Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is core/vnl/algo/vnl_sparse_lu.h
00002 #ifndef vnl_sparse_lu_h_
00003 #define vnl_sparse_lu_h_
00005 #pragma interface
00006 #endif
00007 //:
00008 // \file
00009 // \brief Solution of the linear system Mx = b for sparse matrices
00010 // \author J. L. Mundy
00011 // \date   27 Dec 2006
00012 //
00013 // \verbatim
00014 //  Modifications
00015 //  None
00016 // \endverbatim
00018 #include <vnl/vnl_vector.h>
00019 #include <vnl/vnl_sparse_matrix.h>
00021 //: Linear system solver for Mx = b using LU decomposition of a sparse matrix
00022 //  Encapsulating Sparse 1.3 by Kenneth S. Kundert.
00023 //  The matrix is factored before solution. Any number of b vectors can
00024 //  be applied after the matrix is factored with out recomputation of the
00025 //  LU form. It is advised to construct with mode==estimate_condition and
00026 //  check that rcond()>sqrt(machine precision).  If this is not the case
00027 //  the solution may be suspect. An upper bound on error is provided.
00028 //  The solution of M^t x = b is also available.
00030 class vnl_sparse_lu
00031 {
00032  public:
00033   //: Modes of computation.  See constructor for details.
00034   enum operation {
00035     quiet,
00036     verbose,
00037     estimate_condition,
00038     estimate_condition_verbose
00039   };
00041   //: Make sparse_lu decomposition of M optionally computing the reciprocal condition number.
00042   vnl_sparse_lu(vnl_sparse_matrix<double> const& M, operation mode = quiet);
00043  ~vnl_sparse_lu();
00045   //: set the relative pivot threshold should be between 0 and 1
00046   // If set to one then pivoting is complete and slow
00047   // If near zero then roundoff error may be prohibitive but computation is fast
00048   // Typical values are between 0.01 and 0.1.
00049   void set_pivot_thresh(double pivot_thresh){pivot_thresh_=pivot_thresh;}
00051   //: set the threshold on absolute element magnitude for pivoting
00052   // Should be either zero or significantly smaller than the absolute
00053   // value of the smallest diagonal element.
00054   void set_absolute_thresh(double absolute_thresh){absolute_thresh_=absolute_thresh;}
00055   //: set diagonal pivoting mode, normally 1 which gives priority to diagonal elements.
00056   void set_diagonal_pivoting(int diag_pivoting){diag_pivoting_=diag_pivoting;}
00058   //: Solve problem M x = b
00059   vnl_vector<double> solve(vnl_vector<double> const& b);
00061   //: Solve problem M x = b
00062   void solve(vnl_vector<double> const& b, vnl_vector<double>* x);
00064   //: Solve problem M^t x = b
00065   vnl_vector<double> solve_transpose(vnl_vector<double> const& b);
00067   //: Solve problem M^t x = b
00068   void solve_transpose(vnl_vector<double> const& b, vnl_vector<double>* x);
00070   //: Compute determinant
00071   double determinant();
00073   //: Return reciprocal condition number (smallest/largest singular values).
00074   // As long as rcond()>sqrt(precision) the decomposition can be used for
00075   // solving equations safely.
00076   // Not calculated unless operation mode at construction includes estimate_condition.
00077   double rcond();
00079   //: An estimate of maximum error in solution.
00080   // Not calculated unless operation mode at construction includes estimate_condition.
00081   double max_error_bound();
00083 #if 0 // not immediately useful but left for future development
00084   //: Return the matrix after pivoting
00085   vnl_sparse_matrix<double> lu_matrix();
00086 #endif
00088  protected:
00089   // Internals
00090   void decompose_matrix();
00091   bool est_condition();
00092   // Data Members--------------------------------------------------------------
00093   vnl_sparse_matrix<double> A_;
00094   bool factored_;
00095   bool condition_computed_;
00096   operation mode_;
00097   double norm_;
00098   double rcond_;
00099   double largest_;
00100   double pivot_thresh_;
00101   double absolute_thresh_;
00102   int diag_pivoting_;
00103  private:
00104   //: Copy constructor - privatised to avoid it being used
00105   vnl_sparse_lu(vnl_sparse_lu const & that);
00106   //: Assignment operator - privatised to avoid it being used
00107   vnl_sparse_lu& operator=(vnl_sparse_lu const & that);
00108   //: The internal matrix representation
00109   //
00110   // We don't use the typedef spMatrix directly here to avoid exposing
00111   // the implementation detail (sparse/spMatrix.h) to the user.
00112   void* pmatrix_;
00113 };
00115 #endif // vnl_sparse_lu_h_