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4. vpdfl: Multivariate Probability Density Modelling

Chapter summary:
Probability is the only calculus of uncertainty.

vpdfl contains several classes for representing and using multivariate probability density functions (PDFs).

Each PDF comes as a builder-model-sampler triplet of objects.

e.g. The abstract PDF base classes

The multivariate Gaussian PDF classes

The builders are used to compute the model data (eg the means, variances etc) for the models. The models are used to calculate densities, cumulative probabilities, gradients, etc. Samplers are used to generate samples from a given model. The samples are produced with a PDF given by its model.

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4.0.1 Strategy Pattern

This code is an example of the strategy pattern (Gamma, et al. Design Patterns, Addison Wesley, 1995.) It is possible to write code that builds and uses a PDF, where your code does not itself know what sort of PDF is being used. Both builders and PDFs can be saved and loaded by base class pointer.

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4.1 vpdfl_pdf_base

This is the base class for Multi-Variate PDF classes. It also records the mean and variance in each dimension. Derived classes may record more information (eg covariance matrix etc). For cases where the distributions of parameters are multi-modal, the number and centres of each peak can be recorded. This is particularly useful for non-linear and mixture model representations of the parameter distributions.

The PDFs are assumed to be continuous, and defined over an $\vert R^n$ vector space. The type of these vectors is vnl_vector<double>.

Main functions

vpdfl_pdf_sampler* sampler()

Create appropriate sampler class on heap and return pointer

int n_dims() const

Dimensionality of vector space represented

const vnl_vector<double>& mean() const

Mean vector for distribution

const vnl_vector<double>& variance()

Vector giving variance along each dimension

int n_peaks() const

Number of peaks of distribution (1 unless multimodal)

const vnl_vector<double>& peak(int i) const

Position of the i'th peak (useful for multi-modal PDFs)

double log_p(x)

Log of probability density at x

double operator(x)

Probability density at x.

void gradient(g, x, p)

Gradient of PDF at x

double log_prob_thresh(pass_proportion)

Compute threshold for PDF to pass a given proportion

void nearest_plausible(x; log_p_min)

Compute nearest point to x which has a log density above a threshold

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4.2 vpdfl_builder_base

A base class for objects which build Multivariate PDF models from sets of vectors supplied in a mbl_data_wrapper<vnl_vector<double> > derived iterator.

Main functions

vpdfl_pdf_base* new_model()

Create a new model of appropriate type on heap and return pointer

void build(model, data)

Build the model from the vectors supplied in data

void weighted_build(model, data, weights)

Build the model from the supplied vectors, allowing for given weights

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4.3 vpdfl_base_sampler

This generates samples drawn from the distribution described by a vpdfl_pdf_base. Note that unlike other types in the library, the samplers don't contain useful state, and cannot be saved.

Main functions

const vpdfl_pdf_base& model() const

The vpdfl_pdf_base for which this is a sampler

void set_model(pdf)

Set model for which this is a sampler

void sample(x)

Draw random sample from distribution

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4.4 Derived Classes


Gaussian PDF aligned with the cartesian axes.


General gaussian at arbitrary orientation. Axes are defined by a set of eigenvectors, eigenvecs(), and their associated eigenvalues, eigenvals() of the covariance matrix of the original data.


A gaussian at arbitrary orientation. The covariance in the direction of the smaller eigenvalues are assumed for efficiency to be circular.


Mixture model containing two or more components (each a vpdfl_pdf_base derived class)

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4.5 Examples

Suppose we wish to compute a multivariate gaussian from a set of vectors, then estimate the probability that each vector was generated by the distribution.

vcl_vector<vnl_vector<double> > data(n);
// Load in the vectors

// Create an iterator object to pass the data in
mbl_data_wrapper<vnl_vector<double> > v_data(data);

// Define what type of builder to use.  In this case we want a Gaussian
vpdfl_gaussian_builder builder;

// Generate model to build
vpdfl_pdf_base *model = builder.new_model();
// I could have created it directly using
// vpdfl_gaussian model;

// Build the model from the data
builder.build(*model, v_data);
vsl_print_summary(vcl_cout, model);

// Now test each vector
for (int i=0;i<data.size();++i)
    vcl_cout<<"log(P(v(i))) = "<<model->log_p(data[i])<< vcl_endl;

// Tidy up
delete model;

To generate a collection of 4d Normally distributed samples.

// Create PDF
vpdfl_axis_gaussian model;
vnl_vector mean(4, 0.0), var(4, 1.0);
model.set(mean, var);

// Create a sampler.
vpdfl_sampler_base *sampler = model.new_sampler();

// Somewhere to store the data
vcl_vector<vnl_vector<double> > data(n);

// Generate 100 samples.
for (unsigned i =0; i < n; ++i)

// Tidy-up
delete sampler;

It is straightforward to merge the above examples, demonstrating how to use a PDF and sampler to generate some data, and then building a new PDF from that data. This is exactly what the test programs do.

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4.6 Further Development

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4.6.1 Discrete Probability Distributions.

There is nothing fundamental in the design that means that a PDF has to be defined over a real vector space. It should be possible to template the base classes, so that the basic design could be used for discrete distributions or for continuous univariate distributions.

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