Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions
brip_vil1_float_ops Class Reference

#include <brip_vil1_float_ops.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~brip_vil1_float_ops ()

Static Public Member Functions

static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
convolve (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vbl_array_2d< float > const &kernel)
 convolves with the specified kernel.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
gaussian (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, float sigma)
 convolves with a Gaussian kernel.
static void non_maximum_suppression (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, const int n, const float thresh, vcl_vector< float > &x_pos, vcl_vector< float > &y_pos, vcl_vector< float > &value)
 non-maximum suppression on a NxN neighborhood, with sub-pixel location.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
half_resolution (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, float filter_coef=0.359375)
 downsamples the input using the Bert-Adelson algorithm.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > 
half_resolution (vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > const &input, float filter_coef=0.359375)
 downsamples the color input image using the Bert-Adelson algorithm.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
difference (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image_1, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image_2)
 subtracts image_1 from image_2.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
abs_clip_to_level (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image, const float thresh, const float level=0.0)
 sets absolute values greater than thresh to specified level.
static void gradient_3x3 (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &grad_x, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &grad_y)
 The gradient using a 3x3 kernel.
static void hessian_3x3 (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &Ixx, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &Ixy, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &Iyy)
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
beaudet (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &Ixx, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &Ixy, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &Iyy)
static void grad_matrix_NxN (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, const int n, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &IxIx, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &IxIy, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &IyIy)
 IxIx.transpose gradient matrix elements (N = 2n+1).
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
harris (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &IxIx, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &IxIy, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &IyIy, double scale=0.04)
 Computes the Harris corner measure.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
sqrt_grad_singular_values (vil1_memory_image_of< float > &input, int n)
 computes the conditioning of the 2n+1 x 2n+1 gradient neighborhood.
static void Lucas_KanadeMotion (vil1_memory_image_of< float > &current_frame, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &previous_frame, int n, double thresh, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &vx, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &vy)
 computes Lucas-Kanade optical flow on a 2n+1 neighborhood.
static void fill_x_border (vil1_memory_image_of< float > &image, int w, float value)
 fills a border of width w on left and right of image with value.
static void fill_y_border (vil1_memory_image_of< float > &image, int h, float value)
 fills a border of width h on top and bottom of image with value.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< unsigned char > 
convert_to_byte (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image)
 converts a float image to a byte value range.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< unsigned char > 
convert_to_byte (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image, const float min_val, const float max_val)
 converts a float image to a byte value range within a specified range.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< unsigned short > 
convert_to_short (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image, const float min_val, const float max_val)
 converts a float image to an unsigned short image within a range.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > 
convert_to_rgb (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image)
 converts a float image to a color rgb image with all equal planes.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > 
convert_to_rgb (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image, const float min_val, const float max_val)
 converts a float image with specified range to a color rgb image with all equal planes.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
convert_to_float (vil1_image const &image)
 converts a vil1_image to a float image.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
convert_to_float (vil1_memory_image_of< unsigned char > const &image)
 converts a byte image to a float image.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
convert_to_float (vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > const &image)
 converts an RGB image to a float image.
static void convert_to_IHS (vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > >const &image, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &I, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &H, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &S)
 convert a color image to float IHS images.
static void display_IHS_as_RGB (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &I, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &H, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &S, vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > &image)
 display IHS images as RGB (not conversion from IHS to RGB).
static vil1_memory_image_of
< unsigned char > 
convert_to_grey (vil1_image const &img)
 converts a generic image to greyscale (RGB<unsigned char>).
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
convert_to_float (vnl_matrix< float > const &matrix)
 converts a vnl_matrix<float> to a float image.
static vbl_array_2d< float > load_kernel (vcl_string const &file)
 loads a 2n+1 x 2n+1 convolution kernel (see .cxx for file format).
static void basis_images (vcl_vector< vil1_memory_image_of< float > > const &input_images, vcl_vector< vil1_memory_image_of< float > > &basis)
 compute basis images for a set of input images.
static bool fourier_transform (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &mag, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &phase)
 compute the Fourier transform using the vnl FFT algorithm.
static bool inverse_fourier_transform (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &mag, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &phase, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &output)
 compute the inverse Fourier transform using the vnl FFT algorithm.
static void resize (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, const int width, const int height, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &output)
 resize to specified dimensions, fill with zeros if output is larger.
static bool resize_to_power_of_two (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &output)
 resize to closest power of two larger dimensions than the input.
static bool spatial_frequency_filter (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, const float dir_fx, const float dir_fy, const float f0, const float radius, const bool output_fourier_mag, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &output)
 filter the input image with a Gaussian blocking filter.
static float bilinear_interpolation (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, const double x, const double y)
 2x2 bilinear interpolation of image at specified location.
static bool homography (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vgl_h_matrix_2d< double >const &H, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &output, bool output_size_fixed=false, float output_fill_value=0.0)
 map the input to the output by a homography.
static vil1_memory_image_of
< float > 
rotate (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, const double theta_deg)
 rotate the input image counter-clockwise about the image origin.
static bool chip (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &input, vsol_box_2d_sptr const &roi, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &chip)
static bool chip (vil1_image const &input, brip_roi_sptr const &roi, vil1_image &chip)
 Chipping for a general image type.
static vil1_image insert_chip_in_image (vil1_image const &image, vil1_image const &chip, brip_roi_sptr const &roi)
 assumes that the chip and image have the same pixel types. Only works for.
static float cross_correlate (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image1, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image2, const float x, const float y, const int radius=5, const float intensity_thresh=25.0)
 cross-correlate two images at a given sub-pixel location.
static bool cross_correlate (vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image1, vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &image2, vil1_memory_image_of< float > &out, const int radius=5, const float intensity_thresh=25.0)
 Cross-correlate two images using faster running sums.

Private Member Functions

 brip_vil1_float_ops ()
 Default constructor is private.

Static Private Member Functions

static bool local_maximum (vbl_array_2d< float > const &nighborhood, int n, float &value)
 find if the center pixel of a neighborhood is the maximum value.
static void interpolate_center (vbl_array_2d< float > const &neighborhood, float &dx, float &dy)
 find the sub-pixel offset to the maximum using a 3x3 quad interpolation.
static void half_resolution_1d (const float *input, int n, const float k0, const float k1, const float k2, float *output)
 sub-sample a 1-d array using the Bert-Adelson algorithm.
static bool fft_1d (int dir, int m, double *x, double *y)
 One-dimensional fft.
static bool fft_2d (vnl_matrix< vcl_complex< double > > &c, int nx, int ny, int dir)
 Two-dimensional fft.
static void ftt_fourier_2d_reorder (vnl_matrix< vcl_complex< double > > const &F1, vnl_matrix< vcl_complex< double > > &F2)
 Transform the fft coefficients from/to fft/frequency order(self inverse).
static float gaussian_blocking_filter (const float dir_fx, const float dir_fy, const float f0, const float radius, const float fx, const float fy)
 Blocking filter function.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 34 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

brip_vil1_float_ops::~brip_vil1_float_ops ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.h.

brip_vil1_float_ops::brip_vil1_float_ops ( ) [inline, private]

Default constructor is private.

Definition at line 305 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.h.

Member Function Documentation

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::abs_clip_to_level ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image,
const float  thresh,
const float  level = 0.0 
) [static]

sets absolute values greater than thresh to specified level.

Definition at line 359 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::basis_images ( vcl_vector< vil1_memory_image_of< float > > const &  input_images,
vcl_vector< vil1_memory_image_of< float > > &  basis 
) [static]

compute basis images for a set of input images.

Definition at line 1107 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::beaudet ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  Ixx,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  Ixy,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  Iyy 
) [static]

Definition at line 455 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

float brip_vil1_float_ops::bilinear_interpolation ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
const double  x,
const double  y 
) [static]

2x2 bilinear interpolation of image at specified location.

Bi-linear interpolation on the neighborhood below.

xr yr 0 x x x

Definition at line 1542 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::chip ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vsol_box_2d_sptr const &  roi,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  chip 
) [static]

Definition at line 1735 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::chip ( vil1_image const &  input,
brip_roi_sptr const &  roi,
vil1_image &  chip 
) [static]

Chipping for a general image type.

Definition at line 1764 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< unsigned char > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_byte ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image) [static]

converts a float image to a byte value range.

Definition at line 701 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< unsigned char > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_byte ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image,
const float  min_val,
const float  max_val 
) [static]

converts a float image to a byte value range within a specified range.

Definition at line 729 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_float ( vil1_image const &  image) [static]

converts a vil1_image to a float image.

Definition at line 998 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_float ( vil1_memory_image_of< unsigned char > const &  image) [static]

converts a byte image to a float image.

Definition at line 806 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_float ( vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > const &  image) [static]

converts an RGB image to a float image.

Definition at line 818 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_float ( vnl_matrix< float > const &  matrix) [static]

converts a vnl_matrix<float> to a float image.

Definition at line 830 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< unsigned char > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_grey ( vil1_image const &  img) [static]

converts a generic image to greyscale (RGB<unsigned char>).

Definition at line 1028 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_IHS ( vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > >const &  image,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  I,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  H,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  S 
) [static]

convert a color image to float IHS images.

Definition at line 901 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_rgb ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image) [static]

converts a float image to a color rgb image with all equal planes.

Definition at line 780 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_rgb ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image,
const float  min_val,
const float  max_val 
) [static]

converts a float image with specified range to a color rgb image with all equal planes.

Definition at line 792 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< unsigned short > brip_vil1_float_ops::convert_to_short ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image,
const float  min_val,
const float  max_val 
) [static]

converts a float image to an unsigned short image within a range.

Definition at line 754 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::convolve ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vbl_array_2d< float > const &  kernel 
) [static]

convolves with the specified kernel.

Convolve with a kernel.

It's assumed that the kernel is square with odd dimensions

Definition at line 25 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

float brip_vil1_float_ops::cross_correlate ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image1,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image2,
const float  x,
const float  y,
const int  radius = 5,
const float  intensity_thresh = 25.0 
) [static]

cross-correlate two images at a given sub-pixel location.

perform normalized cross-correlation at a sub-pixel location.

thus all the pixel values are interpolated.

compute correlation.

Definition at line 1890 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::cross_correlate ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image1,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image2,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  out,
const int  radius = 5,
const float  intensity_thresh = 25.0 
) [static]

Cross-correlate two images using faster running sums.

Definition at line 2061 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::difference ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image_1,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  image_2 
) [static]

subtracts image_1 from image_2.

Definition at line 339 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::display_IHS_as_RGB ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  I,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  H,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  S,
vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > &  image 
) [static]

display IHS images as RGB (not conversion from IHS to RGB).

map so that intensity is proportional to saturation and hue is color.

Definition at line 959 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::fft_1d ( int  dir,
int  m,
double *  x,
double *  y 
) [static, private]

One-dimensional fft.

1d fourier transform.

This computes an in-place complex-to-complex FFT x and y are the real and imaginary arrays of 2^m points. dir = 1 gives forward transform dir = -1 gives reverse transform

Formula: forward N-1 --- 1 \ - j k 2 pi n / N X(n) = --- > x(k) e = forward transform N / n=0..N-1 --- k=0

Formula: reverse N-1 --- \ j k 2 pi n / N X(n) = > x(k) e = forward transform / n=0..N-1 --- k=0

Definition at line 1192 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::fft_2d ( vnl_matrix< vcl_complex< double > > &  c,
int  nx,
int  ny,
int  dir 
) [static, private]

Two-dimensional fft.

Definition at line 1269 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::fill_x_border ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  image,
int  w,
float  value 
) [static]

fills a border of width w on left and right of image with value.

Definition at line 664 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::fill_y_border ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  image,
int  h,
float  value 
) [static]

fills a border of width h on top and bottom of image with value.

Definition at line 682 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::fourier_transform ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  mag,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  phase 
) [static]

compute the Fourier transform using the vnl FFT algorithm.

Compute the fourier transform.

If the image dimensions are not a power of 2 then the operation fails.

Definition at line 1346 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::ftt_fourier_2d_reorder ( vnl_matrix< vcl_complex< double > > const &  F1,
vnl_matrix< vcl_complex< double > > &  F2 
) [static, private]

Transform the fft coefficients from/to fft/frequency order(self inverse).

reorder the transform values to sequential frequencies as in conventional Fourier transforms.

The transformation is its self-inverse.

Definition at line 1320 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::gaussian ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
float  sigma 
) [static]

convolves with a Gaussian kernel.

Definition at line 200 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

float brip_vil1_float_ops::gaussian_blocking_filter ( const float  dir_fx,
const float  dir_fy,
const float  f0,
const float  radius,
const float  fx,
const float  fy 
) [static, private]

Blocking filter function.

block a periodic signal by suppressing two Gaussian lobes in the frequency domain.

The lobes are on the line defined by dir_fx and dir_fy through the dc origin, assumed (0, 0). The center frequency, f0, is the distance along the line to the center of each blocking lobe (+- f0). radius is the standard deviation of each lobe. Later we can define a "filter" class.

Definition at line 1467 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::grad_matrix_NxN ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
const int  n,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  IxIx,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  IxIy,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  IyIy 
) [static]

IxIx.transpose gradient matrix elements (N = 2n+1).

Definition at line 495 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::gradient_3x3 ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  grad_x,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  grad_y 
) [static]

The gradient using a 3x3 kernel.

Definition at line 385 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::half_resolution ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
float  filter_coef = 0.359375 
) [static]

downsamples the input using the Bert-Adelson algorithm.

Downsamples the image by 2 using the Burt-Adelson reduction algorithm.

Convolution with a 5-point kernel [(0.5-ka)/2, 0.25, ka, 0.25, (0.5-ka)/2] ka = 0.6 maximum decorrelation, wavelet for image compression. ka = 0.5 linear interpolation, ka = 0.4 Gaussian filter ka = 0.359375 min aliasing, wider than Gaussian The image sizes are related by: output_dimension = (input_dimension +1)/2.

Definition at line 91 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > brip_vil1_float_ops::half_resolution ( vil1_memory_image_of< vil1_rgb< unsigned char > > const &  input,
float  filter_coef = 0.359375 
) [static]

downsamples the color input image using the Bert-Adelson algorithm.

Definition at line 153 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::half_resolution_1d ( const float *  input,
int  n,
const float  k0,
const float  k1,
const float  k2,
float *  output 
) [static, private]

sub-sample a 1-d array using the Bert-Adelson algorithm.

Downsamples the 1-d array by 2 using the Burt-Adelson reduction algorithm.

Definition at line 61 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::harris ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  IxIx,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  IxIy,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  IyIy,
double  scale = 0.04 
) [static]

Computes the Harris corner measure.

Definition at line 535 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::hessian_3x3 ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  Ixx,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  Ixy,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  Iyy 
) [static]

Definition at line 420 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::homography ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vgl_h_matrix_2d< double >const &  H,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  output,
bool  output_size_fixed = false,
float  output_fill_value = 0.0 
) [static]

map the input to the output by a homography.

Transform the input to the output by a homography.

if the output size is fixed then only the corresponding input image space is transformed.

if the output size is fixed then only the corresponding region of input image space is transformed.

Definition at line 1565 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_image brip_vil1_float_ops::insert_chip_in_image ( vil1_image const &  image,
vil1_image const &  chip,
brip_roi_sptr const &  roi 
) [static]

assumes that the chip and image have the same pixel types. Only works for.

color at present.

Definition at line 1835 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::interpolate_center ( vbl_array_2d< float > const &  neighborhood,
float &  dx,
float &  dy 
) [static, private]

find the sub-pixel offset to the maximum using a 3x3 quad interpolation.

Definition at line 232 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::inverse_fourier_transform ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  mag,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  phase,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  output 
) [static]

compute the inverse Fourier transform using the vnl FFT algorithm.

Definition at line 1390 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vbl_array_2d< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::load_kernel ( vcl_string const &  file) [static]

loads a 2n+1 x 2n+1 convolution kernel (see .cxx for file format).

Definition at line 1066 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::local_maximum ( vbl_array_2d< float > const &  nighborhood,
int  n,
float &  value 
) [static, private]

find if the center pixel of a neighborhood is the maximum value.

Definition at line 210 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::Lucas_KanadeMotion ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  current_frame,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  previous_frame,
int  n,
double  thresh,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  vx,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  vy 
) [static]

computes Lucas-Kanade optical flow on a 2n+1 neighborhood.

Definition at line 610 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::non_maximum_suppression ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
const int  n,
const float  thresh,
vcl_vector< float > &  x_pos,
vcl_vector< float > &  y_pos,
vcl_vector< float > &  value 
) [static]

non-maximum suppression on a NxN neighborhood, with sub-pixel location.

Definition at line 297 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

void brip_vil1_float_ops::resize ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
const int  width,
const int  height,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  output 
) [static]

resize to specified dimensions, fill with zeros if output is larger.

Definition at line 1416 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::resize_to_power_of_two ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  output 
) [static]

resize to closest power of two larger dimensions than the input.

resize the input to the closest power of two image dimensions.

Definition at line 1432 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::rotate ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
const double  theta_deg 
) [static]

rotate the input image counter-clockwise about the image origin.

demonstrates the use of image homography

Definition at line 1705 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

bool brip_vil1_float_ops::spatial_frequency_filter ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > const &  input,
const float  dir_fx,
const float  dir_fy,
const float  f0,
const float  radius,
const bool  output_fourier_mag,
vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  output 
) [static]

filter the input image with a Gaussian blocking filter.

Definition at line 1496 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

vil1_memory_image_of< float > brip_vil1_float_ops::sqrt_grad_singular_values ( vil1_memory_image_of< float > &  input,
int  n 
) [static]

computes the conditioning of the 2n+1 x 2n+1 gradient neighborhood.

Definition at line 569 of file brip_vil1_float_ops.cxx.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: