Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is mul/mbl/mbl_stepwise_regression.h
00002 #ifndef mbl_stepwise_regression_h_
00003 #define mbl_stepwise_regression_h_
00004 //:
00005 // \file
00006 // \brief Conduct stepwise regression
00007 // \author Martin Roberts
00009 #include <vcl_set.h>
00010 #include <vnl/vnl_vector.h>
00011 #include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
00014 //: Perform the stepwise regression algorithm to determine which subset of variables appear to be significant predictors
00015 class mbl_stepwise_regression
00016 {
00017     //: Forwards or backwards stepwise (add or remove variables)
00018     enum step_mode {eFORWARDS,eBACKWARDS};
00019     //: The data matrix of x values (predictor variables)
00020     // Each training example is a row, each x-variable dimension corresponds to a column
00021     const vnl_matrix<double>& x_;
00022     //: Vector of dependent y values
00023     const vnl_vector<double>& y_;
00024     //: number of training examples (i.e. number of rows in x_)
00025     unsigned num_examples_;
00026     //: dimensionality - (i.e. number of columns in x_)
00027     unsigned num_vars_;
00028     //: [x,-1]'[x,-1]
00029     vnl_matrix<double> XtX_;
00030     //: [x,-1]'[y,-1]
00031     vnl_vector<double> XtY_;
00032     //: Basis (i.e. all significant variables)
00033     vcl_set<unsigned> basis_ ;
00034     //: All non-basis variables
00035     vcl_set<unsigned> basis_complement_ ;
00036     //: The regression coefficients + constant (final term)
00037     vnl_vector<double> weights_;
00039     //: The residual sum of squares
00040     double rss_;
00041     //: F-ratio significance threshold for adding a variable
00042     double FthreshAdd_;
00043     //: F-ratio significance threshold for removing a variable
00044     // Note must be less than addition threshold or infinite cycling will occur
00045     double FthreshRemove_;
00046     //: forwards or backwards mode
00047     step_mode mode_;
00050     //: Add a new variable and return if significant
00051     // Only added if it makes a significant reduction in RSS, unless forceAdd is set
00052     // Always adds the variable making most difference to RSS
00053     bool add_variable(bool forceAdd=false);
00055     //: Remove a variable that makes no significant difference to RSS
00056     // Will remove the one that causes least change to RSS
00057     bool remove_variable();
00059     double f_ratio(double rssExtended,double rssBase,unsigned q)
00060     {
00061         double chi2Extra = rssBase - rssExtended ;
00062         double f1 = chi2Extra/double(q);
00063         double f2 = rssExtended/double(num_examples_ - (basis_.size()+q) - 1);
00064         return f1/f2;
00065     }
00066     //: Evaluate F-ratio to test if change in sum of squares was significant
00067     bool test_significance(double rssExtended,double rssBase, double fthresh)
00068     {
00069         return ((f_ratio(rssExtended,rssBase,1) >fthresh) ? true : false);
00070     }
00071     //: Step forward through basis complement, adding in new significant variables and removing those that cease to be significant
00072     void do_forward_stepwise_regression();
00074     //: Step back and remove all insignificant variables, then try and step forward again
00075     void do_backward_stepwise_regression();
00077   public:
00078     //: Constructor, note you must supply the data references
00079     // These must remain in scope during algorithm execution
00080     // The data matrix of x values (predictor variables) is arranged as:
00081     // Each training example is a row, each x-variable dimension corresponds to a column
00082     mbl_stepwise_regression(const vnl_matrix<double>& x,
00083                             const vnl_vector<double>& y);
00085     //: Run the algorithm as determined by mode
00086     void operator()();
00088     //: return the basis variables
00089     // I.e. those determined to be significantly correlated with y in stepwise search
00090     const vcl_set<unsigned > basis() const {return basis_;}
00092     //: Set the mode to forwards or backwards
00093     // Note backwards can take a long compute time in a space of high dimension
00094     void set_mode(step_mode mode) {mode_ = mode;}
00096     //: Return the regression coefficients + constant (final term)
00097     const vnl_vector<double >& weights() const {return weights_;}
00098 };
00100 //:Helper stuff for stepwise regression
00101 namespace mbl_stepwise_regression_helpers
00102 {
00103     //: Do the regression fitting for a given basis instance
00104     class lsfit_this_basis
00105     {
00106         //: The data matrix of x values (predictor variables)
00107         // Each training example is a row, each x-variable dimension corresponds to a column
00108         const vnl_matrix<double>& x_;
00109         //: Vector of dependent y values
00110         const vnl_vector<double>& y_;
00111         //: x'x
00112         const vnl_matrix<double>& XtX_;
00113         //: x'y
00114         const vnl_vector<double>& XtY_;
00115         //: the basis (note ordered by variable index)
00116         vcl_set<unsigned> basis_ ;
00117         //: number of training examples (i.e. number of rows in x_)
00118         unsigned num_examples_;
00119         //: dimensionality - (i.e. number of columns in x_)
00120         unsigned num_vars_;
00121         //: The regression coefficients determine for the significant variables in the basis
00122         // NB These are in the order of the basis variables, e.g. weights_[1] is for the second variable
00123         // Also note the size of weights is one more than the basis, the last term being the constant
00124         vnl_vector<double> weights_;
00125       public:
00126         //: constructor, note supply the data references
00127         lsfit_this_basis(const vnl_matrix<double>& x,
00128                          const vnl_vector<double>& y,
00129                          const vnl_matrix<double>& XtX,
00130                          const vnl_vector<double>& XtY):
00131             x_(x),y_(y),XtX_(XtX),XtY_(XtY)
00132             {
00133                 num_examples_ = y.size();
00134                 num_vars_ = x.cols();
00135             }
00136         //: Set the basis
00137         void set_basis(vcl_set<unsigned>& basis) {basis_ = basis;}
00138         //: return the basis
00139         const vcl_set<unsigned>& basis() const {return basis_;}
00141         //:Try adding variable k to the basis and then fit the extended basis, returning resid sum of squares
00142         // Note the basis is not actually updated, only temporarily for the duration of this call
00143         double add(unsigned k);
00145         //:Try removing variable k from the basis and then fit the extended basis, returning resid sum of squares
00146         // Note the basis is not actually updated, only temporarily for the duration of this call
00147         double remove(unsigned k);
00149         //: Fit the current basis
00150         double operator()();
00152         //: return the regression coefficients and constant (final term)
00153         const vnl_vector<double >& weights() const {return weights_;}
00154     };
00155 };
00157 #endif // mbl_stepwise_regression_h_