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B. Build Systems

After building VXL, you will want to write some code which links against your shiny new libraries. The details of this process vary depending on how you are building your own code. In general, as well as all the system standard libraries, you will need to tell your compiler and linker the following:

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B.1 CMake

If keeping track of include directories, etc. is too much hassle, or if you are building a project to run on multiple platforms, then we suggest using the CMake system to build your project. CMake automatically communicates the necessary settings between VXL and your project. If you are unable to get your non-CMake Makefile of project file to work properly, then please try CMake -- it will likely solve your problem for you.

VXL uses the CMake configuration system to generate Makefiles (for GNU Make or NMake) and MSVS Project files. There are other build systems as well, but most users use CMake. This section shows by example how to write `CMakeLists.txt' CMake files for VXL. The intent here is to show how to write these configuration files and to give detailed reasons for the various methods used in these files in VXL. This section should be used in conjunction with the CMake User's Manual (http://www.cmake.org).

CMake is available from http://www.cmake.org where you'll find pre-compiled versions and instructions for getting the source code from an anonymous Subversion (svn) server. VXL is designed to be configured by the latest released version of CMake. At the time of writing, this is version 2.6.0. When obtaining CMake via CVS, you can use the tag LatestRelease. Cmake documentation can be found at http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Documentation.html.

You can choose not to build certain portions of the VXL source tree by setting options in CMake.

Examples given below are for simple applications and libraries. Guidelines for the top level VXL `CMakeLists.txt' file and intermediate `CMakeLists.txt' files (which include many SUBDIRS commands) are not given here.

There are many good examples of `CMakeLists.txt' files in the VXL source, but they are often in a state of flux. The intention is for this document to show how the `CMakeLists.txt' files should be constructed and to be verbose about the reasons, and to also be a style guide for these files.

It is recommended that the build directory be separate from the source directory.

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B.1.1 Example 1: An application that uses VXL libraries

A single, complete `CMakeLists.txt' file follows, for a fictional application named foobar. The file is mostly comments, which are prefixed by '#' in CMake.

# This sample CMakeLists.txt file will configure an application named
# foobar that is built from foo.cxx, bar.cxx and some header files.

# The ADD_EXECUTABLE command configures a new executable.  There may
# be any number of these commands in the file.  The first argument to
# ADD_EXECUTABLE is the name of the executable file (without the
# possible .exe suffix) that you want to generate.  The rest of the
# arguments, up to the closing ")", are file names, where spaces,
# comments and newlines may be used at will.

# Always give the filename suffix for source files in the
# ADD_EXECUTABLE and ADD_LIBRARY commands.  CMake will try to guess
# the suffix if none is given, but this can cause problems when object
# files, or other files with the same name but different suffix, are
# present in the source directory.

# In addition to the C and C++ source files, all header files are
# included in the ADD_EXECUTABLE command so that they become part of
# the project in MS Visual Studio.  List all header files for this
# application, but not headers from other libraries you are using.
# The reason for this is that users of a GUI build system like MSVS
# will then see every source file in the file list, and can click on
# them to view and possibly edit them.

# Every source file (except for template instantiation files residing
# in Templates subdirectories) should be present in exactly one build
# rule, i.e., in either an ADD_EXECUTABLE or an ADD_LIBRARY rule in
# exactly one CMakeLists.txt file (normally the one in the same
# directory, but sometimes it could be the CMakeLists.txt file of the
# parent directory, cf. core/vil/file_formats).  Template instantiation
# files residing in Templates subdirectories are not included
# specifically in any CMakeLists.txt file, but are included via the
# command is demonstrated in Example 2, in which a library is built,
# but can also be used for executables.

# If this executable is using libraries other than vcl, then an
# INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is needed so that include files will be found
# (vcl is automatically included via the top level VXL CMakeLists.txt
# file).  This line is needed to include files from the core vxl and
# gel packages.  Most executables will, of course, need to include the
# core vxl sections.


# For INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, the preferred practice is to specify a
# directory exactly one level below ${allvxl_SOURCE_DIR} as an include
# directory, and then the further qualify include files in the source
# code with commands like #include <vsol/vsol_box_2d.h>.  Do not do
# any of the following.

# NO # INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${vxl_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/gel/vsol )

# Finally, we specify an actual executable. With recent versions of
# TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES, and so on, are processed in order, so
# INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES should come before the ADD_EXECUTABLE, and
# TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES should come after.

  foo.cxx foo.h
  bar.cxx bar.h

# Indicate which VXL libraries foobar depends on with the
# TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command.  Include each library that is
# directly used by this application.  Do not include libraries that
# are subsequently used by the libraries that are directly used.
# CMake will automatically handle the tree of dependencies so the link
# command will have all required libraries.

# The libraries can be listed in any order.  However, if you know that
# library "A" depends on library "B", then it is best to list library
# "A" before library "B".  Doing so helps to reduce the number of
# duplicate library listings in the link command generated by CMake.

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( foobar vnl_algo vul vil vcl )

# Before CMake 1.4, LINK_LIBRARIES commands were used to add
# libraries.  The LINK_LIBRARIES command should no longer be used in
# VXL in ordinary circumstances.

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B.1.2 Example 2: A library that uses VXL libraries

# This CMakeLists.txt file will configure a library named vfbl that is
# built from vfbl_foo.cxx, vfbl_bar.cxx, possibly vfbl_zip.cxx
# (optional, used if zlib is available) and several header files.

# This fictional vfbl library can optionally use zlib.  We will find
# out whether zlib is available by including this module file, and use
# it if it is.


# As in Example 1, we will configure to include VXL header files.


# For this library the list of source files will be built up with SET
# commands.  Before CMake 1.4 the SOURCE_FILES command was used for
# this purpose, but SOURCE_FILES is now deprecated and the SET command
# is preferred.  The SET command can be used to create source file
# lists for use with both the ADD_EXECUTABLE and ADD_LIBRARY commands.
# This is necessary when certain sources are conditionally included,
# as we see here, and preferred for long source file lists.

# The SET commands for a source list variable must come before the
# ADD_LIBRARY or ADD_EXECUTABLE command that uses them.  Because we
# are using SET and not SOURCE_FILES, the source list variable will be
# referenced with "${vfbl_sources}" as opposed to simply
# "vfbl_sources".  The ability to use ${vfbl_sources} to reference
# source lists is new in CMake 1.4, and is now preferred.

SET( vfbl_sources
  vfbl_foo.cxx vfbl_foo.h
  vfbl_bar.cxx vfbl_bar.h
  vfbl_baz.txx vfbl_baz.h

# Use AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY when there are .cxx files in a Templates
# directory that instantiate templates in .txx files.  This command
# causes each file in the subdirectory Templates to be added to a list
# of source files.

AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY( Templates vfbl_sources )

# Include the source file vfbl_zip.cxx when building the library only
# if ZLIB is available.  Notice how vfbl_sources is set to its current
# value, plus the new source file "vfbl_zip.cxx".

  SET( vfbl_sources ${vfbl_sources} vfbl_zip.cxx )

# The ADD_LIBRARY command configures a new library.  The first
# argument is again the target name, i.e., the name of the library to
# be created, but without any possible suffix such as ".lib",
# ".a" or ".so" and without the possible prefix "lib" (used in Unix).
# The other arguments are either file names, or (as here) a variable
# holding a list of files, specified before the ADD_LIBRARY command
# with one or more SET commands.

ADD_LIBRARY( vfbl ${vfbl_sources} )

# In general, include FindXXX.cmake to determine whether package XXX
# is available.  In this example, XXX is ZLIB.  VXL has its own
# specialised version of some of the FindXXX.cmake Module files
# instead of the ones that come with the current version of CMake.
# These specialised versions are there to deal with v3p, or copies of the
# files in the CMake CVS snapshot, but not available in the current
# release of CMake.

# The variable XXX_FOUND is set to "YES" if the package is available and
# undefined or "NO" if it is not.  If the package is available,
# XXX_INCLUDE_DIR and XXX_LIBRARIES variables are set, and you must use
# command (below). Note the separation of the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES from
# the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES because newer releases of CMake process this
# file in order.


# Just as in Example 1, use the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command to
# specify each library that is directly used by this library.  CMake
# will remember that vfbl needs these libraries.  When an application
# links with vfbl, CMake will automatically make sure it is linked
# with each of these libraries.  This linking is recursive, so that
# for example, the vcl in the line below is unnecessary - using vul
# and vil will ensure that vcl is used.  However, it is still a good
# practice to specify vcl here is the library directly uses vcl.

# Note that we could have two TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES to the same
# executable. This is okay: the dependencies are simply concatenated

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( vfbl vnl_algo vul vil vcl )

# The LINK_LIBRARIES command should not be used when configuring a
# library.  This would not propagate library dependencies to
# applications that use this library.

# Tests go in the tests subdirectory.  Whether the tests are built
# depends on BUILD_TESTING.

  SUBDIRS( tests )

# Same goes for examples.

  SUBDIRS( examples )

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B.1.3 Example 3: Building outside of the VXL tree

It is a good practice to keep your local source code which uses VXL, but will not become part of VXL, outside of the VXL source tree. CMake offers support for the configuration of a local build tree that will use the VXL build tree. The CMake commands below, used at the beginning of the top-level `CMakeLists.txt' in your local source code tree will make it easy for your tree to use VXL.

# Your local source tree must have its own project name.  This project
# will be a "client" project of VXL.  It will import configuration
# information and use parts of VXL.

PROJECT( foobar )

# The CMake command FIND_PACKAGE(VXL) attempts to find VXL binary
# installation.  CMake will look in the directory specified by the
# CMake variable VXL_DIR.  Normally, CMake will initially not find
# VXL, will warn you that it could not find VXL, and then give you the
# chance to set the variable VXL_DIR and reconfigure.  VXL_DIR now
# replaces VXL_BINARY_PATH.


# Whether FIND_PACKAGE(VXL) worked is stored in the variable
# VXL_FOUND.  If VXL was found we then include `UseVXL.cmake'
# which will set many variables prefixed with VXL_ that your project
# can use to determine what parts of VXL are present and how to use
# them.  `UseVXL.cmake' holds all the necessary definitions that
# CMake needs to use VXL.


# `UseVXL.cmake' will in turn include the file
# `VXLConfig.cmake' from the top of the VXL build tree.  You
# should look at this file to see what CMake variables are imported.

# To set VXL_DIR, you could rely on an environment variable:
# However, you must then make sure that VXLBIN is set correctly every
# time that cmake is run.  This is often a source of much frustration
# and is not recommended.
# Another option is to set the path directly:
#   SET( VXL_DIR /usr/local/vxl-1.0-beta2/bin )
# This has the drawback that the CMakeLists.txt file (this file) has
# to be modified to suit your particular setup, which may cause
# trouble.  If this file is under svn control, for example, you may
# inadvertently commit it with your local setup hard-coded, thus
# playing havoc with other users.

# The rest of this CMakeLists.txt file could contain commands as seen
# in the previous examples, or might just be SUBDIRS commands.

# Remember that all CMake variables defining the VXL configuration
# begin with "VXL_".  If you want to use VGUI in a client project you
# should use something like this.

  SET( foo_sources ${foo_sources}
    foo_gui.cxx foo_gui.h

# If you want to directly use the mpeg2dec library that VXL chose to
# use, do something like this.  You will link either to a system
# mpeg2dec library that VXL used or the one VXL built for itself and
# used.

  SET( foo_sources ${foo_sources}
    foo_video.cxx foo_video.h

# Now that we know all the source components we'll use, we can actually
# specify that the executable is to be built.

ADD_EXECUTABLE( foo ${foo_sources} )

# Finally, we need to specify the dependent libraries that are a result
# of our choices to include or exclude various pieces of code.



# In the file `UseVXL.cmake' in the VXL build directory you will
# see the xxx_FOUND, xxx_INCLUDE_DIR, and xxx_LIBRARIES variables set
# for all optional portions of VXL and all 3rd party libraries used by
# VXL.

In projects external to VXL you should not use the `UseVGUI.cmake', `FindMPEG2.cmake' or similar files in the VXL CMake Modules directory. These files are for VXL internal use only. Rely on the variable settings from `UseVXL.cmake'.

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B.1.4 CMake Pearls

You can tell CMake to be a bit more picky and to warn about the use of deprecated syntax with the following command.


If your programs or libraries are to use libraries that are outside of the VXL tree and outside of the normal system locations, you must tell CMake where to find the include files and libraries with commands such as these.

INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( /usr/local/include/libgimp )
LINK_DIRECTORIES( /usr/local/lib/gimp )

If your are building in a tree outside of the VXL tree, as in Example 3, and want libraries installed to a specific directory, you can use one of these commands. Here "foobar" is the name of the project (see Example 3).



SET( LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH /usr/local/lib )

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B.1.5 CMake Variables and Preprocessor Macros

Listed below are CMake variables commonly used in VXL CMake files and similar preprocessor macros. The CMake variable are prefixed by "CMake:" and the equivalent (usually identically named) C/C++ preprocessor macros (for #ifdef, etc.) are prefixed by "Preprocessor:". The means by which each variable is set is given in parenthesis.

To determine the compiler being used at compile time, use macros defined in `vcl/vcl_compiler.h'. The `FindXXX.cmake' files are in `$VXLSRC/config/cmake/Modules/'.

• CMake: WIN32 (defined by CMake, not in a file)
• Preprocessor: VCL_WIN32 (`vcl_compiler.h', included by each `vcl_*.h' file)

The Windows API is available. Keep in mind that WIN32 is defined under Cygwin, so it does not imply use of MSVC++. Make sure you don't really want HAS_MFC or VCL_VC (or VCL_VC_6 or VCL_VC_DOTNET) instead.

• CMake: UNIX (defined by CMake, not in a file)
• Preprocessor: system dependent

Some kind of Unix API is present. The CMake variable UNIX is also is defined under Cygwin.

• CMake: CYGWIN (defined by CMake, not in a file)
• Preprocessor: __CYGWIN__ (gcc under Cygwin)

The Cygwin API is present.

• CMake: BORLAND (defined by CMake, not in a file)
• Preprocessor: [???]

The Borland C++ compiler is being used.

• CMake: SOLARIS (VXL top level `UseVXL.cmake' file)
• Preprocessor: [???]

The OS is Solaris. This variable is set in the top level `CMakeLists.txt' file.

• CMake: MODULE_PATH (VXL top level `CMakeLists.txt' file)
• Preprocessor: (none)

Directory holding the VXL versions of the `FindXXX.cmake' files.

• CMake: MFC_FOUND (Module file `FindMFC.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_MFC (Occasionally defined where needed)

Microsoft Foundation Classes are available.

• CMake: GLUT_FOUND (Module file `FindGLUT.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_GLUT (Occasionally defined where needed)

The GLUT library is available.

• CMake: GTK_FOUND (Module file `FindGTK.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_GTK (Occasionally defined where needed)

The GTK library is available.

• CMake: JPEG_FOUND (Module file `FindJPEG.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_JPEG (Occasionally defined where needed)

The JPEG library is available.

• CMake: MPEG_FOUND (Module file `FindMPEG.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_MPEG (Occasionally defined where needed)

The MPEG library is available.

• CMake: NETLIB_FOUND (Module file `FindNetlib.cmake')
• Preprocessor: none (could easily be added if and where needed)

The NetLib library is available.

• CMake: OPENGL_FOUND (Module file `FindOpenGL.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_OPENGL (Occasionally defined where needed)

The OpenGL library is available.

• CMake: PNG_FOUND (Module file `FindPNG.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_PNG (Occasionally defined where needed)

The PNG library is available.

• CMake: QT_FOUND (Module file `FindQt.cmake')
• Preprocessor: none (could easily be added if and where needed)

The Qt library is available.

• CMake: QV_FOUND (Module file `FindQv.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_QV (Occasionally defined where needed)

The Qv library is available.

• CMake: TIFF_FOUND (Module file `FindTIFF.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_TIFF (Occasionally defined where needed)

The TIFF library is available.

• CMake: X11_FOUND (Module file `FindX11.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_X11 (Occasionally defined where needed)

The X11 library is available.

• CMake: ZLIB_FOUND (Module file `FindZLIB.cmake')
• Preprocessor: HAS_ZLIB (Occasionally defined where needed)

The ZLIB library is available.

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B.1.6 Historical CMake Include Files

VXL used to have `CMakeListsLink.txt' include files to handle library dependencies. The library dependency problem is now dealt with by CMake (since version 1.4) and the use of `CMakeListsLink.txt' files is deprecated.

In the past, VXL used `CMakeListsHeaders.txt' include files that were only included for Win32 builds, but this is no longer needed and is deprecated. The reason for having a `CMakeListsHeaders.txt' file was that older versions of CMake did not allow .h or .txx files in a build rule (except with MSVS), but this has been fixed now (CMake versions 1.2 and later). It is better to have everything in a single file, since that makes the whole system more manageable.

New VXL source code directories for executables and libraries will need a `CMakeLists.txt' file, but not a `CMakeListsLink.txt' and not a `CMakeListsHeaders.txt' file.

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B.2 Other Build Systems for Building VXL.

Your copy of VXL may contain control files for other build systems such as make or Developer Studio. Copies of these control files (e.g. makefiles or .dsp files) do exist in the repository, although they may not be quite as up to date. They are tucked away in the build-makefiles and build-dsps branches of the repository.

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B.3 Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1

I have successfully built VXL under MS Visual Studio, and am now trying to build a simple program that uses the libraries. The Linker complains that there are multiple definitions (error LNK2005) of several things from the C++ Standard Library, or locally defined symbols being imported (error LNK4049). What is going wrong?

These kinds of errors often indicate that you are linking against different C++ run-time libraries with which you compiled VXL (release vs debug, static vs DLL stdlib, etc). The flags like /MP and /MD much match exactly, in VXL's build and your program's build. These flags are set in Visual Studio under Project->Properties (or Settings under MSVC6.0)->C/C++->Code Generation->Use run-time library. You should set your project to (Debug) Multithreaded DLL to match the default settings for VXL.

The easiest way to link against VXL, we've found, is to use CMake for your project too. CMake will then make sure the flags match, or else will give you an error or warning.

Question 2

I followed the VXL installation documentation, but found that some of the entries in the `CMakeCache.txt' file say that CMake could not find programs, paths, etc. Is this a problem?

No. VXL needs very little to build correctly (only a C/C++ compiler at worst), however it can make use of various system provided libraries, rather than build its own versions. CMake also looks for lots of system tools so that it can understand the environment it is in. So having lots of NOTFOUND entries is quite normal. There is no need to worry unless CMake displays a warning or error message while it runs.

Question 3

I used CMake to create a MSVC project with BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY=ON. But when I try to build, it gives message "cannot open vcl.lib". What's wrong?

The CMake "Shared Library" feature doesn't work with MSVC. You have to use static libraries. This is mostly due to MSVC's requirements to have either a complete list of every exportable identifier or a decoration of every identifier in the code. We are too lazy (or appalled at this "feature") to try to fix this. If you absolutely need DLLs you can build your code using Cygwin, which can produce shared libraries in a "normal" manner. Alternatively, if you only want to export a small number of classes or functions, then you can manually list them. See the MSVC tool documentation for further details.

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