Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-*- c++ -*-------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 #ifndef osl_canny_ox_h
00003 #define osl_canny_ox_h
00004 //
00005 // .NAME osl_canny_ox - The `Sheffield' Canny edge detector
00006 // .INCLUDE osl/osl_canny_ox.h
00007 // .FILE osl_canny_ox.cxx
00008 //
00009 // .SECTION Description
00010 //
00011 // A class for performing the AZ-standard version of Canny's edge detector.
00012 // The basic implementation is similar to that described in Canny's thesis,
00013 // though sub-pixel interpolation of the final edge output has been included,
00014 // and there is patching of single pixel gaps in the edgel chains.
00015 //
00016 // In order not to ignore a border of size width_ (half the kernel size)
00017 // around the image, as is done in class Canny, this implementation
00018 // uses sub_area_OX_ to normalise the (gaussian) smoothed border pixels---see
00019 // the description of Smooth_imageOX().
00020 //
00021 // .SECTION Author
00022 //   Samer Abdallah ( - 5/10/95
00023 //   Robotics Research Group, University of Oxford
00024 //
00025 // .SECTION Modifications
00026 // The original C implementation of this canny edge detector
00027 // came from AIRUV at Sheffield. It was later modified by
00028 // Charlie Rothwell, Nic Pillow and Sven Utcke.
00029 //
00030 //   Samer Abdallah - 18/05/96 - Cleared some compiler warnings
00031 //   Samer Abdallah - 24/05/96 - Fixed theta_[x][y] in Non_maximal_supressionOX
00032 //                               theta_[x][y] now stores the edge normal
00033 //   Maarten Vergauwen (ESAT, KULeuven) - 08/10/98 - Added AdjustForMask method
00034 //   Peter Vanroose - 30/12/99 - Link_edgelsOX rewritten and documented
00035 //   F. Schaffalitzky 2-apr-99   converted from Segmentation to osl
00037 #include <vcl_vector.h>
00038 #include <vil1/vil1_image.h>
00039 #include <osl/osl_canny_base.h>
00041 class osl_canny_ox_params;
00043 struct osl_LINK
00044 {
00045   int to;
00046   osl_LINK *nextl;
00047 };
00050 class osl_canny_ox : public osl_canny_base
00051 {
00052  public:
00053   osl_canny_ox(osl_canny_ox_params const &params);
00054   void detect_edges(vil1_image const &image, vcl_list<osl_edge*>*);
00055   ~osl_canny_ox();
00057  protected:
00058   osl_edgel_chain *Get_NMS_edgelsOX(int n_edgels_NMS, int *x_, int *y_);
00060   // Functions used in performing the hysteresis part of canny
00061   int HysteresisOX(osl_edgel_chain *&, int *&);
00062   void Initial_followOX(int,int,osl_edgel_chain *&,osl_LINK *[],int *&,float);
00063   void Add_linkOX(int,int,osl_LINK *[]);
00064   void Link_edgelsOX(vcl_vector<unsigned> const &, vcl_vector<unsigned> const &,osl_LINK *[]);
00065   int Get_n_edgels_hysteresisOX(osl_edgel_chain *&,int *&);
00066   void Get_hysteresis_edgelsOX(osl_edgel_chain *&,int *&, osl_edgel_chain *&, int *x_, int *y_);
00067   void Delete_linksOX(osl_LINK **, int);
00068   osl_edge *NO_FollowerOX(osl_edgel_chain *);
00070   // Functions used in the follow part of canny
00071   void FollowerOX(vcl_list<osl_edge*> *);
00072   void Final_followOX(int,int,vcl_list<int> *,vcl_list<int> *,vcl_list<float> *,int);
00073   int Join_dotsOX(int,int,int,int,int&,int&);
00074   void Scale_imageOX(float **, float);
00075   void Set_image_borderOX(float **, int, float);
00077   // Functions used in locating junctions
00078   void Find_junctionsOX();
00079   void Find_junction_clustersOX();
00081  protected:
00082   int max_width_OX_;       // The maximum smoothing kernel width
00083   float *sub_area_OX_;     // Used in smoothing the image near the borders
00085   int edge_min_OX_;        // Minimum edge pixel intensity
00087   int min_length_OX_;      // Minimum number of pixels in a curve
00088   int border_size_OX_;     // Border size around the image to be set
00089   float border_value_OX_;  //   to border_value_OX_ (usually 0) to ensure
00090                            //   follow won't overrun.
00091   float scale_OX_;         // Value used in the follow part of canny to
00092                            //   scale image after the hysteresis part.
00093   int follow_strategy_OX_; // Flag used in the Final_followOX() to determined
00094                            //  the order of neighboring pixel checking
00095                            //  (see Final_followOX() function in osl_canny_ox.C
00096                            //  When equal to 0, only NMS and Hysteresis
00097                            //  are performed; FollowerOX is not performed.
00098                            //  Locating Junctions in not performed either.
00099                            //  See Do_osl_canny_ox(...)
00101   bool join_flag_OX_;      // True to enable pixel jumping
00102   int junction_option_OX_; // True if we want to locate junctions
00103 };
00105 #endif // osl_canny_ox_h