osl_canny_base Member List
This is the complete list of members for osl_canny_base, including all inherited members.
chain_no_osl_canny_base [protected]
Cluster_centre_of_gravity(int *const *jx, int *const *jy, vcl_list< int > &xc, vcl_list< int > &yc, int &x0, int &y0)osl_canny_base [protected, static]
dx_osl_canny_base [protected]
dy_osl_canny_base [protected]
Final_follow(int, int, vcl_list< int > *, vcl_list< int > *, vcl_list< float > *, int)osl_canny_base [protected]
Follow_junctions(int *const *junction, int x, int y, vcl_list< int > *xc, vcl_list< int > *yc)osl_canny_base [protected, static]
gauss_tail_osl_canny_base [protected]
grad_osl_canny_base [protected]
high_osl_canny_base [protected]
Initial_follow(float *const *thin, int xsize, int ysize, float low, int x, int y, vcl_list< int > *xc, vcl_list< int > *yc, vcl_list< float > *grad)osl_canny_base [protected, static]
junction_osl_canny_base [protected]
Junction_neighbour(int const *const *junction, int x, int y)osl_canny_base [protected, static]
jval_osl_canny_base [protected]
jx_osl_canny_base [protected]
jy_osl_canny_base [protected]
k_size_osl_canny_base [protected]
kernel_osl_canny_base [protected]
low_osl_canny_base [protected]
osl_canny_base(float sigma, float low, float high, bool verbose=true)osl_canny_base
sigma_osl_canny_base [protected]
smooth_osl_canny_base [protected]
theta_osl_canny_base [protected]
thick_osl_canny_base [protected]
thin_osl_canny_base [protected]
verboseosl_canny_base [protected]
vlist_osl_canny_base [protected]
w0_osl_canny_base [protected]
width_osl_canny_base [protected]
xjunc_osl_canny_base [protected]
xsize_osl_canny_base [protected]
xstart_osl_canny_base [protected]
yjunc_osl_canny_base [protected]
ysize_osl_canny_base [protected]
ystart_osl_canny_base [protected]