Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "vil3d_load.h"
00002 //:
00003 // \file
00004 // \brief Functions to read an image from a file
00005 // \author Ian Scott
00007 #include <vil/vil_exception.h>
00008 #include <vil3d/vil3d_file_format.h>
00009 #include <vcl_sstream.h>
00011 vil3d_image_resource_sptr vil3d_load_image_resource(char const* filename)
00012 {
00013   for (unsigned i=0;i<vil3d_file_format::n_formats();++i)
00014   {
00015     vil3d_image_resource_sptr im =
00016       vil3d_file_format::format(i).make_input_image(filename);
00017     if (im) return im;
00018   }
00019   vcl_ostringstream ss;
00020   for (unsigned i=0;i+1<vil3d_file_format::n_formats();++i)
00021     ss << vil3d_file_format::format(i).tag() << ' ';
00022   if (vil3d_file_format::n_formats() > 1)
00023     ss << "or ";
00024   if (vil3d_file_format::n_formats())
00025     ss << vil3d_file_format::format(vil3d_file_format::n_formats()-1).tag();
00026   vil_exception_warning(vil_exception_image_io("vil3d_load_image_resource",
00027                          ss.str() , filename, "Unable to find a suitable image loader." ) );
00028   return 0;
00029 }
00032 //: Convenience function for loading an image into an image view.
00033 vil3d_image_view_base_sptr vil3d_load(const char *file)
00034 {
00035   vil3d_image_resource_sptr data = vil3d_load_image_resource(file);
00036   if (!data) return 0;
00037   return data -> get_view(0, data->ni(), 0, data->nj(), 0, data->nk());
00038 }