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xcv is an application built using the VXL libraries. The aim here is to familiarise you with the facilities offered in xcv. These facilities are a selection from the multitude of functions contained in the VXL system. As will be seen, the main menus of xcv correspond to the VXL package organisation.

The main libraries used in xcvare: vcl (the C++ compatibility layer), vbl (basics), vnl (numerical algorithms), vil (imaging), vgl (geometry), vsl (segmentation) and vgui (graphical user interface).

Historical note: This document describes the new version of xcv which uses VXL (a cut-down version of the old TargetJr libraries). The main change is in the graphical user interface which can now use one of a selection of GUI toolkits (including MFC, GTK and Qt).

Getting started: There are a number of example images in xcv-examples/images. All the images have an ``.tif'' extension.

Running xcv: The program can take as an argument the filename of the image that you wish to load. Most common image formats are supported (e.g. tif, pgm, jpeg, gif), e.g. type

xcv basement00.tif

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Karen McGaul