mbl_table Member List
This is the complete list of members for mbl_table, including all inherited members.
append_column(const vcl_string &header, const vcl_vector< double > &column)mbl_table
append_column(const vcl_string &header, const double val=0)mbl_table
append_row(const vcl_vector< double > &row)mbl_table
append_row(const double val=0)mbl_table
column_exists(const vcl_string &header) const mbl_table
column_headers_mbl_table [protected]
columns_mbl_table [protected]
delimiter_mbl_table [protected]
get_column(const vcl_string &header, vcl_vector< double > &column) const mbl_table
get_column_headers(vcl_vector< vcl_string > &headers) const mbl_table
get_element(const vcl_string &header, const unsigned r, bool *success=0) const mbl_table
get_row(const unsigned &r, vcl_vector< double > &row) const mbl_table
header_to_column_index_mbl_table [protected]
mbl_table(const char delim='\t')mbl_table
mbl_table(const char delim, const vcl_vector< vcl_string > &headers)mbl_table
num_cols() const mbl_table
num_rows() const mbl_table
operator!=(const mbl_table &rhs) const mbl_table
operator==(const mbl_table &rhs) const mbl_table
read(vcl_istream &is)mbl_table
read_delimited_string(vcl_istream &is, vcl_string &str, bool &eol, bool &eof)mbl_table [protected]
set_element(const vcl_string &header, const unsigned r, const double value)mbl_table
set_tolerance(const double &tol, const bool &fract=false)mbl_table [static]
set_verbosity(const int &v)mbl_table [static]
subtable(mbl_table &new_table, const vcl_vector< vcl_string > &headers) const mbl_table
write(vcl_ostream &os) const mbl_table