Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef vil3d_resample_tricubic_txx_
00002 #define vil3d_resample_tricubic_txx_
00003 //:
00004 // \file
00005 // \brief Resample a 3D image by a tricubic method
00006 // \author Gwenael Guillard
00008 #include "vil3d_resample_tricubic.h"
00010 #include <vil/vil_convert.h>
00011 #include <vil3d/vil3d_tricub_interp.h>
00012 #include <vil3d/vil3d_plane.h>
00013 #include <vcl_cassert.h>
00016 inline bool vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(double x0, double y0, double z0,
00017                                                  const vil3d_image_view_base& image)
00018 {
00019   if (x0<1.0) return false;
00020   if (x0> return false;
00021   if (y0<1.0) return false;
00022   if (y0>image.nj()-3.0) return false;
00023   if (z0<1.0) return false;
00024   if (z0>image.nk()-3.0) return false;
00025   return true;
00026 }
00029 //: Sample grid of points in one image and place in another, using tricubic interpolation.
00030 //  dest_image(i,j,k,p) is sampled from the src_image at
00031 //  (x0+i.dx1+j.dx2+k.dx3, y0+i.dy1+j.dy2+k.dy3, z0+i.dz1+j.dz2+k.dz3),
00032 //  where i=[0..n1-1], j=[0..n2-1], k=[0..n3-1]
00033 //  dest_image resized to (n1,n2,n3,src_image.nplanes())
00034 //  Points outside interpolatable region return zero or \a outval
00035 template <class S, class T>
00036 void vil3d_resample_tricubic(const vil3d_image_view<S>& src_image,
00037                              vil3d_image_view<T>& dest_image,
00038                              double x0, double y0, double z0,
00039                              double dx1, double dy1, double dz1,
00040                              double dx2, double dy2, double dz2,
00041                              double dx3, double dy3, double dz3,
00042                              int n1, int n2, int n3,
00043                              T outval/*=0*/)
00044 {
00045   bool all_in_image =
00046     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0,
00047                                          y0,
00048                                          z0,
00049                                          src_image) &&
00050     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1,
00051                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1,
00052                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1,
00053                                          src_image) &&
00054     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n2-1)*dx2,
00055                                          y0 + (n2-1)*dy2,
00056                                          z0 + (n2-1)*dz2,
00057                                          src_image) &&
00058     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1 + (n2-1)*dx2,
00059                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1 + (n2-1)*dy2,
00060                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1 + (n2-1)*dz2,
00061                                          src_image) &&
00062     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00063                                          y0 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00064                                          z0 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00065                                          src_image) &&
00066     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00067                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00068                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00069                                          src_image) &&
00070     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n2-1)*dx2 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00071                                          y0 + (n2-1)*dy2 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00072                                          z0 + (n2-1)*dz2 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00073                                          src_image) &&
00074     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1 + (n2-1)*dx2 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00075                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1 + (n2-1)*dy2 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00076                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1 + (n2-1)*dz2 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00077                                          src_image);
00079   vil_convert_round_pixel<double, T> cast_and_possibly_round;
00081   const unsigned ni =;
00082   const unsigned nj = src_image.nj();
00083   const unsigned nk = src_image.nk();
00084   const unsigned np = src_image.nplanes();
00085   const vcl_ptrdiff_t istep = src_image.istep();
00086   const vcl_ptrdiff_t jstep = src_image.jstep();
00087   const vcl_ptrdiff_t kstep = src_image.kstep();
00088   const vcl_ptrdiff_t pstep = src_image.planestep();
00089   const S* plane0 = src_image.origin_ptr();
00091   dest_image.set_size(n1,n2,n3,np);
00092   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_istep = dest_image.istep();
00093   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_jstep = dest_image.jstep();
00094   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_kstep = dest_image.kstep();
00095   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_pstep = dest_image.planestep();
00096   T* d_plane0 = dest_image.origin_ptr();
00098   if (all_in_image)
00099   {
00100     if (np==1)
00101     {
00102       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00103       T *slice = d_plane0;
00104       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00105       {
00106         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00107         T *row = slice;
00108         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00109         {
00110           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00111           T *dpt = row;
00112           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00113             cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_raw( x, y, z,
00114                                                               plane0,
00115                                                               istep, jstep, kstep),
00116                                      *dpt);
00117         }
00118       }
00119     }
00120     else
00121     {
00122       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00123       T *slice = d_plane0;
00124       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00125       {
00126         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00127         T *row = slice;
00128         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00129         {
00130           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00131           T *dpt = row;
00132           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00133           {
00134             for (unsigned int p=0; p<np; ++p)
00135               cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_raw( x, y, z,
00136                                                                 plane0+p*pstep,
00137                                                                 istep, jstep, kstep),
00138                                        dpt[p*d_pstep]);
00139           }
00140         }
00141       }
00142     }
00143   }
00144   else
00145   {
00146     // Use safe interpolation
00147     if (np==1)
00148     {
00149       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00150       T *slice = d_plane0;
00151       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00152       {
00153         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00154         T *row = slice;
00155         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00156         {
00157           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00158           T *dpt = row;
00159           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00160             cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_safe( x, y, z,
00161                                                                plane0,
00162                                                                ni, nj, nk,
00163                                                                istep, jstep, kstep,
00164                                                                outval),
00165                                      *dpt);
00166         }
00167       }
00168     }
00169     else
00170     {
00171       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00172       T *slice = d_plane0;
00173       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00174       {
00175         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00176         T *row = slice;
00177         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00178         {
00179           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00180           T *dpt = row;
00181           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00182           {
00183             for (unsigned int p=0; p<np; ++p)
00184               cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_safe( x, y, z,
00185                                                                  plane0+p*pstep,
00186                                                                  ni, nj, nk,
00187                                                                  istep, jstep, kstep,
00188                                                                  outval),
00189                                        dpt[p*d_pstep]);
00190           }
00191         }
00192       }
00193     }
00194   }
00195 }
00197 //: Sample grid of points in one image and place in another, using tricubic interpolation.
00198 //  dest_image(i,j,k,p) is sampled from the src_image at
00199 //  (x0+i.dx1+j.dx2+k.dx3, y0+i.dy1+j.dy2+k.dy3, z0+i.dz1+j.dz2+k.dz3),
00200 //  where i=[0..n1-1], j=[0..n2-1], k=[0..n3-1]
00201 //  dest_image resized to (n1,n2,n3,src_image.nplanes())
00202 //  Points outside interpolatable return the value of the nearest valid pixel.
00203 template <class S, class T>
00204 void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_extend(const vil3d_image_view<S>& src_image,
00205                                          vil3d_image_view<T>& dest_image,
00206                                          double x0, double y0, double z0,
00207                                          double dx1, double dy1, double dz1,
00208                                          double dx2, double dy2, double dz2,
00209                                          double dx3, double dy3, double dz3,
00210                                          int n1, int n2, int n3)
00211 {
00212   bool all_in_image =
00213     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0,
00214                                          y0,
00215                                          z0,
00216                                          src_image) &&
00217     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1,
00218                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1,
00219                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1,
00220                                          src_image) &&
00221     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n2-1)*dx2,
00222                                          y0 + (n2-1)*dy2,
00223                                          z0 + (n2-1)*dz2,
00224                                          src_image) &&
00225     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1 + (n2-1)*dx2,
00226                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1 + (n2-1)*dy2,
00227                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1 + (n2-1)*dz2,
00228                                          src_image) &&
00229     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00230                                          y0 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00231                                          z0 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00232                                          src_image) &&
00233     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00234                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00235                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00236                                          src_image) &&
00237     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n2-1)*dx2 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00238                                          y0 + (n2-1)*dy2 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00239                                          z0 + (n2-1)*dz2 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00240                                          src_image) &&
00241     vil3dresample_tricub_corner_in_image(x0 + (n1-1)*dx1 + (n2-1)*dx2 + (n3-1)*dx3,
00242                                          y0 + (n1-1)*dy1 + (n2-1)*dy2 + (n3-1)*dy3,
00243                                          z0 + (n1-1)*dz1 + (n2-1)*dz2 + (n3-1)*dz3,
00244                                          src_image);
00246   vil_convert_round_pixel<double, T> cast_and_possibly_round;
00248   const unsigned ni =;
00249   const unsigned nj = src_image.nj();
00250   const unsigned nk = src_image.nk();
00251   const unsigned np = src_image.nplanes();
00252   const vcl_ptrdiff_t istep = src_image.istep();
00253   const vcl_ptrdiff_t jstep = src_image.jstep();
00254   const vcl_ptrdiff_t kstep = src_image.kstep();
00255   const vcl_ptrdiff_t pstep = src_image.planestep();
00256   const S* plane0 = src_image.origin_ptr();
00258   dest_image.set_size(n1,n2,n3,np);
00259   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_istep = dest_image.istep();
00260   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_jstep = dest_image.jstep();
00261   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_kstep = dest_image.kstep();
00262   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_pstep = dest_image.planestep();
00263   T* d_plane0 = dest_image.origin_ptr();
00265   if ( all_in_image )
00266   {
00267     if (np==1)
00268     {
00269       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00270       T *slice = d_plane0;
00271       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00272       {
00273         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00274         T *row = slice;
00275         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00276         {
00277           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00278           T *dpt = row;
00279           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00280             cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_raw(x,y,z,
00281                                                              plane0,
00282                                                              istep,jstep,kstep),
00283                                      *dpt );
00284         }
00285       }
00286     }
00287     else
00288     {
00289       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00290       T *slice = d_plane0;
00291       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00292       {
00293         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00294         T *row = slice;
00295         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00296         {
00297           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00298           T *dpt = row;
00299           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00300           {
00301             for (unsigned int p=0; p<np; ++p)
00302               cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_raw(x,y,z,
00303                                                                plane0+p*pstep,
00304                                                                istep,jstep,kstep),
00305                                        dpt[p*d_pstep] );
00306           }
00307         }
00308       }
00309     }
00310   }
00311   else
00312   {
00313     if (np==1)
00314     {
00315       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00316       T *slice = d_plane0;
00317       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00318       {
00319         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00320         T *row = slice;
00321         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00322         {
00323           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00324           T *dpt = row;
00325           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00326             cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_safe_extend(x,y,z,
00327                                                                      plane0,
00328                                                                      ni,nj,nk,
00329                                                                      istep,jstep,kstep),
00330                                      *dpt );
00331         }
00332       }
00333     }
00334     else
00335     {
00336       double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00337       T *slice = d_plane0;
00338       for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00339       {
00340         double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00341         T *row = slice;
00342         for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00343         {
00344           double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00345           T *dpt = row;
00346           for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00347           {
00348             for (unsigned int p=0; p<np; ++p)
00349               cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_safe_extend(x,y,z,
00350                                                                        plane0+p*pstep,
00351                                                                        ni,nj,nk,
00352                                                                        istep,jstep,kstep),
00353                                        dpt[p*d_pstep] );
00354           }
00355         }
00356       }
00357     }
00358   }
00359 }
00362 //: Sample grid of points in one image and place in another, using tricubic interpolation and edge extension.
00363 //  dest_image(i,j,k,p) is sampled from the src_image at
00364 //  (x0+i.dx1+j.dx2+k.dx3, y0+i.dy1+j.dy2+k.dy3, z0+i.dz1+j.dz2+k.dz3),
00365 //  where i=[0..n1-1], j=[0..n2-1], k=[0..n3-1].
00366 //  dest_image resized to (n1,n2,n3,src_image.nplanes())
00367 //  Points outside interpolatable return the value of the nearest valid pixel.
00368 template <class S, class T>
00369 void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_extend(const vil3d_image_view<S>& src_image,
00370                                          vil3d_image_view<T>& dest_image,
00371                                          int n1, int n2, int n3)
00372 {
00373   double f= 0.9999999; // so sampler doesn't go off edge of image
00374   double x0=0;
00375   double y0=0;
00376   double z0=0;
00378   double dx1=f*(*1.0/(n1-1);
00379   double dy1=0;
00380   double dz1=0;
00382   double dx2=0;
00383   double dy2=f*(src_image.nj()-1)*1.0/(n2-1);
00384   double dz2=0;
00386   double dx3=0;
00387   double dy3=0;
00388   double dz3=f*(src_image.nk()-1)*1.0/(n3-1);
00390   vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_extend(src_image, dest_image,
00391                                       x0, y0, z0,
00392                                       dx1, dy1, dz1, dx2, dy2, dz2, dx3, dy3, dz3,
00393                                       n1, n2, n3);
00394 }
00397 //: Sample grid of points in one image and place in another, using tricubic interpolation.
00398 //  dest_image(i,j,k,p) is sampled from the src_image at
00399 //  (x0+i.dx1+j.dx2+k.dx3, y0+i.dy1+j.dy2+k.dy3, z0+i.dz1+j.dz2+k.dz3),
00400 //  where i=[0..n1-1], j=[0..n2-1], k=[0..n3-1]
00401 //  dest_image resized to (n1,n2,n3,src_image.nplanes())
00402 //  Points outside interpolatable return the trilinear interpolated value of the nearest valid pixels.
00403 template <class S, class T>
00404 void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_trilin_extend(const vil3d_image_view<S>& src_image,
00405                                                 vil3d_image_view<T>& dest_image,
00406                                                 double x0, double y0, double z0,
00407                                                 double dx1, double dy1, double dz1,
00408                                                 double dx2, double dy2, double dz2,
00409                                                 double dx3, double dy3, double dz3,
00410                                                 int n1, int n2, int n3)
00411 {
00412   vil_convert_round_pixel<double, T> cast_and_possibly_round;
00414   const unsigned ni =;
00415   const unsigned nj = src_image.nj();
00416   const unsigned nk = src_image.nk();
00417   const unsigned np = src_image.nplanes();
00418   const vcl_ptrdiff_t istep = src_image.istep();
00419   const vcl_ptrdiff_t jstep = src_image.jstep();
00420   const vcl_ptrdiff_t kstep = src_image.kstep();
00421   const vcl_ptrdiff_t pstep = src_image.planestep();
00422   const S* plane0 = src_image.origin_ptr();
00424   dest_image.set_size(n1,n2,n3,np);
00425   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_istep = dest_image.istep();
00426   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_jstep = dest_image.jstep();
00427   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_kstep = dest_image.kstep();
00428   const vcl_ptrdiff_t d_pstep = dest_image.planestep();
00429   T* d_plane0 = dest_image.origin_ptr();
00430   // Use safe interpolation with edge-extension
00431   if (np==1)
00432   {
00433     double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00434     T *slice = d_plane0;
00435     for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00436     {
00437       double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00438       T *row = slice;
00439       for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00440       {
00441         double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00442         T *dpt = row;
00443         for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00444           cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_safe_trilinear_extend(x,y,z,
00445                                                                              plane0,
00446                                                                              ni,nj,nk,
00447                                                                              istep,jstep,kstep),
00448                                    *dpt );
00449       }
00450     }
00451   }
00452   else
00453   {
00454     double xk=x0, yk=y0, zk=z0;
00455     T *slice = d_plane0;
00456     for (int k=0; k<n3; ++k, xk+=dx3, yk+=dy3, zk+=dz3, slice+=d_kstep)
00457     {
00458       double xj=xk, yj=yk, zj=zk;  // Start of k-th slice
00459       T *row = slice;
00460       for (int j=0; j<n2; ++j, xj+=dx2, yj+=dy2, zj+=dz2, row+=d_jstep)
00461       {
00462         double x=xj, y=yj, z=zj;  // Start of j-th row
00463         T *dpt = row;
00464         for (int i=0; i<n1; ++i, x+=dx1, y+=dy1, z+=dz1, dpt+=d_istep)
00465         {
00466           for (unsigned int p=0; p<np; ++p)
00467             cast_and_possibly_round( vil3d_tricub_interp_safe_trilinear_extend(x,y,z,
00468                                                                                plane0+p*pstep,
00469                                                                                ni,nj,nk,
00470                                                                                istep,jstep,kstep),
00471                                      dpt[p*d_pstep] );
00472         }
00473       }
00474     }
00475   }
00476 }
00478 //: Sample grid of points in one image and place in another, using tricubic interpolation.
00479 //  dest_image(i,j,k,p) is sampled from the src_image at
00480 //  (x0+i.dx1+j.dx2+k.dx3, y0+i.dy1+j.dy2+k.dy3, z0+i.dz1+j.dz2+k.dz3),
00481 //  where i=[0..n1-1], j=[0..n2-1], k=[0..n3-1]
00482 //  dest_image resized to (n1,n2,n3,src_image.nplanes())
00483 //  Points outside interpolatable return the trilinear interpolated value of the nearest valid pixels.
00484 template <class S, class T>
00485 void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_trilin_extend(const vil3d_image_view<S>& src_image,
00486                                                 vil3d_image_view<T>& dest_image,
00487                                                 int n1, int n2, int n3)
00488 {
00489   double f= 0.9999999; // so sampler doesn't go off edge of image
00490   double x0=0;
00491   double y0=0;
00492   double z0=0;
00494   double dx1=f*(*1.0/(n1-1);
00495   double dy1=0;
00496   double dz1=0;
00498   double dx2=0;
00499   double dy2=f*(src_image.nj()-1)*1.0/(n2-1);
00500   double dz2=0;
00502   double dx3=0;
00503   double dy3=0;
00504   double dz3=f*(src_image.nk()-1)*1.0/(n3-1);
00506   vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_trilin_extend(src_image, dest_image,
00507                                              x0, y0, z0,
00508                                              dx1, dy1, dz1, dx2, dy2, dz2, dx3, dy3, dz3,
00509                                              n1, n2, n3);
00510 }
00513 //: Resample image to a specified dimensions (n1 * n2 * n3)
00514 template <class S, class T>
00515 void vil3d_resample_tricubic(const vil3d_image_view<S>& src_image,
00516                              vil3d_image_view<T>& dest_image,
00517                              int n1, int n2, int n3)
00518 {
00519   double f= 0.9999999; // so sampler doesn't go off edge of image
00520   double x0=0;
00521   double y0=0;
00522   double z0=0;
00524   double dx1=f*(*1.0/(n1-1);
00525   double dy1=0;
00526   double dz1=0;
00528   double dx2=0;
00529   double dy2=f*(src_image.nj()-1)*1.0/(n2-1);
00530   double dz2=0;
00532   double dx3=0;
00533   double dy3=0;
00534   double dz3=f*(src_image.nk()-1)*1.0/(n3-1);
00536   vil3d_resample_tricubic(src_image, dest_image,
00537                           x0, y0, z0,
00538                           dx1, dy1, dz1,
00539                           dx2, dy2, dz2,
00540                           dx3, dy3, dz3,
00541                           n1, n2, n3);
00542 }
00546 template void vil3d_resample_tricubic(const vil3d_image_view< S >& src_image, \
00547                                       vil3d_image_view< T >& dest_image, \
00548                                       double x0, double y0, double z0, \
00549                                       double dx1, double dy1, double dz1, \
00550                                       double dx2, double dy2, double dz2, \
00551                                       double dx3, double dy3, double dz3, \
00552                                       int n1, int n2, int n3, \
00553                                       T outval); \
00554 template void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_extend(const vil3d_image_view< S >& src_image, \
00555                                                   vil3d_image_view< T >& dest_image, \
00556                                                   double x0, double y0, double z0, \
00557                                                   double dx1, double dy1, double dz1, \
00558                                                   double dx2, double dy2, double dz2, \
00559                                                   double dx3, double dy3, double dz3, \
00560                                                   int n1, int n2, int n3); \
00561 template void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_extend(const vil3d_image_view< S >& src_image, \
00562                                                   vil3d_image_view< T >& dest_image, \
00563                                                   int n1, int n2, int n3); \
00564 template void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_trilin_extend(const vil3d_image_view< S >& src_image, \
00565                                                          vil3d_image_view< T >& dest_image, \
00566                                                          double x0, double y0, double z0, \
00567                                                          double dx1, double dy1, double dz1, \
00568                                                          double dx2, double dy2, double dz2, \
00569                                                          double dx3, double dy3, double dz3, \
00570                                                          int n1, int n2, int n3); \
00571 template void vil3d_resample_tricubic_edge_trilin_extend(const vil3d_image_view< S >& src_image, \
00572                                                          vil3d_image_view< T >& dest_image, \
00573                                                          int n1, int n2, int n3); \
00574 template void vil3d_resample_tricubic(const vil3d_image_view< S >& src_image, \
00575                                       vil3d_image_view< T >& dest_image, \
00576                                       int n1, int n2, int n3)
00577 #if 0
00578 template void vil3d_resample_trilinear(const vil3d_image_view< T >& src_image, \
00579                                        vil3d_image_view< T >& dst_image, \
00580                                        const double dx, \
00581                                        const double dy, \
00582                                        const double dz); \
00583 template void vil3d_resample_trilinear_scale_2(const vil3d_image_view< T >& src_image, \
00584                                                vil3d_image_view< T >& dst_image)
00585 #endif
00587 #endif // vil3d_resample_tricubic_txx_