Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Friends | Related Functions
vil_pyramid_image_list Class Reference

#include <vil_pyramid_image_list.h>

Inheritance diagram for vil_pyramid_image_list:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 vil_pyramid_image_list (char const *directory)
 vil_pyramid_image_list (vcl_vector< vil_image_resource_sptr > const &images)
virtual ~vil_pyramid_image_list ()
virtual unsigned int nplanes () const
 The number of planes (or components) in the image.
virtual unsigned int ni () const
 The number of pixels in each row.
virtual unsigned int nj () const
 The number of pixels in each column.
virtual enum vil_pixel_format pixel_format () const
 Pixel Format.
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned int i0, unsigned int n_i, unsigned int j0, unsigned int n_j) const
 Create a read/write view of a copy of this data.
virtual char const * file_format () const
 Return a string describing the file format.
virtual unsigned int nlevels () const
 number of levels in the pyramid.
bool put_resource (vil_image_resource_sptr const &image)
 Copy an image resource to the pyramid.
bool add_resource (vil_image_resource_sptr const &image)
 Add an image resource directly to the pyramid without copying.
vil_image_resource_sptr get_resource (const unsigned int level) const
 virtual method for getting a level of the pyramid.
vil_image_resource_sptr get_level (const unsigned int level) const
 Get a level image resource of the pyramid.
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned int i0, unsigned int n_i, unsigned int j0, unsigned int n_j, unsigned int level) const
 Get a partial view from the image from a specified pyramid level.
vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (const float scale, float &actual_scale) const
 Get a view from the image in the pyramid closest to scale.
vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned int i0, unsigned int n_i, unsigned int j0, unsigned int n_j, const float scale, float &actual_scale) const
 Get a partial view from the image in the pyramid closest to scale.
void set_directory (char const *directory)
void print (const unsigned int level)
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned i0, unsigned n_i, unsigned j0, unsigned n_j) const
 Create a read/write view of a copy of this data.
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned i0, unsigned n_i, unsigned j0, unsigned n_j, unsigned level) const =0
 Get a partial view from the image from a specified pyramid level.
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned level) const
 Get a complete view from a specified pyramid level.
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view (unsigned i0, unsigned n_i, unsigned j0, unsigned n_j, const float scale, float &actual_scale) const =0
 Get a partial view from the image in the pyramid closest to scale.
vil_image_view_base_sptr get_copy_view () const
 Create a read/write view of a copy of all the data.
virtual bool put_view (vil_image_view_base const &, unsigned, unsigned)
 Put the data in this view back into the base image.
virtual bool put_view (const vil_image_view_base &im)
 Put the data in this view back into the image source at the origin.
virtual bool get_property (char const *tag, void *property_value=0) const
 Extra property information.
virtual vil_image_resource_sptr get_resource (const unsigned level) const =0
 Get an image resource from the pyramid at the specified level.
virtual void print (const unsigned level)=0
 for debug purposes.
virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr get_view (unsigned i0, unsigned n_i, unsigned j0, unsigned n_j) const
 Create a read/write view of the data.
vil_image_view_base_sptr get_view () const
 Create a read/write view of all the data.
virtual bool view_fits (const vil_image_view_base &im, unsigned i0, unsigned j0)
 Check that a view will fit into the data at the given offset.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool blocked_decimate (vil_blocked_image_resource_sptr const &brsc, vil_blocked_image_resource_sptr &dec_resc)
 A utility function to decimate a resource using blocks.
static vil_image_resource_sptr decimate (vil_image_resource_sptr const &resc, char const *filename, char const *format="tiff")
 Utility for decimating a resource to create a new pyramid level.

Protected Member Functions

 vil_pyramid_image_list ()
void normalize_scales ()
 normalize the scale factors so that the base image scale = 1.0.
pyramid_levelclosest (const float scale) const
 find the image resource with scale closest to specified scale.
bool is_same_size (vil_image_resource_sptr const &image)
 input image is the same size as one already in the pyramid.
float find_next_level (vil_image_resource_sptr const &image)
 find the nearest level to the image size.
void ref ()
void unref ()

Protected Attributes

vcl_string directory_
vcl_vector< pyramid_level * > levels_
vcl_atomic_count reference_count_


class vil_smart_ptr< vil_pyramid_image_resource >
class vil_smart_ptr< vil_image_resource >

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

vil_pyramid_image_resource_sptr vil_load_pyramid_resource (char const *directory_or_file, bool verbose=true)
 Load a pyramid image resource object from a file or directory.
template<class destT , class kernelT , class accumT >
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_convolve_1d (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src_im, const destT, const kernelT *kernel, int k_lo, int k_hi, const accumT, vil_convolve_boundary_option start_option, vil_convolve_boundary_option end_option)
 Create an image_resource object which convolve kernel[x] x in [k_lo,k_hi] with srcT.
template<class destT , class kernelT , class accumT >
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_correlate_1d (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src_im, const destT, const kernelT *kernel, vcl_ptrdiff_t k_lo, vcl_ptrdiff_t k_hi, const accumT, vil_convolve_boundary_option start_option, vil_convolve_boundary_option end_option)
 Create an image_resource object which correlate kernel[x] x in [k_lo,k_hi] with srcT.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_clamp (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src, double low, double hi)
 Clamp an image resource between two values.
bool vil_copy_deep (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src, vil_image_resource_sptr &dest)
 Copy src to dest.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_crop (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src, unsigned i0, unsigned n_i, unsigned j0, unsigned n_j)
 Crop to a region of src.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_decimate (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src, unsigned i_factor, unsigned j_factor=0)
 decimate to a region of src.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_flip_lr (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src)
 Flip an image resource left to right.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_flip_ud (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src)
 Flip an image resource left to right.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource (char const *filename, bool verbose=true)
 Load an image resource object from a file.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource_raw (vil_stream *, bool verbose=true)
 Load from a stream.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource_raw (char const *, bool verbose=true)
 Load an image resource object from a file.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource_plugin (char const *)
 Load from a filename with a plugin.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vil_pixel_format format)
 Make a new image of given format.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (unsigned ni, unsigned nj, vil_image_resource_sptr const &prototype)
 Make a new image, similar format to the prototype.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (vil_stream *os, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vil_pixel_format format, char const *file_format)
 Make a new image.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (char const *filename, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, vil_image_resource_sptr const &prototype, char const *file_format)
 Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to file "filename", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (char const *filename, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vil_pixel_format format, char const *file_format)
 Make a new image.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (vil_stream *os, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, vil_image_resource_sptr const &prototype, char const *file_format)
 Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to stream "os", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (char const *filename, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vil_image_resource_sptr const &prototype, char const *format=0)
 Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to file "filename", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource (vil_stream *os, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vil_image_resource_sptr const &prototype, char const *file_format=0)
 Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to stream "os", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource_interleaved (unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vil_pixel_format format)
 Make a new image of given format with interleaved planes.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource_of_view (vil_image_view_base const &view)
 Make a new image resource that is a wrapper on an existing view's data.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_plane (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src, unsigned p)
 Return a specific plane of an image.
bool vil_save_image_resource (const vil_image_resource_sptr &ir, char const *filename, char const *file_format)
 Send vil_image_resource to disk.
bool vil_save_image_resource (const vil_image_resource_sptr &ir, char const *filename)
 Save vil_image_resource to file, deducing format from filename.
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_transpose (const vil_image_resource_sptr &src)
 Transpose an image.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 89 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vil_pyramid_image_list::vil_pyramid_image_list ( char const *  directory)

Definition at line 149 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

vil_pyramid_image_list::vil_pyramid_image_list ( vcl_vector< vil_image_resource_sptr > const &  images)

Definition at line 152 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

vil_pyramid_image_list::~vil_pyramid_image_list ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 171 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

vil_pyramid_image_list::vil_pyramid_image_list ( ) [protected]

Definition at line 146 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

bool vil_pyramid_image_list::add_resource ( vil_image_resource_sptr const &  image)

Add an image resource directly to the pyramid without copying.

If an image of the same scale already exists, then method returns false.

Definition at line 202 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

bool vil_pyramid_image_resource::blocked_decimate ( vil_blocked_image_resource_sptr const &  brsc,
vil_blocked_image_resource_sptr dec_resc 
) [static, inherited]

A utility function to decimate a resource using blocks.

The new scale is one half the input resource scale

Definition at line 127 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.cxx.

pyramid_level * vil_pyramid_image_list::closest ( const float  scale) const [protected]

find the image resource with scale closest to specified scale.

find the level closest to the specified scale.

Definition at line 275 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_pyramid_image_resource::decimate ( vil_image_resource_sptr const &  resc,
char const *  filename,
char const *  format = "tiff" 
) [static, inherited]

Utility for decimating a resource to create a new pyramid level.

The new scale is one half the input resource scale. Creates a new resource from filename according to file format

Definition at line 300 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.cxx.

virtual char const* vil_pyramid_image_list::file_format ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Return a string describing the file format.

Only file images have a format, others return 0

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 152 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

float vil_pyramid_image_list::find_next_level ( vil_image_resource_sptr const &  image) [protected]

find the nearest level to the image size.

Find an appropriate filename extension for the image.

If the size of the image lies between existing scales then use the fractional amount in the name

Definition at line 224 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_resource::get_copy_view ( unsigned  i0,
unsigned  n_i,
unsigned  j0,
unsigned  n_j 
) const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Create a read/write view of a copy of this data.

Applies only to the base image

Implements vil_image_resource.

Definition at line 61 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.h.

vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_image_resource::get_copy_view ( ) const [inline, inherited]

Create a read/write view of a copy of all the data.

Reimplemented in vil_nitf2_image, and vil_j2k_image.

Definition at line 80 of file vil_image_resource.h.

virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_resource::get_copy_view ( unsigned  i0,
unsigned  n_i,
unsigned  j0,
unsigned  n_j,
unsigned  level 
) const [pure virtual, inherited]

Get a partial view from the image from a specified pyramid level.

Implemented in vil_tiff_pyramid_resource, vil_j2k_nitf2_pyramid_image_resource, vil_j2k_pyramid_image_resource, and vil_openjpeg_pyramid_image_resource.

virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_resource::get_copy_view ( unsigned  level) const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Get a complete view from a specified pyramid level.

This method needs no specialisation.

Reimplemented in vil_j2k_nitf2_pyramid_image_resource, vil_j2k_pyramid_image_resource, and vil_openjpeg_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 92 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.h.

virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_resource::get_copy_view ( unsigned  i0,
unsigned  n_i,
unsigned  j0,
unsigned  n_j,
const float  scale,
float &  actual_scale 
) const [pure virtual, inherited]

Get a partial view from the image in the pyramid closest to scale.

The origin and size parameters are in the coordinate system of the base image. The scale factor is with respect to the base image (base scale = 1.0).

Implemented in vil_tiff_pyramid_resource, vil_j2k_nitf2_pyramid_image_resource, vil_j2k_pyramid_image_resource, and vil_openjpeg_pyramid_image_resource.

virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_list::get_copy_view ( unsigned int  i0,
unsigned int  n_i,
unsigned int  j0,
unsigned int  n_j 
) const [inline, virtual]

Create a read/write view of a copy of this data.

Applies only to the base image

Definition at line 139 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_list::get_copy_view ( unsigned int  i0,
unsigned int  n_i,
unsigned int  j0,
unsigned int  n_j,
unsigned int  level 
) const [virtual]

Get a partial view from the image from a specified pyramid level.

Definition at line 301 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_list::get_copy_view ( const float  scale,
float &  actual_scale 
) const [inline, virtual]

Get a view from the image in the pyramid closest to scale.

Reimplemented from vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 181 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_pyramid_image_list::get_copy_view ( unsigned int  i0,
unsigned int  n_i,
unsigned int  j0,
unsigned int  n_j,
const float  scale,
float &  actual_scale 
) const

Get a partial view from the image in the pyramid closest to scale.

return a view with image scale that is closest to scale.

The origin and size parameters are in the coordinate system of the base image.

Definition at line 338 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_pyramid_image_list::get_level ( const unsigned int  level) const [inline]

Get a level image resource of the pyramid.

Definition at line 172 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

bool vil_pyramid_image_resource::get_property ( char const *  tag,
void *  property_value = 0 
) const [virtual, inherited]

Extra property information.

Implements vil_image_resource.

Definition at line 26 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.cxx.

virtual vil_image_resource_sptr vil_pyramid_image_resource::get_resource ( const unsigned  level) const [pure virtual, inherited]

Get an image resource from the pyramid at the specified level.

Implemented in vil_tiff_pyramid_resource, vil_j2k_nitf2_pyramid_image_resource, vil_j2k_pyramid_image_resource, and vil_openjpeg_pyramid_image_resource.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_pyramid_image_list::get_resource ( const unsigned int  level) const [inline]

virtual method for getting a level of the pyramid.

Definition at line 168 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

virtual vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_image_resource::get_view ( unsigned  i0,
unsigned  n_i,
unsigned  j0,
unsigned  n_j 
) const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Create a read/write view of the data.

Modifying this view might modify the actual data. If you want to modify this data in place, call put_view after you done, and it should work efficiently. This function will always return a multi-plane scalar-pixel view of the data.

0 if unable to get view of correct size, or if resource is write-only.

If you want to fill an existing view (e.g. a window onto some other image), then use

   vil_reformat(data->get_view(..), window);

Reimplemented in vil_flip_ud_image_resource, vil_memory_image, vil_plane_image_resource, vil_flip_lr_image_resource, vil_clamp_image_resource, vil_dicom_image, vil_decimate_image_resource, vil_crop_image_resource, and vil_transpose_image_resource.

Definition at line 64 of file vil_image_resource.h.

vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_image_resource::get_view ( ) const [inline, inherited]

Create a read/write view of all the data.

Definition at line 69 of file vil_image_resource.h.

bool vil_pyramid_image_list::is_same_size ( vil_image_resource_sptr const &  image) [protected]

input image is the same size as one already in the pyramid.

Definition at line 192 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

virtual unsigned int vil_pyramid_image_list::ni ( ) const [inline, virtual]

The number of pixels in each row.

This method refers to the base (max resolution) image Dimensions: Planes x ni x nj.

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 109 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

virtual unsigned int vil_pyramid_image_list::nj ( ) const [inline, virtual]

The number of pixels in each column.

This method refers to the base (max resolution) image Dimensions: Planes x ni x nj.

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 119 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

virtual unsigned int vil_pyramid_image_list::nlevels ( ) const [inline, virtual]

number of levels in the pyramid.

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 157 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

void vil_pyramid_image_list::normalize_scales ( ) [protected]

normalize the scale factors so that the base image scale = 1.0.

Assumes that the image in level 0 is the largest.

Definition at line 179 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

virtual unsigned int vil_pyramid_image_list::nplanes ( ) const [inline, virtual]

The number of planes (or components) in the image.

This method refers to the base (max resolution) image Dimensions: Planes x ni x nj. This concept is treated as a synonym to components.

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 99 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

virtual enum vil_pixel_format vil_pyramid_image_list::pixel_format ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Pixel Format.

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 129 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

virtual void vil_pyramid_image_resource::print ( const unsigned  level) [pure virtual, inherited]
void vil_pyramid_image_list::print ( const unsigned int  level) [inline]

Definition at line 194 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

bool vil_pyramid_image_list::put_resource ( vil_image_resource_sptr const &  image) [virtual]

Copy an image resource to the pyramid.

This method copies the resource into the pyramid.

If an image of the same scale already exists, then method returns false.

Use add_resource if the existing resource is to be just inserted into the level stack.

Implements vil_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 235 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.cxx.

virtual bool vil_pyramid_image_resource::put_view ( vil_image_view_base const &  ,
unsigned  ,
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

Put the data in this view back into the base image.

Pyramid is readonly. This is essentially (although not formally) a pure virtual function.

Implements vil_image_resource.

Reimplemented in vil_j2k_nitf2_pyramid_image_resource, vil_j2k_pyramid_image_resource, and vil_openjpeg_pyramid_image_resource.

Definition at line 70 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.h.

virtual bool vil_image_resource::put_view ( const vil_image_view_base im) [inline, virtual, inherited]

Put the data in this view back into the image source at the origin.

Reimplemented in vil_j2k_image.

Definition at line 92 of file vil_image_resource.h.

void vil_image_resource::ref ( ) [inline, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 110 of file vil_image_resource.h.

void vil_pyramid_image_list::set_directory ( char const *  directory) [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

void vil_image_resource::unref ( ) [inline, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 111 of file vil_image_resource.h.

bool vil_image_resource::view_fits ( const vil_image_view_base im,
unsigned  i0,
unsigned  j0 
) [virtual, inherited]

Check that a view will fit into the data at the given offset.

This includes checking that the pixel type is scalar.

Reimplemented in vil_j2k_image.

Definition at line 30 of file vil_image_resource.cxx.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_clamp ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src,
double  low,
double  hi 
) [related]

Clamp an image resource between two values.

Reimplemented in vil_clamp_image_resource.

Definition at line 22 of file vil_clamp.cxx.

template<class destT , class kernelT , class accumT >
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_convolve_1d ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src_im,
const destT  ,
const kernelT *  kernel,
int  k_lo,
int  k_hi,
const accumT  ,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  start_option,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  end_option 
) [related]

Create an image_resource object which convolve kernel[x] x in [k_lo,k_hi] with srcT.

This function reverses the kernel. If you don't want the kernel reversed, use vil_correlate_1d instead.
kernelshould point to tap 0.

Definition at line 403 of file vil_convolve_1d.h.

bool vil_copy_deep ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src,
vil_image_resource_sptr dest 
) [related]

Copy src to dest.

This is useful if you want to copy on image into a window on another image. src and dest must have identical sizes, and pixel-types. Returns false if the copy failed. O(size).

Definition at line 41 of file vil_copy.cxx.

template<class destT , class kernelT , class accumT >
vil_image_resource_sptr vil_correlate_1d ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src_im,
const destT  ,
const kernelT *  kernel,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  k_lo,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  k_hi,
const accumT  ,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  start_option,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  end_option 
) [related]

Create an image_resource object which correlate kernel[x] x in [k_lo,k_hi] with srcT.

This function does not reverse the kernel. If you want the kernel reversed, use vil_convolve_1d instead.
kernelshould point to tap 0.

Definition at line 214 of file vil_correlate_1d.h.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_crop ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src,
unsigned  i0,
unsigned  n_i,
unsigned  j0,
unsigned  n_j 
) [related]

Crop to a region of src.

Definition at line 15 of file vil_crop.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_decimate ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src,
unsigned  i_factor,
unsigned  j_factor = 0 
) [related]

decimate to a region of src.

Definition at line 23 of file vil_decimate.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_flip_lr ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src) [related]

Flip an image resource left to right.

Definition at line 17 of file vil_flip.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_flip_ud ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src) [related]

Flip an image resource left to right.

Reimplemented in vil_flip_ud_image_resource.

Definition at line 124 of file vil_flip.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource ( char const *  filename,
bool  verbose = true 
) [related]

Load an image resource object from a file.

Definition at line 71 of file vil_load.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource_plugin ( char const *  ) [related]

Load from a filename with a plugin.

Definition at line 83 of file vil_load.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource_raw ( vil_stream ,
bool  verbose = true 
) [related]

Load from a stream.

Won't use plugins.

Definition at line 19 of file vil_load.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_load_image_resource_raw ( char const *  ,
bool  verbose = true 
) [related]

Load an image resource object from a file.

Won't use plugins.

Definition at line 45 of file vil_load.cxx.

vil_pyramid_image_resource_sptr vil_load_pyramid_resource ( char const *  directory_or_file,
bool  verbose = true 
) [related]

Load a pyramid image resource object from a file or directory.

Definition at line 103 of file vil_load.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vil_pixel_format  format 
) [related]

Make a new image of given format.

If the format is not scalar, the number of planes must be 1. When you create a multi-component image in this way, the vil_image_resource API will treat it as a scalar pixel image with multiple planes. (This doesn't affect the underlying data storage.)

Reimplemented in vil_memory_image.

Definition at line 32 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
vil_image_resource_sptr const &  prototype 
) [related]

Make a new image, similar format to the prototype.

Definition at line 69 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( vil_stream os,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vil_pixel_format  format,
char const *  file_format 
) [related]

Make a new image.

Definition at line 77 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( char const *  filename,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vil_image_resource_sptr const &  prototype,
char const *  format = 0 
) [related]

Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to file "filename", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( vil_stream os,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vil_image_resource_sptr const &  prototype,
char const *  file_format = 0 
) [related]

Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to stream "os", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( char const *  filename,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
vil_image_resource_sptr const &  prototype,
char const *  file_format 
) [related]

Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to file "filename", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".

Definition at line 104 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( char const *  filename,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vil_pixel_format  format,
char const *  file_format 
) [related]

Make a new image.

Definition at line 123 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource ( vil_stream os,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
vil_image_resource_sptr const &  prototype,
char const *  file_format 
) [related]

Make a new vil_image_resource, writing to stream "os", size ni x nj, copying pixel format etc from "prototype".

Definition at line 143 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource_interleaved ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vil_pixel_format  format 
) [related]

Make a new image of given format with interleaved planes.

The format must be scalar.

Reimplemented in vil_memory_image.

Definition at line 44 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_new_image_resource_of_view ( vil_image_view_base const &  view) [related]

Make a new image resource that is a wrapper on an existing view's data.

The output will be a shallow copy of the input, so changing the pixel values of one may change the pixel value of the other. Thanks to the magic of smart pointers, the output will remain valid even if you destroy the input. When you wrap a multi-component image in this way, the vil_image_resource API will treat it as a scalar pixel image with multiple planes. (This doesn't affect the underlying data storage.)

Reimplemented in vil_memory_image.

Definition at line 62 of file vil_new.cxx.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_plane ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src,
unsigned  p 
) [related]

Return a specific plane of an image.

Reimplemented in vil_plane_image_resource.

Definition at line 19 of file vil_plane.cxx.

bool vil_save_image_resource ( const vil_image_resource_sptr ir,
char const *  filename,
char const *  file_format 
) [related]

Send vil_image_resource to disk.

Definition at line 128 of file vil_save.cxx.

bool vil_save_image_resource ( const vil_image_resource_sptr ir,
char const *  filename 
) [related]

Save vil_image_resource to file, deducing format from filename.

Definition at line 147 of file vil_save.cxx.

friend class vil_smart_ptr< vil_image_resource > [friend, inherited]

Definition at line 109 of file vil_image_resource.h.

friend class vil_smart_ptr< vil_pyramid_image_resource > [friend, inherited]

Definition at line 133 of file vil_pyramid_image_resource.h.

vil_image_resource_sptr vil_transpose ( const vil_image_resource_sptr src) [related]

Transpose an image.

Definition at line 17 of file vil_transpose.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

vcl_string vil_pyramid_image_list::directory_ [protected]

Definition at line 217 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

Definition at line 220 of file vil_pyramid_image_list.h.

vcl_atomic_count vil_image_resource::reference_count_ [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 114 of file vil_image_resource.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: