Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
msm_alignerBase for functions which calculate and apply 2D transformations
msm_box_limiterApply limits to each parameter independently
msm_curveList of points making a curve - for defining boundaries
msm_curvesContainer for a set of curves
msm_ellipsoid_limiterForce param.s to lie in ellipsoid defined by variances
msm_no_limiterNo limits applied to parameters
msm_param_limiterBase for objects with apply limits to parameters
msm_pointsSet of 2D points, stored in a vnl_vector (x0,y0,x1,y1...)
msm_pose_makerCompute a direction at each point, usually normal to curve
msm_ref_shape_instanceRepresentation of an instance of a shape model in ref frame
msm_ref_shape_modelContains mean/modes etc of a shape model in a reference frame
msm_shape_instanceRepresentation of an instance of a shape model
msm_shape_mode_viewGenerates shapes displaying modes of a shape model
msm_shape_modelContains mean/modes etc of a shape model
msm_shape_model_builderObject to build a msm_shape_model
msm_similarity_alignerCalculate and apply 2D similarity transformations
msm_translation_alignerCalculate and apply 2D translations
msm_wt_mat_2dRepresents 2x2 symmetric matrix, used as weight matrix
msm_zoom_alignerCalculate and apply translation + scale transform
tool_paramsStructure to hold parameters