Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is brl/bseg/sdet/sdet_harris_detector_params.cxx
00002 #include "sdet_harris_detector_params.h"
00003 //:
00004 // \file
00005 // See sdet_harris_detector_params.h
00006 //
00007 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00008 #include <vcl_sstream.h>
00009 #include <vcl_iostream.h>
00011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00012 // Constructors
00013 //
00015 sdet_harris_detector_params::
00016 sdet_harris_detector_params(const sdet_harris_detector_params& hdp)
00017   : gevd_param_mixin()
00018 {
00019   InitParams(hdp.sigma_,
00020              hdp.thresh_,
00021              hdp.n_,
00022              hdp.percent_corners_,
00023              hdp.scale_factor_,
00024              hdp.use_vil_harris_
00025             );
00026 }
00028 sdet_harris_detector_params::
00029 sdet_harris_detector_params(const float sigma,
00030                             const float thresh,
00031                             const int n,
00032                             const float percent_corners,
00033                             const float scale_factor,
00034                             const bool use_vil_harris
00035                            )
00036 {
00037   InitParams(sigma, thresh, n, percent_corners, scale_factor,use_vil_harris);
00038 }
00040 void sdet_harris_detector_params::InitParams(float sigma,
00041                                              float thresh,
00042                                              int n,
00043                                              float percent_corners,
00044                                              float scale_factor,
00045                                              bool use_vil_harris
00046                                             )
00047 {
00048   sigma_= sigma;
00049   thresh_ = thresh;
00050   n_ = n;
00051   percent_corners_ = percent_corners;
00052   scale_factor_=scale_factor;
00053   use_vil_harris_ = use_vil_harris;
00054 }
00056 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00057 //
00058 //:   Checks that parameters are within acceptable bounds
00059 //    Note that msg << ends seems to restart the string and erase the
00060 //    previous string. We should only use it as the last call, use
00061 //    vcl_endl otherwise.
00062 bool sdet_harris_detector_params::SanityCheck()
00063 {
00064   vcl_stringstream msg;
00065   bool valid = true;
00067   if (sigma_<0.5)
00068   {
00069     msg << "ERROR: smoothing should be effective, >0.5";
00070     valid = false;
00071   }
00072   if (thresh_<0)
00073   {
00074     msg << "ERROR: invalid to have a negative threshold";
00075     valid = false;
00076   }
00077   if (n_<1||n_>5)
00078   {
00079     msg << "ERROR: should have a reasonable size for the neighborhood";
00080     valid = false;
00081   }
00082   if (percent_corners_<=0||percent_corners_>100)
00083   {
00084     msg << "ERROR: value must be a valid percentage";
00085     valid = false;
00086   }
00087   if (scale_factor_<0.01||scale_factor_>0.5)
00088   {
00089     msg << "ERROR: scale factor out of range";
00090     valid = false;
00091   }
00092   msg << vcl_ends;
00094   SetErrorMsg(msg.str().c_str());
00095   return valid;
00096 }
00098 vcl_ostream& operator<< (vcl_ostream& os, const sdet_harris_detector_params& hdp)
00099 {
00100   return
00101   os << "sdet_harris_detector_params:\n[---\n"
00102      << "sigma " << hdp.sigma_ << vcl_endl
00103      << "thresh " << hdp.thresh_ << vcl_endl
00104      << "n " << hdp.n_ << vcl_endl
00105      << "max_no_corners(percent) " << hdp.percent_corners_ << vcl_endl
00106      << "scale_factor " << hdp.scale_factor_ << vcl_endl
00107      << "vil_harris?" << hdp.use_vil_harris_ << vcl_endl
00108      << "---]" << vcl_endl;
00109 }