contrib/brl/bbas/bsta/bsta_basic_functors.h File Reference

Basic functors for simple operations on Gaussian mixtures. More...

#include <vcl_vector.h>
#include <bsta/bsta_attributes.h>
#include <bsta/bsta_gaussian_indep.h>
#include <bsta/bsta_gaussian_sphere.h>
#include <vpdl/vpdt/vpdt_enable_if.h>
#include <vpdl/vpdt/vpdt_dist_traits.h>
#include <vpdl/vpdt/vpdt_mixture_accessors.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  bsta_prob_density_functor< dist_ >
 A functor to return the probability density at a sample. More...
class  bsta_prob_density_addcovar_functor< mix_dist_ >
 A functor to return the probability density with additional covariance. More...
class  bsta_probability_functor< dist_ >
 A functor to return the probability integrated over a box. More...
class  bsta_probability_addcovar_functor< mix_dist_ >
 A functor to return the probability with added covariance. More...
class  bsta_mean_functor< dist_, Disambiguate >
 A functor to return the mean of the Gaussian. More...
struct  bsta_mean_functor< dist_, Disambiguate >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_mean_functor< dist_, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< dist_ > >::type >
 for compatibility with vpdl/vpdt. More...
struct  bsta_mean_functor< dist_, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< dist_ > >::type >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_var_functor< dist_ >
 A functor to return the variance of the Gaussian. More...
struct  bsta_var_functor< dist_ >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_var_functor< bsta_num_obs< bsta_gaussian_sphere< T, 1 > > >
 A functor to return the variance of the Gaussian. More...
struct  bsta_var_functor< bsta_num_obs< bsta_gaussian_sphere< T, 1 > > >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_diag_covar_functor< dist_ >
 A functor to return the variance of the Gaussian. More...
struct  bsta_diag_covar_functor< dist_ >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_diag_covar_functor< bsta_num_obs< bsta_gaussian_indep< T, n > > >
 A functor to return the variance of the Gaussian. More...
struct  bsta_diag_covar_functor< bsta_num_obs< bsta_gaussian_indep< T, n > > >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_det_covar_functor< dist_ >
 A functor to return the determinant of the covariance of the Gaussian. More...
class  bsta_weight_functor< mixture_, Disambiguate >
 A functor to return the weight of the component with given index. More...
struct  bsta_weight_functor< mixture_, Disambiguate >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_weight_functor< mixture_, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_ > >::type >
 A functor to return the weight of the component with given index. More...
struct  bsta_weight_functor< mixture_, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_ > >::type >::rebind< other_dist >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_, bsta_weight_functor< typename mixture_::component_type >, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_ > >::type >
 A vpdt specialization to make the weight functor work as a mixture accessor. More...
struct  vpdt_mixture_accessor< mixture_, bsta_weight_functor< typename mixture_::component_type >, typename vpdt_enable_if< vpdt_is_mixture< mixture_ > >::type >::rebind< other_dist, other_accessor >
 rebind this functor to another distribution type. More...
class  bsta_mixture_functor< mixture_, functor_ >
 A functor to apply another functor to one distribution in the mixture. More...
class  bsta_mixture_data_functor< mixture_, functor_ >
 A functor to apply another functor with data to one distribution in the mixture. More...
class  bsta_weighted_sum_functor< mixture_, functor_ >
 A functor to apply another functor to each distribution and produce a weighted sum. More...
class  bsta_weighted_sum_data_functor< mixture_, functor_ >
 A functor to apply another functor with data to each distribution and produce a weighted sum. More...
class  bsta_mixture_size_functor< mixture_ >
 A functor to count the number of components in the mixture. More...

Detailed Description

Basic functors for simple operations on Gaussian mixtures.

Matt Leotta (
January 30, 2006
     (none yet)

Definition in file bsta_basic_functors.h.