This is the complete list of members for
vifa_image_histogram, including all inherited members.
byte_depth_ | vifa_image_histogram | [protected] |
CompareToHistogram(vifa_histogram *h) | vifa_histogram | |
ComputeArea(float low, float high) const | vifa_histogram | |
ComputeArea() const | vifa_histogram | |
counts | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
Cumulative() | vifa_histogram | |
delimiter | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
delta | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
Dump(char *) | vifa_histogram | |
fill_histogram(vil_image_view_base_sptr src_buf, double percentage=100.0) | vifa_image_histogram | [protected] |
form_ | vifa_image_histogram | [protected] |
get_references() const | vbl_ref_count | |
get_time_stamp() const | vul_timestamp | |
GetBucketSize() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
GetCount(float uval) const | vifa_histogram | |
GetCounts() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
GetDelimiter() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
GetIndex(float i) const | vifa_histogram | [protected, virtual] |
GetMaxCount() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetMaxVal() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetMean() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetMedian() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetMinCountAddr() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
GetMinVal() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetMinValAddr() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
GetNumSamples() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetRes() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
GetStandardDev() const | vifa_histogram | |
GetValIndex(float val) const | vifa_histogram | |
GetVals() const | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
HighClipVal(float clip_fraction) | vifa_histogram | |
init(void) | vifa_image_histogram | [protected] |
is_referenced() const | vbl_ref_count | |
LowClipVal(float clip_fraction) | vifa_histogram | |
mean | vifa_histogram | [mutable, protected] |
NonMaximumSupress(int radius=1, bool cyclic=false) | vifa_histogram | |
num | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
older(vul_timestamp const &t) const | vul_timestamp | |
older(vul_timestamp const *t) const | vul_timestamp | |
operator=(vbl_ref_count const &) | vbl_ref_count | |
Print() | vifa_histogram | |
ref() | vbl_ref_count | |
RemoveFlatPeaks(int nbins, float *cnts, bool cyclic) | vifa_histogram | |
Scale(float scale_factor) | vifa_histogram | |
SetCount(float pixelval, float count) | vifa_histogram | |
SetDelimiter(char d) | vifa_histogram | [inline] |
standard_dev | vifa_histogram | [mutable, protected] |
timestamp_ | vul_timestamp | [protected] |
touch() | vul_timestamp | |
unref() | vbl_ref_count | |
UpCount(float newval) | vifa_histogram | |
UpCount(float newval, bool useNewIndexMethod) | vifa_histogram | |
vals | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
vbl_ref_count() | vbl_ref_count | |
vbl_ref_count(vbl_ref_count const &) | vbl_ref_count | |
vifa_histogram() | vifa_histogram | |
vifa_histogram(int, float, float) | vifa_histogram | |
vifa_histogram(float *, float *, int) | vifa_histogram | |
vifa_histogram(const vifa_histogram &h) | vifa_histogram | |
vifa_histogram(vifa_histogram const *, float width, bool preserveCounts=false) | vifa_histogram | |
vifa_image_histogram(vil_image_view_base_sptr image, double percentage=100.0) | vifa_image_histogram | |
vmax | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
vmin | vifa_histogram | [protected] |
vul_timestamp() | vul_timestamp | |
WritePlot(const char *fname) | vifa_histogram | |
~vbl_ref_count() | vbl_ref_count | [virtual] |
~vifa_histogram() | vifa_histogram | [virtual] |
~vul_timestamp() | vul_timestamp | [virtual] |