Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is oxl/osl/osl_canny_ox_params.h
00002 #ifndef osl_canny_ox_params_h_
00003 #define osl_canny_ox_params_h_
00005 #pragma interface
00006 #endif
00007 // .NAME osl_canny_ox_params
00008 // .INCLUDE osl/osl_canny_ox_params.h
00009 // .FILE osl_canny_ox_params.cxx
00010 // \author fsm
00012 class osl_canny_ox_params
00013 {
00014  public:
00015   osl_canny_ox_params();
00016   ~osl_canny_ox_params();
00018   float sigma;             // Standard deviation of the smoothing kernel
00019   int  max_width;          // Maximum smoothing kernel width
00020   float gauss_tail;        // Used in determining the kernel width
00021   float low;               // Low hysteresis threshold
00022   float high;              // High hysteresis threshold
00023   int  edge_min;           // Minimum edge pixel intensity
00024   //                          Used in the follow part of canny.
00025   //                          The edgel image is scaled by scale_OX_
00026   //                          before comparing edgels to edge_min.
00027   int  min_length;         // Minimum number of pixels in a curve . was 60
00028   int  border_size;        // Border size around the image to be set
00029   float  border_value;     // to border_value_OX_ (usually 0) to
00030   //                          ensure follow won't overrun.
00031   float  scale;            // Value used in the follow part of canny to
00032   //                          scale image after the hysteresis part.
00033   int  follow_strategy;    // Flag used in the Final_followOX()
00034   //                          to determined the order of neighboring
00035   //                          pixel checking (see Final_followOX()
00036   //                          function in CannyOX.C
00037   //                          Also used to decide whether to do the
00038   //                          Follow part of canny or not.
00039   //                          When equal to 0, only NMS and Hysteresis
00040   //                          are performed.
00041   bool  join_flag;         // True to enable pixel jumping
00042   int  junction_option;    // True to enable locating junctions
00044   bool verbose;
00045 };
00047 #endif // osl_canny_ox_params_h_