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Before anything else, let's look at some example programs.
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The image processing equivalent of "Hello world":
#include <vcl_iostream.h> #include <vil/vil_load.h> #include <vil/vil_save.h> #include <vepl/vepl_gradient_mag.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { // The input image: vil_image_view<unsigned char> in = vil_load(argv[1]); // The filter: vil_image_view<unsigned char> out = vepl_gradient_mag(in); // Write output: vil_save(out, argv[2]); vcl_cout << "Written the gradrient image to " << argv[2] << vcl_endl; return 0; } |
This example takes one grey-level image, and creates a second whose pixel values are the gradient magnitudes of the first.
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