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brip_Gxx_kernel Class Reference

Gxx kernel. More...

#include <brip_gaussian_kernel.h>

Inheritance diagram for brip_Gxx_kernel:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef double pixel_type
typedef double * iterator
typedef doubleconst * const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 brip_Gxx_kernel (double sigma_, double dx_=0.0, double dy_=0.0)
 ~brip_Gxx_kernel ()
virtual void compute_kernel (bool separated_kernels_only=false)
 compute the kernel.
virtual void recompute_kernel (double dx_=0.0, double dy_=0.0, double theta_=0.0)
 recompute kernel with given subpixel shifts.
bool is_contiguous () const
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
double * top_left_ptr ()
const double * top_left_ptr () const
vcl_ptrdiff_t istep () const
vcl_ptrdiff_t jstep () const
vcl_ptrdiff_t planestep () const
 operator safe_bool () const
bool operator! () const
unsigned size_bytes () const
const vil_memory_chunk_sptrmemory_chunk () const
vil_memory_chunk_sptrmemory_chunk ()
bool in_range (int i, int j) const
bool in_range (int i, int j, int p) const
const double & operator() (unsigned i, unsigned j) const
double & operator() (unsigned i, unsigned j)
const double & operator() (unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned p) const
double & operator() (unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned p)
virtual void set_size (unsigned ni, unsigned nj)
virtual void set_size (unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes)
void deep_copy (const vil_image_view< double > &src)
void clear ()
void set_to_memory (const double *top_left, unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, vcl_ptrdiff_t i_step, vcl_ptrdiff_t j_step, vcl_ptrdiff_t plane_step)
void fill (doublevalue)
virtual void print (vcl_ostream &) const
virtual vcl_string is_a () const
virtual bool is_class (vcl_string const &s) const
vil_pixel_format pixel_format () const
bool operator== (const vil_image_view_base &other) const
bool operator!= (const vil_image_view_base &rhs) const
bool operator< (const vil_image_view_base &rhs) const
bool operator>= (const vil_image_view_base &rhs) const
bool operator> (const vil_image_view_base &rhs) const
bool operator<= (const vil_image_view_base &rhs) const
unsigned ni () const
unsigned nj () const
unsigned nplanes () const
unsigned long size () const
void vil_cartesian_differential_invariants_3 (const vil_image_view< S > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest, double scale, unsigned max_kernel_width=0)
void vil_convolve_1d (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, const kernelT *kernel, vcl_ptrdiff_t k_lo, vcl_ptrdiff_t k_hi, accumT ac, vil_convolve_boundary_option start_option, vil_convolve_boundary_option end_option)
void vil_convolve_2d (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, const vil_image_view< kernelT > &kernel, accumT ac)
void vil_corners (const vil_image_view< float > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< float > &grad_j, vil_image_view< float > &dest, double k)
void vil_corners (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< float > &dest, double k=0.04)
void vil_corners_rohr (const vil_image_view< float > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< float > &grad_j, vil_image_view< float > &dest)
void vil_corners_rohr (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< float > &dest)
void vil_correlate_1d (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, const kernelT *kernel, vcl_ptrdiff_t k_lo, vcl_ptrdiff_t k_hi, accumT ac, vil_convolve_boundary_option start_option, vil_convolve_boundary_option end_option)
accumT vil_correlate_2d_at_pt (const srcT *src_im, vcl_ptrdiff_t s_istep, vcl_ptrdiff_t s_jstep, vcl_ptrdiff_t s_pstep, const vil_image_view< kernelT > &kernel, accumT)
void vil_correlate_2d (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, const vil_image_view< kernelT > &kernel, accumT ac)
void vil_distance_transform (vil_image_view< float > &image)
void vil_distance_transform (const vil_image_view< bool > &mask, vil_image_view< float > &distance_image, float max_dist)
void vil_distance_transform_one_way (vil_image_view< float > &image)
void vil_distance_transform_r2 (vil_image_view< float > &image)
void vil_dog_filter_5tap (const vil_image_view< double > &src_im, vil_image_view< double > &smooth_im, vil_image_view< double > &dog_im, double sigma)
void vil_dog_pyramid (const vil_image_view< double > &src_image, vcl_vector< vil_image_view< double > > &smooth_pyramid, vcl_vector< vil_image_view< double > > &dog_pyramid, unsigned min_size)
void vil_exp_filter_i (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, accumT k)
void vil_exp_filter_j (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, accumT k)
void vil_exp_filter_2d (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, accumT ki, accumT kj)
void vil_exp_grad_filter_i (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, accumT k)
void vil_exp_grad_filter_j (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, accumT k)
void vil_find_peaks_3x3 (vcl_vector< unsigned > &pi, vcl_vector< unsigned > &pj, const vil_image_view< double > &image, const double &min_thresh, bool clear_list=true)
void vil_find_peaks_3x3_subpixel (vcl_vector< double > &px, vcl_vector< double > &py, vcl_vector< double > &val, const vil_image_view< double > &image, const double &min_thresh, bool clear_list=true)
void vil_find_plateaus_3x3 (vcl_vector< unsigned > &pi, vcl_vector< unsigned > &pj, const vil_image_view< double > &image, const double &min_thresh, bool clear_list=true)
void vil_flood_fill_row (vil_image_view< double > &image, unsigned i, unsigned j, doublev, doublenew_v, unsigned &ilo, unsigned &ihi)
void vil_flood_fill4 (vil_image_view< double > &image, unsigned seed_i, unsigned seed_j, doublev, doublenew_v)
void vil_flood_fill4 (vil_image_view< double > &image, unsigned seed_i, unsigned seed_j, doublev, doublenew_v, vcl_vector< vil_chord > &region)
void vil_flood_fill8 (vil_image_view< double > &image, unsigned seed_i, unsigned seed_j, doublev, doublenew_v)
void vil_flood_fill8 (vil_image_view< double > &image, unsigned seed_i, unsigned seed_j, doublev, doublenew_v, vcl_vector< vil_chord > &region)
void vil_gauss_reduce (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest, vil_image_view< double > &work_im)
void vil_gauss_reduce_2_3 (const vil_image_view< double > &src_im, vil_image_view< double > &dest_im, vil_image_view< double > &work_im)
void vil_gauss_reduce_121 (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest)
void vil_gauss_reduce_general (const vil_image_view< double > &src_im, vil_image_view< double > &dest_im, const vil_gauss_reduce_params &params)
void vil_grid_merge (const vil_image_view< double > &image1, const vil_image_view< double > &image2, vil_image_view< double > &dest_image, unsigned box_ni, unsigned box_nj)
void vil_histogram (const vil_image_view< double > &image, vcl_vector< double > &histo, double min, double max, unsigned n_bins)
void vil_histogram_byte (const vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &image, vcl_vector< double > &histo)
void vil_histogram_equalise (vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &image)
accumT vil_norm_corr_2d_at_pt (const srcT *src_im, vcl_ptrdiff_t s_istep, vcl_ptrdiff_t s_jstep, vcl_ptrdiff_t s_pstep, const vil_image_view< kernelT > &kernel, accumT)
void vil_normalised_correlation_2d (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src_im, vil_image_view< destT > &dest_im, const vil_image_view< kernelT > &kernel, accumT ac)
void vil_orientations (const vil_image_view< float > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< float > &grad_j, vil_image_view< float > &orient_im, vil_image_view< float > &grad_mag)
void vil_orientations (const vil_image_view< float > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< float > &grad_j, vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &orient_im, vil_image_view< float > &grad_mag, unsigned n_orientations=256)
void vil_orientations_at_edges (const vil_image_view< float > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< float > &grad_j, vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &orient_im, vil_image_view< float > &grad_mag, float grad_threshold, unsigned n_orientations=255)
void vil_orientations_from_sobel (const vil_image_view< double > &src_image, vil_image_view< float > &orient_im, vil_image_view< float > &grad_mag)
void vil_orientations_from_sobel (const vil_image_view< double > &src_image, vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &orient_im, vil_image_view< float > &grad_mag, unsigned n_orientations=256)
void vil_quad_distance_function (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, double ai, double aj, vil_image_view< destT > &dest)
void vil_quad_distance_function (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, double ai, double aj, vil_image_view< destT > &dest, vil_image_view< posT > &pos)
void vil_sobel_1x3 (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_i, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_j)
void vil_sobel_1x3 (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_ij)
void vil_sobel_3x3 (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_i, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_j)
void vil_sobel_3x3 (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_ij)
void vil_suppress_non_max_3x3 (const vil_image_view< double > &src_im, vil_image_view< double > &dest_im, doublethreshold=0, doublenon_max_value=0)
void vil_suppress_non_max_edges (const vil_image_view< srcT > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< srcT > &grad_j, double grad_mag_threshold, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_mag)
void vil_suppress_non_max_edges_subpixel (const vil_image_view< srcT > &grad_i, const vil_image_view< srcT > &grad_j, double grad_mag_threshold, vil_image_view< destT > &grad_mag_orient_offset)
void vil_suppress_non_plateau_3x3 (const vil_image_view< double > &src_im, vil_image_view< double > &dest_im, doublethreshold=0, doublenon_max_value=0)
void vil_threshold_above (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< bool > &dest, srcT t)
void vil_threshold_below (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< bool > &dest, srcT t)
void vil_threshold_inside (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< bool > &dest, srcT t0, srcT t1)
void vil_threshold_outside (const vil_image_view< srcT > &src, vil_image_view< bool > &dest, srcT t0, srcT t1)
void vil_tile_images (vil_image_view< double > &big_image, const vcl_vector< vil_image_view< double > > &patches)
void vsl_b_write (vsl_b_ostream &os, const vil_image_view< double > &image)
void vsl_b_read (vsl_b_istream &is, vil_image_view< double > &image)
void vsl_b_read (vsl_b_istream &is, vil_image_view< double > *&p)
void vsl_print_summary (vcl_ostream &os, const vil_image_view< double > &image)
double vil_bicub_interp_safe (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_bicub_interp (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_bicub_interp_safe_extend (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_bilin_interp_safe (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_bilin_interp_safe_edgena (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_bilin_interp (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_bilin_interp_safe_extend (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
void vil_clamp (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest, doublelo, doublehi)
void vil_clamp_below (vil_image_view< double > &src, doublet, doublev)
void vil_clamp_below (vil_image_view< double > &src, doublet)
void vil_convert_cast (const vil_image_view< inP > &src, vil_image_view< outP > &dest)
void vil_convert_round (const vil_image_view< inP > &src, vil_image_view< outP > &dest)
void vil_convert_stretch_range (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &dest)
void vil_copy_reformat (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest)
void vil_copy_to_window (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest, unsigned i0, unsigned j0)
void vil_copy_deep (const vil_image_view< double > &src, vil_image_view< double > &dest)
vil_image_view< double > vil_copy_deep (const vil_image_view< double > &src)
vil_image_view< double > vil_crop (const vil_image_view< double > &im, unsigned i0, unsigned n_i, unsigned j0, unsigned n_j)
vil_image_view< double > vil_decimate (const vil_image_view< double > &im, unsigned i_factor, unsigned j_factor=0)
void vil_fill (vil_image_view< double > &view, doublevalue)
void vil_fill_line (vil_image_view< double > &im, int ai, int aj, int bi, int bj, doublevalue)
void vil_fill_row (vil_image_view< double > &view, unsigned j, doublevalue)
void vil_fill_col (vil_image_view< double > &view, unsigned i, doublevalue)
void vil_fill_mask (vil_image_view< srcT > &image, const vil_image_view< bool > &mask, srcT value, bool b=true)
void vil_fill_disk (vil_image_view< double > &image, double ci, double cj, double r, doublevalue)
vil_image_view< double > vil_flatten_planes (const vil_image_view< double > &im)
vil_image_view< double > vil_flip_lr (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
vil_image_view< double > vil_flip_ud (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
bool vil_image_view_deep_equality (const vil_image_view< double > &lhs, const vil_image_view< double > &rhs)
vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_load (const char *, bool verbose=true)
void vil_math_value_range_percentiles (const vil_image_view< double > &im, const vcl_vector< double > &fraction, vcl_vector< double > &value)
void vil_math_value_range_percentile (const vil_image_view< double > &im, const double fraction, double &value)
sumT vil_math_ssd (const vil_image_view< imT > &imA, const vil_image_view< imT > &imB, sumT)
sumT vil_math_ssd_complex (const vil_image_view< vcl_complex< imT > > &imA, const vil_image_view< vcl_complex< imT > > &imB, sumT)
void vil_math_mean_over_planes (const vil_image_view< aT > &src, vil_image_view< sumT > &dest)
void vil_math_mean_over_planes (const vil_image_view< inT > &src, vil_image_view< outT > &dest, sumT)
void vil_math_sum (sumT &sum, const vil_image_view< imT > &im, unsigned p)
void vil_math_mean (sumT &mean, const vil_image_view< imT > &im, unsigned p)
void vil_math_median (imT &median, const vil_image_view< imT > &im, unsigned p)
void vil_math_sum_squares (sumT &sum, sumT &sum_sq, const vil_image_view< imT > &im, unsigned p)
void vil_math_mean_and_variance (sumT &mean, sumT &var, const vil_image_view< imT > &im, unsigned p)
void vil_math_sqrt (vil_image_view< double > &image)
void vil_math_truncate_range (vil_image_view< double > &image, doublemin_v, doublemax_v)
void vil_math_scale_values (vil_image_view< double > &image, double scale)
void vil_math_scale_and_offset_values (vil_image_view< imT > &image, double scale, offsetT offset)
void vil_math_image_sum (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_sum)
void vil_math_image_product (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_product)
void vil_math_image_max (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< maxT > &im_max)
void vil_math_image_min (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< minT > &im_min)
void vil_math_image_ratio (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_ratio)
void vil_math_image_difference (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_sum)
void vil_math_image_abs_difference (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_sum)
double vil_math_image_abs_difference (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB)
void vil_math_image_vector_mag (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, vil_image_view< magT > &im_mag)
void vil_math_add_image_fraction (vil_image_view< aT > &imA, scaleT fa, const vil_image_view< bT > &imB, scaleT fb)
void vil_math_integral_image (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_sum)
void vil_math_integral_sqr_image (const vil_image_view< aT > &imA, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_sum, vil_image_view< sumT > &im_sum_sq)
double vil_nearest_interp_unsafe (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_nearest_interp_safe (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_nearest_interp (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
double vil_nearest_interp_safe_extend (const vil_image_view< double > &view, double x, double y, unsigned p=0)
vil_image_view< double > vil_new_image_view_plane_i_j (unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, double)
vil_image_view< double > vil_new_image_view_i_j_plane (unsigned ni, unsigned nj, unsigned nplanes, double)
vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_new_image_view_base_sptr (const vil_image_view_base &)
vil_image_view< double > vil_plane (const vil_image_view< double > &im, unsigned p)
void vil_print_value (vcl_ostream &s, const double &value, unsigned=0)
void vil_print_all (vcl_ostream &os, const vil_image_view< double > &view, unsigned width=0)
void vil_print_all (vcl_ostream &os, vil_image_view_base_sptr const &view)
void vil_resample_bicub (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bicub (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bicub_edge_extend (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bicub_edge_extend (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bilin (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bilin (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bilin_edge_extend (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_bilin_edge_extend (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_nearest (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_nearest (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_nearest_edge_extend (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_resample_nearest_edge_extend (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, int n1, int n2)
void vil_rotate_image (const vil_image_view< sType > &src_image, vil_image_view< dType > &dest_image, double theta_deg)
void vil_sample_grid_bicub (vecType *v, const vil_image_view< imType > &image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_sample_grid_bilin (vecType *v, const vil_image_view< imType > &image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_sample_grid_bilin_edgena (vecType *v, const vil_image_view< imType > &image, double x0, double y0, double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, int n1, int n2)
void vil_sample_profile_bicub (vecType *v, const vil_image_view< imType > &image, double x0, double y0, double dx, double dy, int n)
void vil_sample_profile_bilin (vecType *v, const vil_image_view< imType > &image, double x0, double y0, double dx, double dy, int n)
void vil_sample_profile_bilin_edgena (vecType *v, const vil_image_view< imType > &image, double x0, double y0, double dx, double dy, int n)
bool vil_save (const vil_image_view_base &, char const *filename)
bool vil_save (const vil_image_view_base &, char const *filename, char const *file_format)
void vil_transform (vil_image_view< double > &image, F functor)
void vil_transform (const vil_image_view< inP > &src, vil_image_view< outP > &dest, Op functor)
void vil_transform (const vil_image_view< inA > &srcA, const vil_image_view< inB > &srcB, vil_image_view< outP > &dest, BinOp functor)
void vil_transform (const vil_image_view< inA > &srcA, const vil_image_view< inB > &srcB, const vil_image_view< outP > &dest, BinOp functor)
void vil_transform2 (const vil_image_view< inP > &src, vil_image_view< outP > &dest, Op functor)
vil_image_view< double > vil_transpose (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
vil_image_view< typename
double::value_type > 
vil_view_as_planes (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
vil_image_view< vil_rgb< double > > vil_view_as_rgb (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
vil_image_view< vil_rgba
< double > > 
vil_view_as_rgba (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
vil_image_view< vcl_complex
< double > > 
vil_view_as_complex (const vil_image_view< double > &v)
vil_image_view< double > vil_view_part (vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > > img, int pt)
vil_image_view< double > vil_view_real_part (vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > > img)
vil_image_view< double > vil_view_imag_part (vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > > img)
void vil_warp (const vil_image_view< sType > &in, vil_image_view< dType > &out, MapFunctor mapper, InterpFunctor interp)

Public Attributes

int khs
vcl_vector< double > K_x
vcl_vector< double > K_y

Protected Member Functions

void release_memory ()

Protected Attributes

double sigma
 operator sigma
double dx
double dy
 operator shifts,
double theta
 operator rotation
double * top_left_
vcl_ptrdiff_t istep_
vcl_ptrdiff_t jstep_
vcl_ptrdiff_t planestep_
vil_memory_chunk_sptr ptr_
unsigned ni_
unsigned nj_
unsigned nplanes_

Detailed Description

Gxx kernel.

K_x = d2G_x, K_y = G_y

Definition at line 211 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef double const * vil_image_view< double >::const_iterator [inherited]
typedef double * vil_image_view< double >::iterator [inherited]
typedef double vil_image_view< double >::pixel_type [inherited]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

brip_Gxx_kernel::brip_Gxx_kernel ( double  sigma_,
double  dx_ = 0.0,
double  dy_ = 0.0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 214 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

brip_Gxx_kernel::~brip_Gxx_kernel ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 215 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

Member Function Documentation

iterator vil_image_view< double >::begin ( ) [inherited]
const_iterator vil_image_view< double >::begin ( ) const [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::clear ( ) [inherited]
virtual void brip_Gxx_kernel::compute_kernel ( bool  separated_kernels_only = false) [inline, virtual]

compute the kernel.

Reimplemented from brip_gaussian_kernel.

Definition at line 218 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

void vil_image_view< double >::deep_copy ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src) [inherited]
iterator vil_image_view< double >::end ( ) [inherited]
const_iterator vil_image_view< double >::end ( ) const [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::fill ( double  value) [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::in_range ( int  i,
int  j 
) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::in_range ( int  i,
int  j,
int  p 
) const [inherited]
virtual vcl_string vil_image_view< double >::is_a ( ) const [virtual, inherited]

Implements vil_image_view_base.

virtual bool vil_image_view< double >::is_class ( vcl_string const &  s) const [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

bool vil_image_view< double >::is_contiguous ( ) const [inherited]
vcl_ptrdiff_t vil_image_view< double >::istep ( ) const [inherited]
vcl_ptrdiff_t vil_image_view< double >::jstep ( ) const [inherited]
vil_memory_chunk_sptr & vil_image_view< double >::memory_chunk ( ) [inherited]
const vil_memory_chunk_sptr & vil_image_view< double >::memory_chunk ( ) const [inherited]
unsigned vil_image_view< double >::ni ( ) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

unsigned vil_image_view< double >::nj ( ) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

unsigned vil_image_view< double >::nplanes ( ) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

vil_image_view< double >::operator safe_bool ( ) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator! ( ) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator!= ( const vil_image_view_base rhs) const [inherited]
const double & vil_image_view< double >::operator() ( unsigned  i,
unsigned  j 
) const [inherited]
double & vil_image_view< double >::operator() ( unsigned  i,
unsigned  j 
) [inherited]
const double & vil_image_view< double >::operator() ( unsigned  i,
unsigned  j,
unsigned  p 
) const [inherited]
double & vil_image_view< double >::operator() ( unsigned  i,
unsigned  j,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator< ( const vil_image_view_base rhs) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator<= ( const vil_image_view_base rhs) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator== ( const vil_image_view_base other) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator> ( const vil_image_view_base rhs) const [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::operator>= ( const vil_image_view_base rhs) const [inherited]
vil_pixel_format vil_image_view< double >::pixel_format ( ) const [virtual, inherited]

Implements vil_image_view_base.

vcl_ptrdiff_t vil_image_view< double >::planestep ( ) const [inherited]
virtual void vil_image_view< double >::print ( vcl_ostream &  ) const [virtual, inherited]

Implements vil_image_view_base.

virtual void brip_gaussian_kernel::recompute_kernel ( double  dx_ = 0.0,
double  dy_ = 0.0,
double  theta_ = 0.0 
) [inline, virtual, inherited]

recompute kernel with given subpixel shifts.

Implements brip_kernel.

Definition at line 44 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

void vil_image_view< double >::release_memory ( ) [protected, inherited]
virtual void vil_image_view< double >::set_size ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj 
) [virtual, inherited]

Implements vil_image_view_base.

virtual void vil_image_view< double >::set_size ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes 
) [virtual, inherited]

Implements vil_image_view_base.

void vil_image_view< double >::set_to_memory ( const double *  top_left,
unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  i_step,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  j_step,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  plane_step 
) [inherited]
unsigned long vil_image_view< double >::size ( ) const [inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

unsigned vil_image_view< double >::size_bytes ( ) const [inherited]
double * vil_image_view< double >::top_left_ptr ( ) [inherited]
const double * vil_image_view< double >::top_left_ptr ( ) const [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bicub_interp ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bicub_interp_safe ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bicub_interp_safe_extend ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bilin_interp ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bilin_interp_safe ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bilin_interp_safe_edgena ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_bilin_interp_safe_extend ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_cartesian_differential_invariants_3 ( const vil_image_view< S > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest,
double  scale,
unsigned  max_kernel_width = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_clamp ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest,
double  lo,
double  hi 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_clamp_below ( vil_image_view< double > &  src,
double  t,
double  v 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_clamp_below ( vil_image_view< double > &  src,
double  t 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_convert_cast ( const vil_image_view< inP > &  src,
vil_image_view< outP > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_convert_round ( const vil_image_view< inP > &  src,
vil_image_view< outP > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_convert_stretch_range ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_convolve_1d ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
const kernelT *  kernel,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  k_lo,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  k_hi,
accumT  ac,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  start_option,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  end_option 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_convolve_2d ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
const vil_image_view< kernelT > &  kernel,
accumT  ac 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_copy_deep ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_copy_deep ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_copy_reformat ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_copy_to_window ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest,
unsigned  i0,
unsigned  j0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_corners ( const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_j,
vil_image_view< float > &  dest,
double  k 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_corners ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< float > &  dest,
double  k = 0.04 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_corners_rohr ( const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_j,
vil_image_view< float > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_corners_rohr ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< float > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_correlate_1d ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
const kernelT *  kernel,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  k_lo,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  k_hi,
accumT  ac,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  start_option,
vil_convolve_boundary_option  end_option 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_correlate_2d ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
const vil_image_view< kernelT > &  kernel,
accumT  ac 
) [inherited]
accumT vil_image_view< double >::vil_correlate_2d_at_pt ( const srcT *  src_im,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  s_istep,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  s_jstep,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  s_pstep,
const vil_image_view< kernelT > &  kernel,
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_crop ( const vil_image_view< double > &  im,
unsigned  i0,
unsigned  n_i,
unsigned  j0,
unsigned  n_j 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_decimate ( const vil_image_view< double > &  im,
unsigned  i_factor,
unsigned  j_factor = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_distance_transform ( vil_image_view< float > &  image) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_distance_transform ( const vil_image_view< bool > &  mask,
vil_image_view< float > &  distance_image,
float  max_dist 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_distance_transform_one_way ( vil_image_view< float > &  image) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_distance_transform_r2 ( vil_image_view< float > &  image) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_dog_filter_5tap ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  smooth_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  dog_im,
double  sigma 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_dog_pyramid ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_image,
vcl_vector< vil_image_view< double > > &  smooth_pyramid,
vcl_vector< vil_image_view< double > > &  dog_pyramid,
unsigned  min_size 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_exp_filter_2d ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
accumT  ki,
accumT  kj 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_exp_filter_i ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
accumT  k 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_exp_filter_j ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
accumT  k 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_exp_grad_filter_i ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
accumT  k 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_exp_grad_filter_j ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
accumT  k 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_fill ( vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  value 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_fill_col ( vil_image_view< double > &  view,
unsigned  i,
double  value 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_fill_disk ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
double  ci,
double  cj,
double  r,
double  value 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_fill_line ( vil_image_view< double > &  im,
int  ai,
int  aj,
int  bi,
int  bj,
double  value 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_fill_mask ( vil_image_view< srcT > &  image,
const vil_image_view< bool > &  mask,
srcT  value,
bool  b = true 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_fill_row ( vil_image_view< double > &  view,
unsigned  j,
double  value 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_find_peaks_3x3 ( vcl_vector< unsigned > &  pi,
vcl_vector< unsigned > &  pj,
const vil_image_view< double > &  image,
const double &  min_thresh,
bool  clear_list = true 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_find_peaks_3x3_subpixel ( vcl_vector< double > &  px,
vcl_vector< double > &  py,
vcl_vector< double > &  val,
const vil_image_view< double > &  image,
const double &  min_thresh,
bool  clear_list = true 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_find_plateaus_3x3 ( vcl_vector< unsigned > &  pi,
vcl_vector< unsigned > &  pj,
const vil_image_view< double > &  image,
const double &  min_thresh,
bool  clear_list = true 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_flatten_planes ( const vil_image_view< double > &  im) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_flip_lr ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_flip_ud ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_flood_fill4 ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
unsigned  seed_i,
unsigned  seed_j,
double  v,
double  new_v 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_flood_fill4 ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
unsigned  seed_i,
unsigned  seed_j,
double  v,
double  new_v,
vcl_vector< vil_chord > &  region 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_flood_fill8 ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
unsigned  seed_i,
unsigned  seed_j,
double  v,
double  new_v 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_flood_fill8 ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
unsigned  seed_i,
unsigned  seed_j,
double  v,
double  new_v,
vcl_vector< vil_chord > &  region 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_flood_fill_row ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
unsigned  i,
unsigned  j,
double  v,
double  new_v,
unsigned &  ilo,
unsigned &  ihi 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_gauss_reduce ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest,
vil_image_view< double > &  work_im 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_gauss_reduce_121 ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_gauss_reduce_2_3 ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  work_im 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_gauss_reduce_general ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest_im,
const vil_gauss_reduce_params params 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_grid_merge ( const vil_image_view< double > &  image1,
const vil_image_view< double > &  image2,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest_image,
unsigned  box_ni,
unsigned  box_nj 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_histogram ( const vil_image_view< double > &  image,
vcl_vector< double > &  histo,
double  min,
double  max,
unsigned  n_bins 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_histogram_byte ( const vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &  image,
vcl_vector< double > &  histo 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_histogram_equalise ( vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &  image) [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::vil_image_view_deep_equality ( const vil_image_view< double > &  lhs,
const vil_image_view< double > &  rhs 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_image_view< double >::vil_load ( const char *  ,
bool  verbose = true 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_add_image_fraction ( vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
scaleT  fa,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
scaleT  fb 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_abs_difference ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_abs_difference ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_sum 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_difference ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_sum 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_max ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< maxT > &  im_max 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_min ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< minT > &  im_min 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_product ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_product 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_ratio ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_ratio 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_sum ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_sum 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_image_vector_mag ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< bT > &  imB,
vil_image_view< magT > &  im_mag 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_integral_image ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_sum 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_integral_sqr_image ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  imA,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_sum,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  im_sum_sq 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_mean ( sumT &  mean,
const vil_image_view< imT > &  im,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_mean_and_variance ( sumT &  mean,
sumT &  var,
const vil_image_view< imT > &  im,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_mean_over_planes ( const vil_image_view< aT > &  src,
vil_image_view< sumT > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_mean_over_planes ( const vil_image_view< inT > &  src,
vil_image_view< outT > &  dest,
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_median ( imT &  median,
const vil_image_view< imT > &  im,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_scale_and_offset_values ( vil_image_view< imT > &  image,
double  scale,
offsetT  offset 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_scale_values ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
double  scale 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_sqrt ( vil_image_view< double > &  image) [inherited]
sumT vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_ssd ( const vil_image_view< imT > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< imT > &  imB,
) [inherited]
sumT vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_ssd_complex ( const vil_image_view< vcl_complex< imT > > &  imA,
const vil_image_view< vcl_complex< imT > > &  imB,
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_sum ( sumT &  sum,
const vil_image_view< imT > &  im,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_sum_squares ( sumT &  sum,
sumT &  sum_sq,
const vil_image_view< imT > &  im,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_truncate_range ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
double  min_v,
double  max_v 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_value_range_percentile ( const vil_image_view< double > &  im,
const double  fraction,
double &  value 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_math_value_range_percentiles ( const vil_image_view< double > &  im,
const vcl_vector< double > &  fraction,
vcl_vector< double > &  value 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_nearest_interp ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_nearest_interp_safe ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_nearest_interp_safe_extend ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
double vil_image_view< double >::vil_nearest_interp_unsafe ( const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
double  x,
double  y,
unsigned  p = 0 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view_base_sptr vil_image_view< double >::vil_new_image_view_base_sptr ( const vil_image_view_base ) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_new_image_view_i_j_plane ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_new_image_view_plane_i_j ( unsigned  ni,
unsigned  nj,
unsigned  nplanes,
) [inherited]
accumT vil_image_view< double >::vil_norm_corr_2d_at_pt ( const srcT *  src_im,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  s_istep,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  s_jstep,
vcl_ptrdiff_t  s_pstep,
const vil_image_view< kernelT > &  kernel,
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_normalised_correlation_2d ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest_im,
const vil_image_view< kernelT > &  kernel,
accumT  ac 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_orientations ( const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_j,
vil_image_view< float > &  orient_im,
vil_image_view< float > &  grad_mag 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_orientations ( const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_j,
vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &  orient_im,
vil_image_view< float > &  grad_mag,
unsigned  n_orientations = 256 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_orientations_at_edges ( const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< float > &  grad_j,
vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &  orient_im,
vil_image_view< float > &  grad_mag,
float  grad_threshold,
unsigned  n_orientations = 255 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_orientations_from_sobel ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< float > &  orient_im,
vil_image_view< float > &  grad_mag 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_orientations_from_sobel ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< vxl_byte > &  orient_im,
vil_image_view< float > &  grad_mag,
unsigned  n_orientations = 256 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_plane ( const vil_image_view< double > &  im,
unsigned  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_print_all ( vcl_ostream &  os,
const vil_image_view< double > &  view,
unsigned  width = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_print_all ( vcl_ostream &  os,
vil_image_view_base_sptr const &  view 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_print_value ( vcl_ostream &  s,
const double &  value,
unsigned  = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_quad_distance_function ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
double  ai,
double  aj,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_quad_distance_function ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
double  ai,
double  aj,
vil_image_view< destT > &  dest,
vil_image_view< posT > &  pos 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bicub ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bicub ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bicub_edge_extend ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bicub_edge_extend ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bilin ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bilin ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bilin_edge_extend ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_bilin_edge_extend ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_nearest ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_nearest ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_nearest_edge_extend ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_resample_nearest_edge_extend ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_rotate_image ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  src_image,
vil_image_view< dType > &  dest_image,
double  theta_deg 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sample_grid_bicub ( vecType *  v,
const vil_image_view< imType > &  image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sample_grid_bilin ( vecType *  v,
const vil_image_view< imType > &  image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sample_grid_bilin_edgena ( vecType *  v,
const vil_image_view< imType > &  image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx1,
double  dy1,
double  dx2,
double  dy2,
int  n1,
int  n2 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sample_profile_bicub ( vecType *  v,
const vil_image_view< imType > &  image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx,
double  dy,
int  n 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sample_profile_bilin ( vecType *  v,
const vil_image_view< imType > &  image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx,
double  dy,
int  n 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sample_profile_bilin_edgena ( vecType *  v,
const vil_image_view< imType > &  image,
double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx,
double  dy,
int  n 
) [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::vil_save ( const vil_image_view_base ,
char const *  filename 
) [inherited]
bool vil_image_view< double >::vil_save ( const vil_image_view_base ,
char const *  filename,
char const *  file_format 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sobel_1x3 ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_ij 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sobel_1x3 ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_i,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_j 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sobel_3x3 ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_ij 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_sobel_3x3 ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_i,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_j 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_suppress_non_max_3x3 ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest_im,
double  threshold = 0,
double  non_max_value = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_suppress_non_max_edges ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< srcT > &  grad_j,
double  grad_mag_threshold,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_mag 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_suppress_non_max_edges_subpixel ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  grad_i,
const vil_image_view< srcT > &  grad_j,
double  grad_mag_threshold,
vil_image_view< destT > &  grad_mag_orient_offset 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_suppress_non_plateau_3x3 ( const vil_image_view< double > &  src_im,
vil_image_view< double > &  dest_im,
double  threshold = 0,
double  non_max_value = 0 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_threshold_above ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< bool > &  dest,
srcT  t 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_threshold_below ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< bool > &  dest,
srcT  t 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_threshold_inside ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< bool > &  dest,
srcT  t0,
srcT  t1 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_threshold_outside ( const vil_image_view< srcT > &  src,
vil_image_view< bool > &  dest,
srcT  t0,
srcT  t1 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_tile_images ( vil_image_view< double > &  big_image,
const vcl_vector< vil_image_view< double > > &  patches 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_transform ( const vil_image_view< inA > &  srcA,
const vil_image_view< inB > &  srcB,
const vil_image_view< outP > &  dest,
BinOp  functor 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_transform ( vil_image_view< double > &  image,
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_transform ( const vil_image_view< inP > &  src,
vil_image_view< outP > &  dest,
Op  functor 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_transform ( const vil_image_view< inA > &  srcA,
const vil_image_view< inB > &  srcB,
vil_image_view< outP > &  dest,
BinOp  functor 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_transform2 ( const vil_image_view< inP > &  src,
vil_image_view< outP > &  dest,
Op  functor 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_transpose ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_as_complex ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
vil_image_view< typename double ::value_type > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_as_planes ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
vil_image_view< vil_rgb< double > > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_as_rgb ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
vil_image_view< vil_rgba< double > > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_as_rgba ( const vil_image_view< double > &  v) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_imag_part ( vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > >  img) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_part ( vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > >  img,
int  pt 
) [inherited]
vil_image_view< double > vil_image_view< double >::vil_view_real_part ( vil_image_view< vcl_complex< double > >  img) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vil_warp ( const vil_image_view< sType > &  in,
vil_image_view< dType > &  out,
MapFunctor  mapper,
InterpFunctor  interp 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vsl_b_read ( vsl_b_istream is,
vil_image_view< double > *&  p 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vsl_b_read ( vsl_b_istream is,
vil_image_view< double > &  image 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vsl_b_write ( vsl_b_ostream os,
const vil_image_view< double > &  image 
) [inherited]
void vil_image_view< double >::vsl_print_summary ( vcl_ostream &  os,
const vil_image_view< double > &  image 
) [inherited]

Member Data Documentation

double brip_kernel::dx [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 21 of file brip_kernel.h.

double brip_kernel::dy [protected, inherited]

operator shifts,

Definition at line 21 of file brip_kernel.h.

vcl_ptrdiff_t vil_image_view< double >::istep_ [protected, inherited]
vcl_ptrdiff_t vil_image_view< double >::jstep_ [protected, inherited]
vcl_vector<double> brip_gaussian_kernel::K_x [inherited]

Definition at line 24 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

vcl_vector<double> brip_gaussian_kernel::K_y [inherited]

Definition at line 24 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

int brip_gaussian_kernel::khs [inherited]

Definition at line 23 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

unsigned vil_image_view< double >::ni_ [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

unsigned vil_image_view< double >::nj_ [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

unsigned vil_image_view< double >::nplanes_ [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented from vil_image_view_base.

vcl_ptrdiff_t vil_image_view< double >::planestep_ [protected, inherited]
vil_memory_chunk_sptr vil_image_view< double >::ptr_ [protected, inherited]
double brip_gaussian_kernel::sigma [protected, inherited]

operator sigma

Definition at line 27 of file brip_gaussian_kernel.h.

double brip_kernel::theta [protected, inherited]

operator rotation

Definition at line 22 of file brip_kernel.h.

double * vil_image_view< double >::top_left_ [protected, inherited]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: