contrib/brl/bseg/sdet/sdet_harris_detector.h File Reference

a processor for extracting Harris corners More...

#include <vcl_vector.h>
#include <vil1/vil1_image.h>
#include <vil/vil_image_resource.h>
#include <vsol/vsol_point_2d_sptr.h>
#include <sdet/sdet_harris_detector_params.h>

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class  sdet_harris_detector

Detailed Description

a processor for extracting Harris corners

The Harris Corner is defined as a local maximum of Det(A)-k*Trace^2(A) where

                          _                           _
                         | (dI/dx)^2    (dI/dx)(dI/dy) |
                         |                             |
    A = Sum(neighborhood)|                             |
                         |(dI/dx)(dI/dy)   (dI/dx)^2   |
                         |_                           _|

over a 2n+1 x 2n+1 neighborhood. The value of k is typically 0.04 as originally recommended by Harris.

Note: There is a version in osl, but the plan is to build a suite of feature trackers and the gradient matrix is a fundamental concept across many tracking algorithms. Thus this Harris implementation is built on a more generally usable image processing base.

J.L. Mundy - February 26, 2003
   J.L. MUndy December 28, 2004 - added interface for vil images

Definition in file sdet_harris_detector.h.