Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
rrel_cauchy_objCauchy robust loss function
rrel_estimation_problemBase class for (robust) estimation problems
rrel_homography2d_estClass to maintain data and optimization model for 2d homography estimation
rrel_homography2d_est_affSubclass of the generalized 8-DOF homography estimator for affine transformations (6 DOF)
rrel_irlsIteratively-reweighted least-squares minimization of an M-estimator
rrel_kernel_density_objKernel Density objective function
rrel_linear_regressionClass to maintain data and optimization model for single linear regression problems
rrel_lms_objThe Least-Median-of-Squares (LMS) objective function
rrel_lts_objThe Least-Trimmed-Squares (LTS) objective function
rrel_m_est_objGeneric implementation for standard M-estimators
rrel_mlesac_objMLESAC objective function
rrel_muse_key_typeLook-up table for the MUSET objective function
rrel_muset_objThe MUSET (MUSE trimmed) objective function, which should be used instead of LMS
rrel_objectiveAn objective function to be minimised
rrel_orthogonal_regressionMaintain data and optimization model for orthogonal regression problems
rrel_ran_sam_searchRandom sampling search for minimization of a robust objective function
rrel_ransac_objThe objective function for RANSAC
rrel_shift2d_estClass to maintain data and optimization model for 2d shift estimation
rrel_trunc_quad_objTruncated quadratic robust loss function
rrel_tukey_objBeaton-Tukey biweight
rrel_wls_objAbstract base class for objective functions that can compute weights