Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is core/vnl/algo/vnl_netlib.h
00002 #ifndef vnl_netlib_h_
00003 #define vnl_netlib_h_
00004 //:
00005 // \file
00006 // \brief Declare in a central place the list of symbols from netlib
00007 // \author fsm
00008 //
00009 // Declare in a central place the list of symbols from netlib referenced from vnl-algo.
00010 // This list was auto-generated, so it is exhaustive as of 16 March 2000 (10pm).
00011 //
00012 // Note: the declarations are initially entered as "int f()", which
00013 // will conflict with the actual prototype. If you get a conflict,
00014 // enter the correct prototype in here.
00015 //
00016 // \verbatim
00017 // Modifications
00018 //  dac (Manchester) 28/03/2001: tidied up documentation
00019 //   Feb.2002 - Peter Vanroose - brief doxygen comment placed on single line
00020 // \endverbatim
00022 #include <v3p_netlib.h>
00024 // xSVDC
00025 #define vnl_netlib_svd_proto(T) \
00026 T *x, long int const *ldx, long int const *m, long int const *n, \
00027 T *sv, \
00028 T *errors, \
00029 T *u, long int const *ldu, \
00030 T *v, long int const *ldv, \
00031 T *work, \
00032 long int const *job, long int *info
00033 #define vnl_netlib_svd_params \
00034 x, ldx, m, n, sv, errors, u, ldu, v, ldv, work, job, info
00036 // xQRDC
00037 #define vnl_netlib_qrdc_proto(T) \
00038 T *x, \
00039 long int const* ldx, \
00040 long int const* n, \
00041 long int const* p, \
00042 T* qraux, \
00043 long int *jpvt, \
00044 T *work, \
00045 long int const* job
00046 #define vnl_netlib_qrdc_params \
00047 x, ldx, n, p, qraux, jpvt, work, job
00049 // xQRSL
00050 #define vnl_netlib_qrsl_proto(T) \
00051 T const *x, \
00052 long int *ldx, \
00053 long int *n, \
00054 long int *k, \
00055 T const *qraux, \
00056 T const *y, \
00057 T *qy, \
00058 T *qty, \
00059 T *b, \
00060 T *rsd, \
00061 T *xb, \
00062 long int *job, \
00063 long int *info
00064 #define vnl_netlib_qrsl_params \
00065 x, ldx, n, k, qraux, y, qy, qty, b, rsd, xb, job, info
00067 #endif // vnl_netlib_h_