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Currently VGUI provides several example tableaux, sufficient to construct complex user interfaces combining 2D and 3D with manipulators and zoom. So for example a ``zoomer'' tableau could provide a function to zoom an image in and out. We could also make a ``deck'' tableau to hold a deck of images and display one image at a time (this would be useful for playing a series of images as a movie).

Figure 2.1: Two layouts for zoomer and deck tableaux

One tableau can be included as a child of another tableau. This creates a new tableau with the functionality of both tableaux making it up. So the new tableau could, for example, display a deck of images and provide zooming.

The order in which the inclusion is done will affect the functionality, so if the ``zoomer'' tableau contains the ``deck'' tableau then all images will change size together. If however the inclusion is done the other way around and each child tableau of the ``deck'' contains its own ``zoomer'' tableau then each image will change size independently.

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