples
mbl_screen_counterPrints items to the screen to represent events
mbl_select_n_from_mA class which returns an N element subset of the integers [0..M-1]
mbl_selected_data_wrapper< T >A subset of an existing mbl_data_wrapper
mbl_stats_1dSimple statistics on a 1D variable
mbl_stats_ndSimple statistics (mean, variance) on vectors
mbl_stepwise_regressionPerform the stepwise regression algorithm to determine which subset of variables appear to be significant predictors
mbl_stl_pred_binary_index_adapter< T, Pred >Adapt a predicate over a vector to the operation specified on an index into that vector
mbl_stl_pred_index_adapter< T, Pred >Adapt a predicate over a vector to the operation specified on an index into that vector
mbl_stl_pred_index_adapter_n< T, Pred >
mbl_stl_pred_is_a< T >
mbl_stl_pred_iter_deref_order< Iter >
mbl_stl_pred_pair_iter_key_order< PairIter >
mbl_stl_pred_pair_iter_value_order< PairIter >
mbl_stl_pred_pair_key_order< Pair >
mbl_stl_pred_pair_order< T1, T2 >
mbl_stl_pred_pair_value_order< Pair >
mbl_stl_pred_str_containsReturn true if a string contains a substring
mbl_stochastic_data_collector< T >Collects vectors, but only stores a subsample of them
mbl_sum_1dComputes running sum of 1D variable, so mean accessible
mbl_tableContainer for tabulated data suitable for reading/writing to delimited text files
mbl_thin_plate_spline_2dConstruct thin plate spline to map 2D to 2D
mbl_thin_plate_spline_3dConstruct thin plate spline to map 3D to 3D
mbl_thin_plate_spline_weights_3dConstruct thin plate spline to map 3D to 3D
mbl_vector_distance< T >Functor object to compute distance between two vectors
mbl_wt_histogramSimple object to build histogram from supplied data, with weights