Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is core/vnl/vnl_nonlinear_minimizer.h
00002 #ifndef vnl_nonlinear_minimizer_h_
00003 #define vnl_nonlinear_minimizer_h_
00005 #pragma interface
00006 #endif
00007 //:
00008 // \file
00009 // \brief  Base class for nonlinear optimization
00010 // \author Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Oxford RRG
00011 // \date   22 Aug 1999
00012 //
00013 // \verbatim
00014 //  Modifications
00015 //   22 Mar.2001 - dac - added binary io and tidied documentation
00016 //      Feb.2002 - Peter Vanroose - brief doxygen comment placed on single line
00017 // \endverbatim
00019 #include <vcl_string.h>
00020 #include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
00023 //: vnl_nonlinear_minimizer is a base class for nonlinear optimization.
00024 // It defines a few common abilities such as get_num_evaluations.
00025 // Known derived classes are:
00026 // -  vnl_levenberg_marquardt
00027 // -  vnl_lbfgs
00028 // -  vnl_conjugate_gradient
00029 // -  vnl_brent
00030 // -  vnl_powell
00031 class vnl_nonlinear_minimizer
00032 {
00033  public:
00034   vnl_nonlinear_minimizer();
00036   virtual ~vnl_nonlinear_minimizer();
00039   //: Set the convergence tolerance on F (sum of squared residuals).
00040   // When the differences in successive RMS errors is less than this, the
00041   // routine terminates.  So this is effectively the desired precision of your
00042   // minimization.  Setting it too low wastes time, too high might cause early
00043   // convergence.  The default of 1e-9 is on the safe side, but if speed is an
00044   // issue, you can try raising it.
00045   void set_f_tolerance(double v) { ftol = v; }
00046   double get_f_tolerance() const { return ftol; }
00048   //: Set the convergence tolerance on X.
00049   //  When the length of the steps taken in X are about this long, the routine
00050   // terminates.  The default is 1e-8, which should work for many problems,
00051   // but if you can get away with 1e-4, say, minimizations will be much quicker.
00052   void set_x_tolerance(double v) {
00053     xtol = v;
00054     epsfcn = xtol * 0.001;
00055   }
00056   double get_x_tolerance() const { return xtol; }
00058   //: Set the convergence tolerance on Grad(F)' * F.
00059   void set_g_tolerance(double v) { gtol = v; }
00060   double get_g_tolerance() const { return gtol; }
00062   //: Set the termination maximum number of iterations.
00063   void set_max_function_evals(int v) { maxfev = v; }
00064   int get_max_function_evals() const { return maxfev; }
00066   //: Set the step length for FD Jacobian.
00067   // Be aware that set_x_tolerance will reset this to xtol * 0.001.
00068   // The default is 1e-11.
00069   void set_epsilon_function(double v) { epsfcn = v; }
00070   double get_epsilon_function() const { return epsfcn; }
00072   //: Turn on per-iteration printouts.
00073   void set_trace(bool on) { trace = on; }
00074   bool get_trace() const { return trace; }
00076   //: Set verbose flag
00077   void set_verbose(bool verb) { verbose_ = verb; }
00078   bool get_verbose() const { return verbose_; }
00080   //: Set check_derivatives flag.  Negative values may mean fewer checks.
00081   void set_check_derivatives(int cd) { check_derivatives_ = cd; }
00082   int get_check_derivatives() const { return check_derivatives_; }
00084   //: Return the error of the function when it was evaluated at the start point of the last minimization.
00085   // For minimizers driven by a vnl_least_squares_function (Levenberg-Marquardt)
00086   // this is usually the RMS error.
00087   // For those driven by a vnl_cost_function (CG, LBFGS, Amoeba) it is simply the
00088   // value of the vnl_cost_function at the start (usually the sum of squared residuals).
00089   double get_start_error() const { return start_error_; }
00091   //:Return the best error that was achieved by the last minimization, corresponding to the returned x.
00092   double get_end_error() const { return end_error_; }
00094   //:Return the total number of times the function was evaluated by the last minimization.
00095   int get_num_evaluations() const { return num_evaluations_; }
00097   //:Return the number of {\em iterations} in the last minimization.
00098   // Each iteration may have comprised several function evaluations.
00099   int get_num_iterations() const { return num_iterations_; }
00101   //:Some generic return codes that apply to all minimizers.
00102   enum ReturnCodes {
00103     ERROR_FAILURE               =-1,
00104     ERROR_DODGY_INPUT           = 0,
00105     CONVERGED_FTOL              = 1,
00106     CONVERGED_XTOL              = 2,
00107     CONVERGED_XFTOL             = 3,
00108     CONVERGED_GTOL              = 4,
00110     TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS         = FAILED_TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS,         // for backward-compatibility
00111     FAILED_FTOL_TOO_SMALL       = 6,
00112     FAILED_XTOL_TOO_SMALL       = 7,
00113     FAILED_GTOL_TOO_SMALL       = 8,
00114     FAILED_USER_REQUEST         = 9
00115   };
00117   //:Whether the error reduced in the last minimization
00118   bool obj_value_reduced() { return failure_code_ != ERROR_FAILURE && failure_code_ != ERROR_DODGY_INPUT && end_error_ < start_error_; }
00120   //:Return the covariance of the estimate at the end.
00121   virtual vnl_matrix<double> const& get_covariance();
00123   //: Return the name of the class.
00124   //  Used by polymorphic IO
00125   virtual vcl_string is_a() const;
00127   //: Return true if the name of the class matches the argument.
00128   //  Used by polymorphic IO
00129   virtual bool is_class(vcl_string const& s) const;
00131   //:Return the failure code of the last minimization
00132   ReturnCodes get_failure_code() const { return failure_code_; }
00134  protected:
00135   // Data Members--------------------------------------------------------------
00136   // Input variables
00137   double xtol;    //!< Termination tolerance on X (solution vector)
00138   long   maxfev;  //!< Termination maximum number of iterations
00139   double ftol;    //!< Termination tolerance on F (sum of squared residuals)
00140   double gtol;    //!< Termination tolerance on Grad(F)' * F = 0
00141   double epsfcn;  //!< Step length for FD Jacobian
00143   // Output variables
00144   unsigned num_iterations_;
00145   long    num_evaluations_;
00146   double start_error_;
00147   double end_error_;
00149   bool trace;
00151   // Verbose flag.
00152   bool verbose_;
00153   int check_derivatives_;
00154   ReturnCodes failure_code_;
00156   void reset();
00158   //: Called by derived classes after each function evaluation.
00159   void report_eval(double f);
00161   //: Called by derived classes after each iteration.
00162   //  When true is returned, minimizer should stop with code FAILED_USER_REQUEST.
00163   //  Derived classes can redefine this function to make the optimizer stop when a condition is satisfied.
00164   virtual bool report_iter();
00165 };
00167 #endif // vnl_nonlinear_minimizer_h_