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To try the following functions, read in an image by selecting File
from the menu bar.
Normal zooming: The image may be panned directly using the mouse in combination
with the control key. While the control key is down, the buttons have the
following effects:
- The middle button allows the image to be dragged around the display
- The left and right buttons zoom the image about the point where the
button was pressed. The left button zooms in and right zooms out.
Smooth zooming: The image may also be zoomed ``smoothly''. To activate this press the ``z''
key. While the control key is down the mouse has the following effects:
- As before the middle mouse button allows the image to be dragged around the display.
- The right mouse button now has no effect.
- Clicking the left mouse button anywhere in the image and dragging it upwards zooms
into the image. Dragging the mouse downwards zooms out from the image.
Karen McGaul