Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is rpl/rrel/rrel_homography2d_est_aff.cxx
00002 #include "rrel_homography2d_est_aff.h"
00003 //:
00004 // \file
00005 #include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
00006 #include <vnl/vnl_vector.h>
00007 #include <vgl/vgl_homg_point_2d.h>
00010 rrel_homography2d_est_aff :: rrel_homography2d_est_aff( const vcl_vector< vgl_homg_point_2d<double> > & from_pts,
00011                                                         const vcl_vector< vgl_homg_point_2d<double> > & to_pts )
00012   : rrel_homography2d_est( from_pts, to_pts, 6)
00013 {
00014     // Do nothing here
00015 }
00017 rrel_homography2d_est_aff :: rrel_homography2d_est_aff( const vcl_vector< vnl_vector<double> > & from_pts,
00018                                                         const vcl_vector< vnl_vector<double> > & to_pts )
00019   : rrel_homography2d_est( from_pts, to_pts, 6)
00020 {
00021     // Do nothing here
00022 }
00024 rrel_homography2d_est_aff::~rrel_homography2d_est_aff()
00025 {
00026     // Do nothing here
00027 }
00029 void
00030 rrel_homography2d_est_aff :: homography_to_parameters(const vnl_matrix<double>& m,
00031                                                       vnl_vector<double>&       p) const
00032 {
00033     p(0) = m(0, 0) / m(2, 2);
00034     p(1) = m(0, 1) / m(2, 2);
00035     p(2) = m(0, 2) / m(2, 2);
00036     p(3) = m(1, 0) / m(2, 2);
00037     p(4) = m(1, 1) / m(2, 2);
00038     p(5) = m(1, 2) / m(2, 2);
00039     p(6) = 0.0;
00040     p(7) = 0.0;
00041     p(8) = 1.0;
00042 }
00044 void
00045 rrel_homography2d_est_aff :: parameters_to_homography(const vnl_vector<double>& p,
00046                                                       vnl_matrix<double>&       m) const
00047 {
00048     m(0, 0) = p(0) / p(8);
00049     m(0, 1) = p(1) / p(8);
00050     m(0, 2) = p(2) / p(8);
00051     m(1, 0) = p(3) / p(8);
00052     m(1, 1) = p(4) / p(8);
00053     m(1, 2) = p(5) / p(8);
00054     m(2, 0) = 0.0;
00055     m(2, 1) = 0.0;
00056     m(2, 2) = 1.0;
00057 }