Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
vipl_add_random_noise< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Add random noise to all pixels
vipl_convert< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Convert between arbitrary image types
vipl_dilate_disk< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Morphological dilation with circular element
vipl_dyadic< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Apply any (fixed) function to all (out,in) pixel pairs
vipl_erode_disk< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Morphological erosion with circular element
vipl_filter< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, Arity, PixelItr >
vipl_filter_2d< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >
vipl_gaussian_convolution< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Gaussian smoothing
vipl_gradient_dir< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Atan2 of vipl_x_gradient and vipl_y_gradient
vipl_gradient_mag< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Sqrt of vipl_x_gradient square plus vipl_y_gradient square
vipl_histogram< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Pixel value histogram of 2D image
vipl_median< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Median filter with circular element
vipl_moment< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Computation of n-th order moment
vipl_monadic< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Apply any (fixed) function to all pixels
vipl_section_container< DataType >
vipl_section_descriptor< DataType >
vipl_section_descriptor_2d< DataType >
vipl_section_iterator< DataType >
vipl_sobel< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Vipl_sobel convolution filter
vipl_threshold< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Set pixel to given value if above/below certain threshold
vipl_trivial_pixeliterThis class provides a trivial "iterator" class for use as the default pixel iterator in the new filter paradigm
vipl_x_gradient< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Convolve image with horizontal [-1 1] filter
vipl_y_gradient< ImgIn, ImgOut, DataIn, DataOut, PixelItr >Convolve image with vertical [-1 1] filter