Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This is brl/bbas/bsta/bsta_mixture_fixed.h
00002 #ifndef bsta_mixture_fixed_h_
00003 #define bsta_mixture_fixed_h_
00004 //:
00005 // \file
00006 // \brief A mixture of distributions of fixed size
00007 // \author Matt Leotta (
00008 // \date Jan 17, 2008
00009 //
00010 // \verbatim
00011 //  Modifications
00012 //   Jan 21 2008  -  Matt Leotta  -  Rename probability to prob_density and
00013 //                                   add probability integration over a box
00014 // \endverbatim
00016 #include "bsta_distribution.h"
00017 #include "bsta_sampler.h"
00018 #include <vcl_cassert.h>
00019 #include <vcl_algorithm.h>
00020 #include <vcl_iostream.h>
00021 #include <vpdl/vpdt/vpdt_dist_traits.h>
00022 #include <vnl/vnl_random.h>
00024 //: A mixture of distributions with a fixed size of s components
00025 template <class dist_, unsigned s>
00026 class bsta_mixture_fixed : public bsta_distribution<typename dist_::math_type,
00027                                                              dist_::dimension>
00028 {
00029  public:
00030   typedef dist_ dist_type;
00031   typedef dist_type component_type; // for compatibility with vpdl/vpdt
00032   enum { max_components = s };
00034  private:
00035   typedef typename dist_::math_type T;
00036   typedef typename dist_::vector_type vector_;
00038   //: A struct to hold the component distributions and weights
00039   // This class is private and should not be used outside of the mixture.
00040   struct component
00041   {
00042     //: Constructor
00043     component(): distribution(), weight(T(0)) {}
00044     //: Constructor
00045     component(const dist_& d, const T& w = T(0) )
00046       : distribution(d), weight(w) {}
00048     //: Used to sort by decreasing weight
00049     bool operator< (const component& rhs) const
00050     { return this->weight > rhs.weight; }
00052     // ============ Data =============
00054     //: The distribution
00055     dist_ distribution;
00056     //: The weight
00057     T weight;
00058   };
00060   //: This functor is used by default for sorting with STL
00061   // The default sorting is decreasing by weight
00062   class sort_weight
00063   {
00064    public:
00065     bool operator() (const component c1, const component c2) const
00066       { return c1.weight > c2.weight; }
00067   };
00069   //: This adaptor allows users to define ordering functors on the components without accessing the components directly
00070   template <class comp_type_>
00071   class sort_adaptor
00072   {
00073    public:
00074     sort_adaptor(comp_type_ c) : comp(c) {}
00075     bool operator() (const component& c1, const component& c2) const
00076       { return comp(c1.distribution, c1.weight, c2.distribution, c2.weight); }
00077     comp_type_ comp;
00078   };
00080   //: The fixed size array of components
00081   component components_[s];
00082   //: The number of active components
00083   unsigned num_components_;
00085  public:
00086   // Default Constructor
00087   bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s>() : num_components_(0) {}
00089   // Copy Constructor
00090   bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s>(const bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s>& other)
00091   : num_components_(other.num_components_)
00092   {
00093     // deep copy of the data
00094     for (unsigned int i=0; i<s; ++i){
00095       components_[i] = other.components_[i];
00096     }
00097   }
00099   // Destructor
00100   ~bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s>()
00101   {
00102   }
00104   //: Assignment operator
00105   bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s>& operator= (const bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s>& rhs)
00106   {
00107     if (this != &rhs) {
00108        // deep copy of the data
00109        for (unsigned int i=0; i<s; ++i) {
00110           components_[i] = rhs.components_[i];
00111        }
00112        num_components_ = rhs.num_components_;
00113     }
00114     return *this;
00115   }
00117   //: Return the number of components in the mixture
00118   unsigned int num_components() const { return num_components_; }
00120   //: Access (const) a component distribution of the mixture
00121   const dist_& distribution(unsigned int index) const
00122   { return components_[index].distribution; }
00124   //: Access a component distribution of the mixture
00125   dist_& distribution(unsigned int index)
00126   { return components_[index].distribution; }
00128   //: Return the weight of a component in the mixture
00129   T weight(unsigned int index) const { return components_[index].weight; }
00131   //: Set the weight of a component in the mixture
00132   void set_weight(unsigned int index, const T& w) { components_[index].weight = w; }
00134   //: Insert a new component in the next location in the array
00135   bool insert(const dist_& d, const T& weight = T(0))
00136   {
00137     if (num_components_ >= s)
00138       return false;
00140     components_[num_components_++] = component(d, weight);
00141     return true;
00142   }
00144   //: Remove the last component in the vector
00145   void remove_last() { components_[--num_components_].weight = T(0); }
00147   //: Compute the probability density at this point
00148   // \note assumes weights have been normalized
00149   T prob_density(const vector_& pt) const
00150   {
00151     T prob = 0;
00153     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i)
00154       prob += components_[i].weight
00155             * components_[i].distribution.prob_density(pt);
00156     return prob;
00157   }
00159   //: The probability integrated over a box
00160   // \note assumes weights have been normalized
00161   T probability(const vector_& min_pt, const vector_& max_pt) const
00162   {
00163     T prob = 0;
00165     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i)
00166       prob += components_[i].weight
00167       * components_[i].distribution.probability(min_pt,max_pt);
00168     return prob;
00169   }
00171   //The expected value of the mixture
00172   // \note assumes weights have been normalized
00173   vector_ expected_value()
00174   {
00175     vector_ expected_value(T(0));
00176     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i)
00177       expected_value += components_[i].weight
00178       * components_[i].distribution.mean();
00179     return expected_value;
00180   }
00182   //: Normalize the weights of the components to add to 1.
00183   void normalize_weights()
00184   {
00185     T sum = 0;
00186     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i)
00187       sum += components_[i].weight;
00188     assert(sum > 0);
00189     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i)
00190       components_[i].weight /= sum;
00191   }
00193   //: Sort the components in order of decreasing weight
00194   void sort() { vcl_sort(components_, components_+num_components_, sort_weight() ); }
00196   //: Sort the components using any StrictWeakOrdering function
00197   // The prototype should be
00198   // \code
00199   // template <class T>
00200   // bool functor(const bsta_distribution<T>& d1, const T& w1,
00201   //              const bsta_distribution<T>& d2, const T& w2);
00202   // \endcode
00203   template <class comp_type_>
00204   void sort(comp_type_ comp)
00205   { vcl_sort(components_, components_+num_components_, sort_adaptor<comp_type_>(comp)); }
00207   //: Sort the first components up to index idx
00208   template <class comp_type_>
00209   void sort(comp_type_ comp, unsigned int idx)
00210   { assert(idx < s);
00211     vcl_sort(components_, components_+idx+1, sort_adaptor<comp_type_>(comp)); }
00213   //: sample from the mixture
00214   //  randomly selects a component wrt normalized component weights, then for now returns the mean of the selected component
00215   //  \todo write a method to sample from the distribution and use it instead of the mean
00216   vector_ sample(vnl_random& rng) const
00217   {
00218     //: first normalize the weights (this is const methods so we cannot call the class-method normalize_weights()
00219     T sum = 0;
00220     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i)
00221       sum += components_[i].weight;
00223     vcl_vector<float> ps;
00224     vcl_vector<unsigned> ids;
00225     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_components_; ++i) {
00226       float w;
00227       if (sum > 0)
00228         w = float(components_[i].weight/sum);
00229       else
00230         w = float(components_[i].weight);
00231       ps.push_back(w);
00232       ids.push_back(i);
00233     }
00234     vcl_vector<unsigned> out;
00235     bsta_sampler<unsigned>::sample(ids, ps, 1, out, rng);
00236     assert(out.size() == 1);
00238     return components_[out[0]].distribution.sample(rng);
00239     //return components_[out[0]].distribution.mean();
00240   }
00241 };
00243 template <class dist_, unsigned s>
00244 inline vcl_ostream& operator<< (vcl_ostream& os,
00245                                 bsta_mixture_fixed<dist_,s> const& no)
00246 {
00247   for (unsigned i=0; i<no.num_components(); ++i)
00248     os<<"Component #"<<i<<" weight=: "<<no.weight(i)<<"distribution: "<<no.distribution(i)<<vcl_endl;
00249   return os;
00250 }
00252 //: for compatibility with vpdl/vpdt
00253 template <class dist, unsigned s>
00254 struct vpdt_is_mixture<bsta_mixture_fixed<dist,s> >
00255 {
00256   static const bool value = true;
00257 };
00259 #endif // bsta_mixture_fixed_h_